Page 38 of Descent of Angels
“Dear Ms. Dylan Reynolds, we are delighted to offer you a place at the University of Washington—”
My mouth fell open and the whole room erupted with cheers and shouts. I stood there shocked as Jophiel flung his arms around me. Eleth joined him and then Ade, and Remiel reached around all of us, crushing us tight.
“Can’t... breathe!” I choked out and they backed off.
“I told you there was nothing to worry about.” Eleth grinned.
I stared at him, still unable to say anything.
“Dylan, sweet one, are you okay?” Ade asked, his face growing serious.
“She’s fine,” Remiel boomed. “It just hasn’t hit her yet.”
I turned to him. “I got in? I got a place?”
He nodded, grinning crazily. “You did, sweet one, you start in the fall.”
“Oh my...” I suddenly felt shaky as realization dawned on me. They had accepted me. I was going to university, and one day, I would be a doctor.
“Maybe you should sit down,” Ade suggested, frowning.
“This way,” Eleth directed, pushing open the kitchen door. I followed him inside and then gasped and laughed at the same time.
Balloons and streamers hung everywhere, and there were vases and vases of pink roses. A huge spread of food lay on the large oak table at the center, and a huge white cake that said “Doctor Dylan” on it, surrounded by pink iced roses, took center stage.
I whirled around to see them all standing there, looking proud. “You did this? For me? But how did you know?”
“Well, we never doubted that you would get in,” Eleth replied, slipping his arms around me.
“That, and they don’t tend to turn people down with a really thick envelope. It’s more of a one sheet of paper kind of thing if they reject you,” Jophiel teased.
“So when we saw the envelope at the post office, we knew, and we ran around grabbing all this stuff. Now, Dylan, sit down, and Rem, let’s open some bubbly and celebrate our girl!”
A couple of hours later, I sat on Remiel’s lap, leaning against his broad chest as I tipped the last of my champagne into my mouth. The chatter was quieter now. We’d gone from manic dancing and celebration at my acceptance, to discussing logistics like travel and farm work, and general musings about the future. To my delight, we’d even discussed the possibility of children. I had never thought I wanted children after my own upbringing, but the thought of raising a child in a house with so much love in it made me so happy. I’d learned early on that angels couldn’t have babies. Ade had taken me to one side once our relationship had become physical to explain there was no chance of an unwanted pregnancy, and I had been glad. It had taken away one of the biggest worries I had about it, outside of my father finding out. Now though, as we talked about Remiel’s idea for a swimming pool, Eleth had brought up the notion of maybe needing to expand the house one day to allow for children’s bedrooms. Ade had agreed that adoption was certainly not out of the question now that the Concordia had official Earth identities for each of them, and to be honest, the idea of possibly taking a child who had grown up in an environment like I had and showing them what a family could be was appealing.
“And what are you smiling at, Doctor Dylan?” Ade asked, his dark eyes falling on me. I had noticed that the gold in their eyes was fading, and they looked considerably more human. Ade’s were a very dark brown with golden flecks, Jophiel’s were gray, Eleth’s were light blue, and Remiel’s were a deep green.
I smiled back at Ade. “I was just thinking about us, our future, and how I never would have believed I would be sitting here with all of you.”
“Yeah, the future does look pretty good,” Ade said warmly.
“Unless the world tries to end again,” Jophiel added. We all swung our heads to look at him, and he held his hands up in defense, laughing. “Okay, okay, the world is fine. It’s not going to end any day soon. Sorry I said anything!”
I laughed and lay back against Remiel’s chest. Ade’s eyes moved from my face to Rem’s, and something passed between them.
Remiel’s hands slid from my lap to my knees. As he moved his hands up my bare skin, I felt him stiffen under me.
“What’s going on?” I asked, unable to keep a smile off my face.
“Oh, we just want to celebrate you,” Ade said, standing up and walking over to us.
“In fact, we want to celebrate every single inch of you,” Eleth purred, his gaze dropping to the low V of my dress.
Remiel’s hands disappeared under the hem of my short skirt, and he gently pulled my legs farther apart, rubbing his thumbs up and down the sensitive skin of my inner thighs.