Page 16 of Her Dark Priests
“I don’t think West would want you using his first name. It isn’t very professional.”
I grinned as I tackled a particularly stubborn knot. “I know, that’s why you need to tell me.” I put the comb down and used my fingers to trap it into a loose French braid. Hopefully that would stop it from looking so wild in the heat once we got outside. Davenport—Jack had gone quiet.
“How am I going to annoy him if you won’t tell me his name? I need something to drive him crazy,” I called. Still no reply. I picked up the bags and pushed the door open with my hip. “Come on, tell me...”
“He could, but then he’d have to kill you,” a deep voice replied just off to my left, and I jumped.
“Shit, West, you nearly gave me a heart attack!” I glared over at Jack, who sent me an apologetic smile.
West raised his eyebrows. “Which would still not be apt repayment for what you put us through yesterday.”
“You did scare us half to death, Tory,” Jack added. “We thought you’d been taken.”
I didn’t miss the look West gave Jack after hearing him use my nickname, but I ignored it. “Why does everyone think someone is going to kidnap me at the drop of a hat? I mean, it happened once fifteen years ago, and I was fine!”
“That shouldn’t concern you,” West answered, completely ignoring my question, as usual. I opened my mouth to argue the point, but I stopped as a loud banging sounded on my door.
“Lady Astley-Hawke, are you there?” The voice that shouted my name through the door was not an Arabic one, instead it had clipped English syllables. I looked over at Jack, who shrugged. West moved to the door, placing his hand silently on the handle.
“Who is asking?” he questioned.
“Interpol. Is the lady in there with you, sir?”
I stared at West in horror. “You called fucking Interpol?” I hissed.
He shook his head. “It must have been your father. Clearly, he doesn’t trust us to get you home after we lost you once already.”
I rolled my eyes. “My father does tend towards the dramatic.”
“It’s clearly where you get it from,” I heard West mutter and looked at him in surprise.
“Was that actually a joke, West?”
“Lady Astley-Hawke?”
West sighed and unlocked the door. “You’ll have to talk to them and reassure them you’re not being kidnapped by us.”
I grinned at him, and his eyes narrowed. “Don’t you dare.”
“Okay, okay. Spoilsport.”
He shook his head in frustration and opened the door. Two men from Interpol stood in the hallway, and there was evident relief on their faces when they saw me standing there. I fought the urge to roll my eyes again at the histrionics of it all.
“All present and correct, gentlemen, nothing amiss here. I simply wanted a little holiday, I’m sure you can understand.”
“Of course, my lady. It’s just—”
“It’s just my father has a tendency to overreact and also has friends all over the world who will pull strings for him at the drop of a hat, I know. Well, don’t worry, gentlemen, you can reassure him that I am fine, and well and perfectly safe.”
“Yes, thank you, my lady. And... er... what should we tell him about your gentlemen friends?”
“Oh, for goodness’ sake, I’m not entertaining some kind of harem in here, Officer. These are the security agents that my father employed himself. You can also reassure him that they are being their normal, annoying selves and stopping me from having any fun. That’ll cheer him up a bit.”
“Excuse me, my lady.” West’s voice was stiff as he came to the door and held out our three passports for the Interpol agents to check. When they finally left, he shut the door and glared at me.
I held my hands up. “Don’t look at me, it’s my father who’s overreacting.”
West closed his eyes, and I saw his throat move as he swallowed. When he opened them again, he looked over at Jack. “Make sure she’s ready to leave in twenty minutes.”