Page 34 of Hallelujah Rising
In it.
Under it.
Hal wanted to touch every part of her. He wanted to wrap his arms around Valentina and draw her into the safety and heat of his body; let her know that she had nothing to fear from him, that he wasn’t as hard as he seemed to be. The gun sitting on the bedside table looked at him with reproach. It seemed to jump off the table, jab him in the gut and sayyou’re not fooling anyone.
Because he was that hard.
That fearsome.
That unyielding.
But not with her,came Hal’s silent protest and fervent prayer.Never with her.
Through the haze of need and desire, Hal saw Valentina’s small hand raise toward him. Then with slow and careful movements, she laid her palm gently against his left arm. She kept it there, in the place where the burn scars twisted in angry, thick ropes and told his sad story.
“Does it still hurt?”
She was so close to him that he could smell her—a soft, clean, erotic womanly scent that tightened his balls and made his breath come out in shallow pants. He reached up, put his hand against hers, and curled his fingers around it. Suddenly filled with the fear that she would move, that she would take all that warmth and tenderness away from him, he grasped her fingers with brutal force. His body responded so intensely to hers, that she let out a quick, surprised gasp. Somewhere in the shadows of Hal’s mind came the warning that he could hurt Valentina without even trying. But along with that warning, came the driving need to keep her with him. Once he had her in his grasp, he couldn’t seem to get her close enough. His fingertips bit into the soft flesh of her arm as he forced her body up against his. Hal fought the strong urge to tie Valentina down, lock her in with him, and keep her. Forever.
He moved his hand to her neck, and with care Hal wrapped his fingers around Valentina’s throat then applied pressure to her carotidarteriesby squeezing his biceps. Her pulse beat faster as he showed her the power of his control. When Valentina looked at him with wide eyes and bit down on her bottom lip, it made Hal want to feast on her.
Ravenous dominance.
That’s where he started.
His body, his mouth, his hands imprisoned her in steel bands and seemed to touch her everywhere.
That’s where he started.
Just as Valentina began to tense and shield herself against Hal’s raw, driving need, his body listened to hers and responded; that’s when the real assault to her senses began. Because even though Valentina had expected that rough, primal need for control, she had not expected the sudden turn to gentle.
How was it possible that this hard, uncompromising man was capable of such tender persuasion and restraint?
In a move that stripped Valentina bare of all defenses, Hal’s quick and rough aggression turned into a slow, sweet seduction. Valentina felt her body melt into his as his head dipped down to capture her lips in relaxed and exquisitely thorough caresses. His hands buried themselves in her hair while his tongue explored every inch of her mouth.
He tasted like beer.
And tobacco.
And sin.
Kissing Hal was everything Valentina had dreamt it would be and many things she hadn’t.
She was completely powerless against him, and she didn’t need his hand at her throat to feel that.
This slow and tender exploration wasn’t about power, or control, or surrender.
It was about searching and finding.
She lost herself in the wonder of his mouth.
Her arms reached up and wrapped themselves around his neck to draw him closer. She felt undone—desperate for more.
Valentina let out a startled gasp when with sudden force he twisted her around, pulled her back against his chest, and held her captive with his arms crossed under her breasts. She closed her eyes and felt the heat of her body rise as he explored every inch of her. Hal took his time, and the warmth of his palms seemed to burn through the thin cotton of her nightdress. Valentina’s insides turned to jelly and she struggled to stay on her feet as Hal slowly ran his hands over her taut belly, past her ribcage, and finally to the full softness of her heavy breasts. When Hal’s strong fingers began to tease her nipples into tight swollen peaks, Valentina’s senses went into overdrive. Her intimate muscles pulsed, clenched, and soaked—wetting her panties and making her breath come out in tortured sighs.
“Put your palms on the table.” Hal whispered into her ear
Even before her mind had time to register the quiet command, her body responded without hesitation. Hal’s hand pushed Valentina’s spine down with gentle pressure until she was bent over, then he shifted their bodies until her ass was settled against his hard length. Higher and higher, Hal’s left hand began a slow journey up her thigh while his right one kept the pressure on the small of her back holding her in place. When Hal reached under the scrap silk of Valentina’s panties and teased her slick folds over and over again with an expert’s erotic assault, Valentina became undone. She bit down on her bottom lip to keep from crying out for release. She found herself spiraling in a whirl of sensual pleasures unlike anything she had ever experienced before. Hal’s rough hands touched every intimate part of her as he directed her to bend to his will. With each stroke of his fingers, each whispered command—Hal was fulfilling all of Valentina’s sexual fantasies.