Page 171 of A Lie in Church
I smiled and touched his face. Thank God I could move my body and feel things again. I ignored the pounding in my head as I turned to face him. His thick eyelashes fluttered, and then his eyes opened.
“Hey, sleeping beauty,” I whispered. I could barely recognize my own voice.
“Chloe?” He stood up, staring at me like I wasn’t real. He leaned closer and placed a kiss on my head. “You woke up,” he whispered, caressing my cheeks. He kissed every part of my face before kissing my lips. “I’m so sorry.” He looked so drained.
I smiled weakly at him, brushing my thumb against his face.He shaved his beard? Why? I wanted to do it.
“I’m so sorry, Chloe.” He looked like he was about to break down.
The door opened. Adrian walked in, holding Karen’s hand. My hand dropped from Tristan’s face.
“You!” I glared at her. I hated how weak my voice sounded. “It’s her,” I said hoarsely. I wished my throat didn’t feel so dry.
“What?” Tristan asked, looking behind him.
“It was Karen. She did this to me. She has been the one all along.”
They all shared a confused look and stared at me like I was crazy.
“It’s okay. The doctor said you’ll have difficulty recalling what happened.”
“I’m fine, Tristan. I swear she was there yesterday.”
“Chloe, it’s been three weeks.”
“What?” I mumbled.
“I would never hurt you, Chloe. You’re like a sister to me,” Karen said sweetly.
“Shut up!” The pounding in my head increased.
“Hey, calm down,” Tristan whispered, holding me down as I tried to sit up.
“You guys have to believe me. I caught her that night. She injected me with something and hit me on the head. I’m not lying!” I screamed, getting frustrated.
The heart monitor began to beep, and the pounding in my head worsened.
“I will get a doctor.” Tristan ran out of the room.
“Chloe, relax. You’re hurting yourself,” Adrian said while Karen smirked wickedly beside him.
I wished he would turn and see the look on her face.
“Don’t worry; you’re going to be okay,” Karen said softly with a smile that seemed to be mocking me.
“You’re despicable. You won’t get away with this,” I said, shaking my head at her in pure disgust. The heart monitor was not helping the pounding in my head. I felt weak, and my heart beat uncontrollably.
“Chloe, breathe. You’re going to be fine. It’s just a panic attack,” Adrian said, staring at me and at the heart monitor.
The door burst open. A doctor walked in with a nurse. His round glasses made him look younger. He approached the bed with long strides.
I tried to even my breathing, but I couldn’t. The doctor glanced at the heart monitor and extended his hand to the nurse. She gave him the syringe lying on the steel tray. His lips stretched into a thin line as he checked the IV connected to my hand.
I turned my gaze to Tristan. He gave me a soft smile, a smile that hid the deep worry within. The bags in his eyes were visible from here I saw the doctor inject something into the IV.
My body relaxed, and my eyes closed slowly. I allowed the sleep to drown me.
When I woke up,no one was in the room. I stared blankly at the ceiling. How could they not believe me? No one ever believed me. It was like a curse.