Page 51 of Hallelujah Rising
“Lift up your shirt,” Rooster told her.
And there was that smile again. “Or you can take it off. Up to you.”
Valentina looked at him in panicked confusion.
“You said your ribs hurt, princess.” He gave a small, nasty laugh and lifted his chin towards her torso. “I want to take a look at that pretty stomach of yours, and I can’t do it through that shirt.”
He walked over to the refrigerator and pulled a couple of trays of ice, then grabbed a dish towel from the drawer and made an ice pack. When Rooster saw that Valentina stood rooted to the spot she was in, he motioned to her shirt again.
“I said lift it up or take it off.” This time he wasn’t smiling.
When Valentina lifted her shirt just enough to show her ribcage, Rooster gave out a low whistle. “Damn, that looks painful.” She winced when he pressed his fingers along her bruised and tender skin. “Let’s see if we can’t make it all better.” Valentina stiffened as his left hand snaked around her back and held her body in place while the fingers of his right brushed against the bottom of her breast. Then he pressed the ice pack against the biggest bruise.
“There ya go, baby. Doesn’t that feel nice?”
And that’s when it hit her.
“There ya go, baby. Doesn’t that feel nice?”He had said that to the girl whose panties his fingers had been diving into at the Saints after-wedding party.
Rooster was the guy who liked blow jobs under bright lights and making girls comereallyloud to the cheers and jeers of bikers in a wide-open space. He was also the prospect who had barred Valentina from entering the clubhouse and had given her that openly disgusting leer. Now she was alone with him in the middle of nowhere.
When the word came that the Town Car never made it to the hangar, Hal felt fear for the first time in his life. It crawled up his spine and spread through him like poison, tightening his muscles and twisting his mind until all he could see was red hot rage. It took the combined muscle power of Reno and Jules to stop Hal from finishing the job that Derringer started.
“HOLD HIM BACK!” Prosper shouted out the command. Then he stormed over to where the brothers held Hal in a death grip and leaned close into Hal’s purple enraged face
“I know what you’re feeling.I know.But you kill ‘em now and we’ll never get your woman back. You need to stand the fuck down, and let us get the information out of them that we need. You killing these cocksuckers ain’t gonna do us any good. We got no time to waste on your violent knee-jerk reaction bullshit!” Prosper roared.
“Let me fuckin’ go,” Hal bellowed out. With a nod from Prosper, Reno and Jules released him. Hal stormed over to the wall and pulled out a thick, industrial fire hose. Then he turned the gauge on full force, leveled the full spray at the two hit men, and released eighty-three bars of pressured water on to their already broken bodies.,
“Wake up, you cocksuckers!” Hal raged at them. Derringer’s sinister smirk of approval turned to disappointment when only one of the captives stirred. He walked over to the chained, slumped figure and gave the back of his hair a violent pull, but when he let go, the guy’s head just rolled forward again. Derringer put two fingers to the pulse point on the man’s neck.
“Fucker’s gone.”
All eyes turned to the remaining man.
“Suck my dick.” The man’s voice was a low, gurgled rasp. “Might as well waste me now, ‘cause I ain’t nobody’s bitch like Tiny Tim over there.” He lifted his wet, bloody chin to the dead fat guy. “I ain’t giving you shit.’
“You dying ain’t even a question, friend. What’s on the table now is how much it’s gonna hurt and how long it’s gonna take.” Prosper shrugged.
As if on cue, Derringer walked over to the table and picked up the knives, one at a time. Then he ran a light finger over their razor-edged tips. He appeared deep in thought when he threw out a question to the room. “You ever hear oflingchi?”
“Death by a thousand cuts.” Hal shot out in smiling approval because finally something was going his way. Hal only wished he had the time to watch the scales of justice being tipped by the weight of those custom-made knives “You start with the eyes first?”
“Is there any other way?” Derringer grinned.
What the fuck?” The man in the chair perked up now.
“You go right for the tongue after that?”
“Nah, no fun if you can’t hear ‘em scream. Balls next, then ears ... nose. Then cock. And the fingers ... I do them in sets of two,” Derringer’s eyes lit with unholy light. “Give me three or four days, and I can carve this asshole down to a spinal cord and a beating heart.”
Hal gave a low whistle and three small claps of appreciation that echoed eerily through the walls of the warehouse.
Reno and Diego looked at each other and grinned.
“So, you can probably tell that my man, Derringer, loves what he does.” Prosper leaned down and whispered to the captive, “Once he gets started, it’s gonna be real hard for me to get him to stop. So, friend, you sure you don’t have anything you want to share?”
“Thanks for the first-aid.” Valentina took the ice pack from Rooster and stepped out of his grasp. “But I think we should really try to go back to the hospital again.”