Page 13 of Hallelujah Rising
The door to the clubhouse opened and out staggered the heavily made-up blonde who had pushed Valentina into the wall. Valentina recognized the guy who came up behind the girl as the man who had barred Valentina’s entry into the clubhouse entrance with thatbitchcomment and leering sneer.
Match made in heaven.
Valentina watched from the shadows as the guy grabbed the girl by her hair and yanked hard. Then he let her go only to reach down inside the girlsbarely-thereshirt and pop out one of her breasts. He held the red- rouged nipple in between his thumb and forefinger then he began to pull and pinch at it in a weird sort of rhythm, kind of like he was milking cow.
While his other hand—Valentina blushed hot in the darkness—was shoved up the girl’s short skirt and shoving it in and out, in and out of her in that same strange rhythm.
And the girl—the whole time the guy was finger-jogging her, was letting out these really loud, crying howls— just like an alley cat in heat.
Valentina listened and looked on even as she felt sick with disgust, hot with embarrassment, and flooded with a weird sort of fascination that kept her frozen to the spot. She jumped with fright and bit down on her lip to keep from crying out and giving herself away when a loud, deep, and very masculine voice bellowed out from the darkness.
“Prospect, I’m giving you a direct order to either shoot the bitch or make her come. But for fuck’s sake, shut that caterwauling Bandaid up!”
A bunch of “fuck yeahs”roared out in agreement as shouted commands to“do it”sounded out across the yard.
And while the world listened in—the prospect followed orders.
He didn’t shoot her, but without any doubt, he made her come.
And when it was over, it seemed that the whole yard broke out into a round of applause.
Valentina had had enough.
Way, way, way more than enough; but before she could make her getaway, the two lovebirds moved in front of her, unwittingly blocking her path. With drunken enthusiasm and without bothering to cover her breasts back up,the girldropped to her knees in the dirt and the gravel and the piss and the beer, and whatever else lay hidden in the sparse grass. Then she got busy giving the outlaw a blow job for the ages.
Feeling like she was trapped in the observation booth at some weird Olympic sex try-outs, Valentina averted her eyes and waited for the finish.
When it was over, she was not even remotely surprised to see the two ardent lovers stagger off in different directions and hook up almost immediately with two other partners.
So many levels of just plain wrong and Valentina was right in the thick of it.
Looking around at the yard teeming with boozed-up puppet masters who were busy pulling the strings of willing and sexually-charged drunken marionettes, Valentina realized what a foolish and dangerous situation she had placed herself in. If Hal was here somewhere, she was probably better off not finding him—she really didn’t want to stop and imagine what he might be doing. Not if what she had seen so far was any indication of what partying it up Saints-style meant.
Valentina decided that her best bet was to try and make it back to the car. Thank god she had had the foresight to grab the keys from the ignition. So, once Valentina got to the vehicle, she could wait the situation out safely locked inside. However, the thought of having to navigate back through the clubhouse made Valentina cringe. There was absolutely no way she could risk putting herself through that particular horror again. Keeping to the shadows, she began to explore the outlying area around the large bunker style building. There had to be another way around the clubhouse that did not take her through the heavy tree coverage.
With careful steps, she perused the perimeter and discovered a path that ran alongside the building. The narrow trail was overgrown with bramble branches, and it looked like it hadn’t been used in a long time. What appeared to be a huge heating and cooling unit sat halfway down the path, but Valentina was pretty sure that she could make her way around that and land in the front of the building. From there, she could make her way easily to the parking lot.
Now armed with a plan and full of resolve, Valentina started off down the narrow trail. But when a loud screech of a night bird sounded out from above her, she froze in fright. Valentina gave herself a good talking to—if every little noise along the way is going to make you pee your pants and act like a scared mouse, you might as well go back through the clubhouse and offer yourself up to be groped, stepped on, and god only knows what else.Put on your big girl pants and decide one way or the other!
Just for the sake of argument, Valentina felt around gingerly for the sore spot on the side of her head where it had been rammed against the wall. When she found the beginnings of a good-sized lump, Valentina made her choice.
Deep, dark scary path, here I come.
As if in warning—the first steps that Valentina took brought the searing pain of a deep scratch to her sandaled foot and created a long tear in the denim that covered her thigh.
Damn bramble bushshe let out a hiss as she extracted herself from the thin, thorny branch. To Valentina’s consternation, that path was harder to navigate than she had expected. It was narrow and rutted with half-buried, jagged stones that jabbed into the thin bottom of her fashion-forward, but not very practical, delicate sandal.
At certain points, it was almost impossible to push back the overgrown weeds that licked at her heels and made the front of her calves itch. When the crunch of gravel and the slurred expletive—sonofabitch—came sounding out from somewhere behind her, Valentina swiveled her head to look back from where she had come. She saw a too-drunk-to-stand-on-his-own guy stagger forward, fumble with his pants, whip out his dick, and piss on the side of the building.
To Valentina’s horror, she saw that it was the giant who had almost crushed her foot. Now he turned and faced her. A flash of heat lightening bolted through the sky and lit up the leer of his drunken smile.
“Hey, sweet thing, where ya runnin’ off tooooooo…?” He howled out that last part.
As Valentina looked back in fear, she saw him take a wide, unsteady step towards her. Then he let out a slurred roar as the yellow stream of urine hit his own boots. “Muthahfuckahhhhh!”