Page 14 of Descent of Angels
“That’s how we know he’s getting better,” Ade said, leaning against the stall and looking down at us. “Normally he can never stop eating.”
I smiled down at him. “Hunger is a good sign. We can’t overload your system, but I brought you some more broth to keep you going. If you’re feeling better in the morning, we can try something a bit more substantial.”
He grinned. “I’m happy with the broth, though I’d sin for a bit of bread to go with it.”
I laughed. “Let me check your injury and change the bandages, and then I can give you some.” I pulled the blankets away and opened his shirt. There had been a little seepage on the bandages, but less than I’d thought. When I pulled them away, I stared down in surprise. The wound was healing really quickly. Most of the black marks had faded away, and the skin was starting to knit together. “That’s incredible,” I murmured, reaching out and lightly stroking my fingers down the side of the wound. It was warm, but not hot. The infection was fading, thank goodness. Preoccupied, I trailed my hand lower, over the waistband of his gray sweatpants, and I jumped as he grabbed my wrist.
“I wouldn’t go any lower, love. I’m not quite up for that yet.”
I inadvertently looked down. Despite what he said, it was clear that a certain appendage was very much up for that and working perfectly, even if the rest of him was still recovering from near death. My eyes flew up to his. He was watching me with amusement.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to... I’ll just change those bandages. I’m so sorry.”
“She’s apologizing again,” Jophiel said to Ade, but I ignored him.
I quickly changed the bandages, my face flushing red with embarrassment.
Remiel watched me silently. Then, as I finished, he reached out and grabbed my hand. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” he murmured quietly. His voice was low and gruff and gentle.
“Oh, yes, I know,” I mumbled, looking anywhere but at him and trying to pull my hand back.
He wouldn’t let go, curling his huge fingers around mine. “Dylan, look at me.” He tugged on my hand when I didn’t. “Look at me.” His tone was stern and commanding, and I couldn’t not do as he told me. “It’s totally normal for a man to react that way to the touch of a beautiful woman, even if the touch was innocent. It doesn’t mean I’m going to jump you. I would never touch you unless you wanted me to. None of us would.”
“I thought angels didn’t... Wouldn’t...”
His eyes moved to Ade who silently watched us then back to me. “We have... desires... like any being with physical bodies. We have a moral obligation to put our duty and service to God before those desires—unless we fall.”
I frowned. “What do you mean, fall?”
“There are angels throughout history who have fallen in love with human women. Millennia ago, it even started a war. Now, an angel can be with a woman he loves, but only if he falls from Heaven and from the love and service of God. It is a very rare occurrence.”
“Oh, oh, okay, I see.”
“Well, I mean, it’s not like...” Jophiel started.
“What Remiel means is that you have nothing to fear from any of us,” Ade interrupted. He moved forward and knelt down next to me, taking my other hand. “I don’t think it’s wrong to say that all four of us think you are one amazing woman, Dylan, or that if things were different and we were human, we’d definitely be interested in you that way, but as the situation stands, it just isn’t something we can explore right now. You don’t need to be nervous around us, we wouldn’t harm you or touch you in any way you aren’t comfortable with.”
I nodded, trying to ignore the wave of disappointment that swept through me at his words. Honestly, I had allowed myself just the slightest bit of hope that one of them might want me, that they might be able to take me away from here. I swallowed, pushing down the feeling, and smiled at Ade.
“Of course, I completely understand, and I... well, I like you all... well, maybe not you so much,” I teased, poking my tongue out at Remiel to show I was joking. He grinned and squeezed my hand before releasing it.
“Can’t stand you either, love. Now, where’s my broth?”
I smiled and pulled my hand from Ade’s as I reached down for the Tupperware. It had cooled slightly, but Remiel still seemed to enjoy it as he let me feed him spoonful after spoonful until the tub was empty. My energy was swiftly draining away now though, and I leaned back against the stall as Jophiel cleared the dinner stuff away. The metal bars sent more shivers through my body, and Remiel noticed.
“You’re freezing,” he observed. “Come here.” I moved closer, not realizing what he meant until he reached out and pulled me down next to him. I tried to get up, but he pulled me close with his massive arm. He was warm, and I was so tired.
“I need to go back to the house,” I murmured, shivering.
“Not until you’re warm,” Ade replied. He lay down on the other side and curled up behind me, fitting his body around me perfectly and sandwiching me in with Remiel. Jophiel stood up and grabbed a couple of blankets, draping them over us and then taking a couple for himself. He grabbed the thermos of coffee and grinned at me as he sat down in the corner.
“Go to sleep,” he instructed. “You’re safe.”
Safe. My mind wandered sleepily over the word. No, I was never safe. Tonight, though, with Remiel’s body close to mine and Ade’s arms around me, I felt warmth creep over my body, and for the first time in a long time, I pretended that maybe I was.