Page 19 of Descent of Angels
My mouth fell open. “You didn’t...”
“No, of course not,” Remiel cut in. “We refused, and we tried to stop them from setting it ablaze, but we were heavily outnumbered and we couldn’t stop them. The whole building went up. Once we realized we couldn’t stop, we ran. Our commander sent his top lieutenant to hunt us down. It was she who we were running from when we came across the hellions attacking your farm. She’s been hunting us for weeks.”
“Oh my. No wonder you wanted them to leave... You should go, all of you. Right now!” I pulled out of their hands and scrambled to my feet. I grabbed my clothes and quickly dragged my underwear and jeans back on.
“We bring danger to you and your home, so I can understand you wanting us to leave,” Eleth murmured, and there was hurt in his eyes.
I pushed him. “Don’t be stupid. I just don’t want her catching you. What would happen if she did?”
Eleth shrugged. “We’d probably be tried for treason and executed, unless...”
“Unless what?” I prompted, my heart plummeting at the thought of anything happening to them.
“Unless we choose to fall. Fallen angels are no longer bound by the rule of Heaven. We would answer to Hell instead.” Ade stood up, brushing straw off his clothes.
“You would become evil?” I asked. “You wouldn’t be... you... anymore?”
“Hell isn’t all evil, it’s pretty gray, much like Heaven and Earth. The hellions we hunt now come from a place within Hell called Tartarus, where they have been imprisoned for millennia. They have no souls, no morals, and no rules. They are sheer chaos and evil. If we submit to the rule of Hell, we would remain as we are, but once we choose, there is no going back.”
“Of course, if we do fall, we are no longer bound by Heaven’s law, so we can indulge in whatever desires we choose,” Jophiel said. He ran his hand up the inside of my thigh, sending a delicious shiver through my body.
“Wait, you’re not... you’re not choosing to do this because of me, are you?” I questioned, horrified at the thought. I was kidding myself. They wouldn’t have given their entire lives and safety up for me, but I had to know. The pressure that would cause would be unbearable.
“We already made the decision, I think,” Eleth answered, looking at his brothers in turn. They all nodded, and then he turned to me. “But the idea that we might be able to spend our new lives with you, well, that was definitely a deal sweetener, even if you only chose one of us.”
“But if you chose all of us” —Jophiel grinned— “we would have our own heaven.”
“Like I said, it’s a lot to take in. You need to make your own decision, so don’t answer now,” Eleth urged, nudging Jophiel with his foot.
“Of course, that doesn’t mean we can’t try to persuade you in other ways...” Jophiel’s grin changed to a sultry smile as his hand reached the top of my thigh and cupped my pussy through my jeans. I gasped at the sudden heat.
“That’s true,” Eleth murmured, moving closer and pulling my shirt apart so he could cup my breasts. “After all, what’s a choice between Heaven and Hell without a little temptation?” His mouth fastened on mine, so I couldn’t answer, but as they pulled me back down onto the straw, I found myself agreeing.
I stretched out on the blanket that I claimed for myself, easing my muscles. Funny how we all thought we were so strong and fit, and yet working for three days solid on a farm had muscles aching that I didn’t even know I owned. After we insisted on helping out while we stuck around for Remiel to heal, Dylan had managed to find a long list of stuff for us to do. We were more than happy to help. Most of it was stuff she could have managed months before if she’d just had a second pair of hands to help her. From what I’d seen, though, her father didn’t lift a finger to help, except to issue orders. He spent most of the morning sleeping and most of the afternoon drinking and watching sports before joining his friends in the town bar. Dylan had said when she was younger, they had hired hands, but as she became more capable and money got tight, they’d had to be let go. She’d been grateful that we’d pushed ourselves to get as much done for her as possible, and I had to admit, I was pretty damn proud of what we’d achieved over the last few days.
I stretched again. Remiel was snoring away next to me, and Ade and Eleth were off “showering” under the hose. I had already had mine. The clean shirt I now wore was slightly itchy, but the dark blue and gray plaid suited my complexion, and I wanted to look good for Dylan tonight. We’d planned a surprise for her, and I was so excited to show her. It had been my idea, and I grinned thinking of how happy it would make her. I was hoping it might let my brothers relax a little too. It was easy to think we were safe here in this beautiful place, but hellions still roamed Earth, and we were still being hunted by our own kind. I knew the angel coming after us by reputation only, and I would admit to being slightly nervous about her catching up with us. She was known to be nearly as ruthless as Gabriel, which didn’t bode well for us deserters. Still, I hoped that just for tonight, we could kick back and relax. There were plans to be made over the next few days, but tonight, we could just enjoy each other’s company.
I couldn’t believe it had only been a few days since we’d arrived and met Dylan. It felt as if I’d known her forever. Everything about her just felt so right, and I wanted her from the moment I saw her. Now that I knew what kind of woman she was, so kind, caring, and generous, I just wanted her to be mine. I had no problem sharing her, but I wanted to wake up with her in the morning and hold her through the night as we slept, and, okay, yes, I was really keen on exploring more of our physical relationship too. None of us had gone all the way yet. We’d agreed we didn’t want to push her into anything, and we’d only go there when she wanted to. Over the last few days, we had limited ourselves to simply exploring her body and letting her explore ours, and I’d loved every minute, but I wanted more.
I closed my eyes and pictured the way her chocolate brown hair gleamed with gold highlights when the sun hit it, how she’d blush when we’d compliment her, the way she could banter with the best of them, and how she’d tell Remiel off when he was being a dick. I just wanted to fall into those dark eyes as her soft lips parted when one of us brought her to climax… My cock stirred against my jeans, and I tried to adjust myself. She was utterly breathtaking, and yet she had no idea how gorgeous she was. I was always the most impulsive one out of the four of us, diving headfirst into everything, and Ade was usually the one stopping me from making an idiot out of myself or getting hurt, but with Dylan, all I wanted to do was dive in, and I was fairly sure the other guys were feeling it too. I’d seen the way they looked at her, and to be honest, the idea of us sharing her was a blessing. We’d been a unit since we could remember, brothers-in-arms, so knowing she wasn’t about to divide us by choosing one of us just made my heart sing.
I was suddenly filled with a strong need to see her again, even though it had only been an hour or so, and I sprung up from the floor. Naturally, my foot caught in the straw and I pitched over sideways, landing hard on top of Remiel. He awakened with a roar, and I suddenly was pinned to the ground, a sparkling white blade at my throat before he recognized me and pulled back.
“Joph, what in Heaven?”
I attempted a laugh, but he’d winded me, so I gasped a bit before he stood up and pulled me to my feet.
“Got up too fast… tripped.”
He ran a hand through his mass of reddish-brown hair. “And where are you off to in such a hurry?”
“I’m going to see if Dylan is ready yet.”
Remiel shook his head. “Boy, you have it bad.”