Page 16 of A Lie in Church
I glared at him and paid for the pregnancy test. I grabbed it and stepped outside the store. I called for a cab and chewed on my fingernails the whole ride home. I gave the driver the money left in my purse when he stopped the car in my driveway.
Rushing out, I headed home, but I paused when I saw three suitcases on the porch—my suitcases. My parents stood next to the suitcases along with my glaring sister. Mom was crying, and Dad was trying to calm her down.
“Not you guys too.” Hopelessness washed all over me as my mind meshed into a myriad of jumbled thoughts.
I exhaled deeply, forcing a smile.
“You got this, Chloe. You got this.” I gave myself a pep talk as I approached them.
My mom detached herself from my dad’s hold, staring at me as I got closer.
If looks could kill, Ciara would have killed me multiple times with her murderous stare. My palms felt sweaty as I stopped one foot away from my suitcases, trying not to think about the reason they were outside.
“Dad, Mom, it’s not true,” I said slowly, as if it would make them understand me better.
“Told you she would deny it,” Ciara said immediately after I finished my sentence.
“I thought it was over. You promised me you’d never be that girl again,” Mom sobbed.
“I have changed. I’m telling the truth. I’m not pregnant, and I can prove it to you. I have a pregnancy test right here.” I showed them the small packet.
My parents stared at the packet; they almost looked convinced as their shoulders relaxed, but I could tell my actions in the past were blurring their trust in me.
“If you will just let me in and …” I tried to go into the house, but Ciara shoved me back.What did I ever do to her to receive such coldness?
“I will take a pregnancy test right now and show you I’m not …” I struggled to open the packet with shaky hands, but my tears had left me weak. “Please let me prove it to you,” I begged.
“Fine, I want to believe you, Cassandra, but if this turns out to be true, I don’t know what to think anymore,” Mom said, making way for me to enter the house.
I rushed into the house, everyone trailing behind me. Ciara followed me upstairs and waited outside the bathroom door as I took the test. A part of me was scared for some reason. I bit nervously on my lips as I waited for the result to show. I sighed in relief when I saw the negative sign.
I opened the door with happy tears and a big grin as I showed my sister. She took it from me and examined it.
“I told you I’m not pregnant,” I said, smiling excessively.
Ciara said nothing. I got no reaction from her.
“It’s right there—negative,” I pointed.
“Did you wash your hands after taking the test?” she asked.
I was confused. “No.”
“I will show Mom. Clean up,” she said, looking inside the bathroom with her face twisted in disgust.
I looked behind me and saw the mess I’d made. My shoes and purse were on the floor, and tissues littered the counter. I had been in a hurry and panicking, so I’d tossed everything on ground.
“I will be down in a minute,” I said and shut the door.
I cleaned up quickly and washed my hands. I couldn’t wait for my parents to apologize for doubting me. I wanted them to know I was a better person now. I picked up my purse and left the bathroom. I rushed and met my family downstairs.
“I told you I wasn’t pregnant.” I grinned.
I focused on my parents, waiting for them to welcome me back into the house, but they were silent, like they hadn’t heard a word I’d said. I expected a smile and maybe an apology, but Mom was in deep tears. Dad looked heartbroken with his face numb and body limp.
“What?” I asked, slowing down.
Mom shook her head and cried harder. Dad tried to calm her down. I looked over at my sister, and she avoided my eyes.