Page 9 of Hallelujah Rising
“Told ya, Boss, my mind was wandering. I have no fucking idea where my eyes landed.” Hal hedged.
“Girl’s been through some shit.” Prosper pressed on because that was a bullshit excuse if he ever heard one. If there was ever a guy whose mind neverwandered,it was this guy.
“I know all about the shit that girl’s been through.” Hal growled out.
“Yeah? Then you knowthat a woman like her needs a gentle hand. A good man. One who’s gonna romance her, give her babies, a white picket fence, and the church on Sunday kinda life.” Prosper leaned in to make sure he was making himself understood. This conversation was about to get damn uncomfortable, and he sure as shit had no intention of repeating it. So, with a low growl, Prosper continued, “Know what a woman like her doesn’t need? She doesn’t need the kind of guy who’s going to run a blade over her ass and fuck her with a 9-millimeter pointed to the back of her head.”
Hal froze stock-still for a millisecond.
Then, with clenched fists, he turned his back on his president, walked across the crowded reception hall, and slammed his way out the door.
Valentina wiped her sweaty palms on the thighs of her jeans as she surveyed the thick black forest that loomed dark and threatening on both sides of the long, winding road.
Dumb. Idea.
Bad. Bad. Bad. Idea.
“What are you muttering about?” Gia switched on the high beams as they made their way slowly down the dark, deserted road. The so-calledroadwas really no more than a wide, rocky path, and it was beating the hell out of the car’s suspension system. Both girls jumped in their seats as the undercarriage bottomed out before it took another nosedive into a pothole. They held their breath until the forward motion of the engine jostled them out of the rut and put them on solid ground again.
Valentina bit down on her lip and felt a tremor of fear run through her. They were in the middle of nowhere and dangerously close to getting stuck in this ridiculous minefield of a road. Valentina was going to be damned if she was going to leave the safety of the car and trudge back down the wide path through that deep darkness to get help. She had checked her cell twice, and the service was weirdly in and out. It was almost as if something was jamming the frequency.
“Let’s turn around, Gia, while we still can. I have a bad feeling about this.” Valentina sent her cousin a pleading look.
“Oh, hush. You had the chance to back out when we were at the house changing our clothes. Besides, we don’t have to stay long. And I doubt that we’ll ever get another chance to go to an after-wedding biker party. It’ll be fun. We’ll be fine if we just stick together.” Gia slowed the car down and peered through the windshield at the unlit road ahead. “We should be there any minute.”
“Anyminute? I don’t think we’re even going the right way, then.” Valentina pinned her gaze to the navigation system. “Just stop here for a second, and let me look at the screen. It says that we are supposed to take a left turn another 800 feet ahead, but I can’t believe that there’s another road up there.”
“Goddamn it. I hate to admit it, but I think you might be right.” Gia tapped a long crimson-lacquered nail on the GPS screen. “I don’t get it. I plugged in the coordinates that Riker gave me. But I agree, there doesn’t seem like there can be anything up ahead but more of this shitty road and those spooky trees. Roll down your window and see if you can hear anything.” Gia chewed on her bottom lip.
“Youroll downyourwindow,” Valentina retorted while visions of a forest filled with angry grizzly bears, rutting bucks, and feral cats ran through her mind.
“Oh, for god sakes, I thought you were sorting out the whole‘I’m afraid of everything’ thing with your therapist.” Gia huffed, but Valentina noticed that she didn’t roll down her window either.
“And I thought you were sorting out the whole‘I like bad boys’thing with yours,” Valentina retorted.
“Yeah, well, it’s a work in progress…” Gia’s voice trailed off as she once again peered into the inky darkness. “But yeah, this is starting to get creepy.”
“Startingto get creepy? I think we passed creepy about a quarter mile back.” Valentina peered out into the inky darkness again.
“Okay. Let’s get the hell out of here. I think I might be able to turn around right here. Just keep an eye out on your side and tell me if I’m about to ram into anything.” Gia began to turn the steering wheel hard to the right.
Just as Gia was about to put the car in reverse, the rumble of loud pipes and the beam of a single headlight came barreling down from the road ahead of them. Before the girls had time to register what was happening, the biker had eased his Harley next to the car. One large, black- leather gloved hand rapped on the driver’s side window while the other pulled down the skull bandana that covered the lower half of his face. “You lookin’ for me, beautiful?” Riker flashed Gia a bright smile.
Gia look at him with a mixture of relief and confusion. “How did you know we were here?’
“Darlin’, we’ve had you on our radar for about ten minutes.”
“You’ve beenwatchingus this whole time?” Valentina raised an eyebrow because the already too high creep factor just rose exponentially.
Riker swiveled his head past Gia to give Valentina his full attention. “You’ve been on Saints’ property for about three miles now, as soon as you took that turn off the interstate. We got eyes on this road, and there are more cameras leading up to the clubhouse. We had a little bit of trouble a few months back. Along with some of the other shit we did to secure the compound, we put in some added surveillance around the perimeter. Waited for you to come up the road, but when you didn’t, I headed down to see what the fuck.”
“We didn’t see any cameras.” Gia pouted prettily at him. “We thought we were lost.”
“Well, that’s the whole idea, sweetheart. So, are you two gorgeous ladies ready to come on up and celebrate Saints style?” With reluctance, Riker lifted his eyes from Gia’s generously displayed cleavage and focused on her face.
Before Valentina could respond in the negative, Gia gave Riker a wide smile and threw his words back at him. “Well, that’s the whole idea, sweetheart.” Valentina watched on in resignation as Gia wiggled her ass in the low bucket seat and fondled the shifter lever as if she were delivering a promise.
Riker couldn’t take his eyes off her.