Page 12 of Raising Riker
Someone had opened a window and released the thick odor of industrial cleanser that had been trapped in the hospital room. The cool breeze danced through the room as if in celebration. Its fingers rippled lightly through Gia’s hair and nudged her gently awake again.
“Feeling better?” A deep voice growled close to Gia’s ear while strong hands lifted the back of her head, ever so carefully, and arranged the pillows comfortably into a sitting position. The eyes that held Gia’s were deep, dark and patient. Riker looked formidable, exhausted, tough and determined. He looked like something strong enough for her to hold on to.
“What’s wrong with me, Riker?” Gia swallowed around the lump in her throat. She put her hand on her stomach in the universal protective move of pregnant mothers everywhere. “Is the baby alright?” Fright, in its purest form, swept through Gia like a tidal wave.
“The baby’s fine, Gia. You? You ain’t doing so good, but the doc’s gonna get that under control. No worries.”
“Is it serious? What’s wrong?” Gia repeated as she searched Riker’s face for signs of deception. She couldn’t believe that she could feel this bad and not have caused harm to the pregnancy. Gia was filled with remorse and guilt for not having sought out prenatal care. If she was going to become a mother, she had better step up.
As if on cue, the door opened, and a doctor walked in.
“Hello, Gia, I’m Dr. Gideon.” He smiled at her. It was the kind, tired smile of a man who had seen it all. “I was just about to go home, but when I saw Riker almost single handedly take out a whole floor of medical professionals, I thought I’d check in.”
“Doc…” Riker began to explain. “Fucking people need to get their priorities in order. My woman is obviously sicker than a damn dog and that bitch in scrubs…”
But Dr. Gideon stopped him with a wave of his hand. “I know the process can be frustrating, but we have rules for a reason. And no matter what the provocation— telling a medical student to go F* herself while you crash through restricted areas and bellow through the halls is never a good idea, Riker.”
The doctor gave Riker a long- measured look and Riker’s voice held a note of contrition when he said, “I was only trying to get Gia some help, doc.”
“Well, that mission has certainly been accomplished.” The doctor sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “And, while I understand that you have only the best of intentions, you’re damn lucky that I still have enough clout around here to convince security not to get you thrown out. So, no more heroics. We clear?”
“As a damn bell, sir.” Riker answered without hesitation.
“Good.” Doctor Gideon turned his attention to Gia. “How are you feeling?”
“Better. Do you know what’s wrong with me?”
“Not only do I know what’s wrong with you, I know how to fix it.” He took her hand and patted it in a fatherly gesture. Gia found herself staring into a pair of surprisingly bright blue eyes. The doctor’s forehead was covered with a thick shock of white hair and his nose was slightly crooked—as if it had been broken at one time or another. His smile, though weary, was honest and sincere. Doctor Gideon’s hands were both smooth and strong. His posture was straight, his voice was soft and the air of authority that surrounded him was undeniable.
“You have something called Hyperemesis Gravidarum, Gia. HG is a condition characterized by extreme nausea, severe vomiting, weight loss, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Mild cases can be treated with diet and antacids. You, my dear, are not experiencing a mild case. We are treating you with an infusion of anti-nausea medication, vitamins and something to rehydrate your system — all of which are going to make you feel much better and none of which will harm your baby.”
“What causes it? Is it something I did? Is this my fault?” Gia asked tearfully. “Is it because I waited too long to see a doctor?”
“No. Of course it’s not your fault, Gia.” Riker interrupted. “Shit like this just happens sometimes, am I right, doc?”
“Yes, Riker, you are quite right.” Doc Gideon nodded and spoke again to Gia. “This condition is certainly not caused by something you did or did not do. Although not seeking prompt pre-natal care is risky, you actually would be surprised how often it happens. But we are going to rectify that, yes?” He gave her a stern look. When Gia nodded in vehement agreement, the doctor continued. “Let me repeat, the development of this condition cannot be predicted and is no one’s fault. The whole horrible mess is caused by a rise in hormone levels, but that is as much as we know. If you should have another pregnancy, however, we would certainly be on the lookout for a reoccurrence.”
“I was sick in the beginning but not like this.” Gia moaned. “Why is it getting worse?”
“Timing is a key factor. The symptoms begin earlier in the pregnancy, but they usually peak about 9-14 weeks.”
“We’re at about 13 weeks.” Riker, who was glued to the doctor’s every word, blurted out.
“That would be just about right, then.” When Gia turned a bright red and suddenly found something very interesting about a thread on the hospital blanket, Doctor Gideon stood up. Then he patted her hand once more and said, “We are working to get your system regulated and the nausea under control. You’ll be here a few more days. I’d like to see you as soon as possible after you’re released, call my office and I’ll make sure we get you in. I’ve been delivering Saints’ babies for years now. I keep promising my wife that I am going to retire, but then I walk into a situation where one of Prosper’s boys is giving the hospital staff hell and everybody else is scrambling out of the way.” He gave Riker another look of fatherly disapproval.
“Yeah, well, like I said, maybe not one of my finest fucking moments.” Riker gave in with a small grin and offered as way of apology. Then he extended his hand. “I can’t thank you enough. Sorry for causing such a ruckus.”
“Apology accepted.” Doctor Gideon shook Riker’s hand. “Now, Riker, your job from here on in —as my granddaughter would say—is to chill out. This young lady deserves a pregnancy as joyful, comfortable and stress free as possible. I’m depending on you to see that is exactly what happens.”
“So…uh….” Riker scrubbed a hand over his face. “If you’re up to it, I guess we should talk.”
Despite the doctor’s words of reassurance, the deep concern and worry in Riker’s dark eyes remained.
Seeing that look on Riker’s face filled her with remorse.
“Yeah, I guess so, too.” Gia hesitated. Then she weighed her words carefully. “Listen, Riker, I know even without all this hospital stuff, this is a lot. And I know that I kind of blindsided you with all of it. But I was blind-sided too. This was the last thing I expected, but now that it has happened, I need to see it through. I know there areoptionsthat I can take. And one of them is not dragging you into this…”
“At the risk of sounding like Captain Obvious here, babe, I’m already there.” Riker interrupted her. “Hook, line and sinker.”