Page 26 of Raising Riker
“Get the fuck outa here.” Prosper said with disgust.
“We got trouble with Drummer, Boss?” Jules asked as the executive board came back in.
Prosper snorted. “Liking that cocksucker less and less every fucking day.”
“You and everyone else.” Reno nodded.
Then Prosper turned to Riker. “Brother, I called you back in because it appears you drew the short straw. This last run to deliver the heroin is yours. I know you got shit going on, and the timing’s not great, but with any luck you’ll be gone four days tops. Straight shoot down and back.”
Riker nodded. “Everyone’s got shit going on, boss. I’m down.”
“Gunner, you’re gonna be his wingman on this one.” Diego said.
“Sounds good.” Gunner nodded.
Prosper looked around the table. “You boys are gonna be making sure all ducks are in order. I don’t want any mistakes. This is gonna be a nerve-wracking trip in a lot of ways and we want our brother, Riker, to feel confident that we got his back every step of the way. Gunner, you’re gonna be heading out a few hours before Riker and running a decoy on the north route. In case anyone is watching, we want to confuse the fuckers as much as we can. But there are no guarantees here. This last run is gonna be tricky. Crossing more than a few state lines with five kilos of smack…”
“Five will get you twenty-five.” Reno muttered.
“Yeah, and twenty-five years in a five by nine cell will get you crazy.” Diego added.
“I’d like to toss the shit out and cover the cost myself. But I don’t have half a million lying around, and I can’t ask that of the boys. Not when we are looking at some lean times ahead as it is. But I got to say, transporting all that smack, all that way? I don’t like it.”
“Then why don’t we bypass the runners, but use our connections to distribute for wholesale locally this one last time?” Reno asked. “With all due respect boss, I think the boys were wondering why that option wasn’t put on the table.”
Prosper nodded to Jules. “You wanna take this one?”
“Believe it or not, the option we took is the safer one. My sources tell me Judge Carmichael has gotten a task force together and undercover is a huge part of that. No telling who to trust on the street any more.We’ve got to move this out and fast.” Jules explained.
“I’ll take the product over the lines. Riker can drive the decoy.” Gunner volunteered.
“Not how it works, brother.” Riker said. “I’m next on the roster. I take the risk, you’re my back up.”
“We can switch off, it’s been done before.” Gunner shot back.
“I don’t know why my brother here is trying to move me out of the action, but I ain’t having none of it.” Riker said.
“It’s not like that and you know it. You’ve got a wife now and a baby on the way. You get sent up, it’s gonna fuck up three lives. Me? I got nobody. Only life getting fucked up by me doing time is my own,” Gunner said.
“You’re a valued part of this club brother. Just as much as anyone else.” Riker clapped a hand on Gunner’s shoulder. “I appreciate it but it ain’t gonna happen.”
Gunner looked at Prosper. “You gonna step in here?”
Prosper shook his head. “Nice gesture, G-man, but Riker’s right. We can’t go changing the order of business every time someone’s old lady gets knocked up.”
Then he nodded to Jules. “You wanna roll out the map that you’ve been working on?”
Jules walked over to a side table where a bunch of schematics, maps, and time tables stood at the ready.
Gunner let out a low whistle. “Impressive job, Jules.”
“Insane, ain’t it?” Prosper looked like a proud papa.
“In here we got intel on the most patrolled routes, schedules, and locations where the fuckers like to sit low in the weeds.” Jules pointed to a blue folder. “I was also able to hack into a system that ties into the main source of power for the traffic lights and turn them into a damn light show. That should draw some attention, and with luck it’ll create a diversion where the state lines meet.”
“How much time are you figuring it’s gonna take before we begin transporting?” Riker threw out the question to the room.
Prosper asked Jules. “How much longer you gonna need?”