Page 49 of Raising Riker
Prosper snorted. “Yeah? You sitting there, hour after hour, day after day, while the doctors keep telling you that she’s gonna wake up when she’s ready? You know what’s that’s called? It’s called self-indulgent bullshit. Are you hiding out in that room, Riker? If Gia could see the shit you’ve been pulling she’d shoot your balls off. How much longer are you gonna wait until you see your son? How long are you gonna leave him to the hands of goddamn strangers?”
“He’s not with strangers. Dolly and her crew have been taking turns in the nursery. They have a schedule or something. They’ve been keeping me informed.”
“Oh, they’ve been keeping you informed? Have they?” Prosper snorted. “You know he’s supposed to be leaving the hospital tomorrow afternoon?”
“Already?” Riker scrubbed a shaking hand through his hair.
“What the hell do you meanalready? Kid’s been fighting for his goddamn life for weeks now with no help from his old man.” Prosper snarled.
“Why you busting my balls, boss? What the fuck do you want me to do?”
“I want you to act like a father, shit-head.” Prosper shot back. “From now on, the women have been put on notice. No one touches your kid, nobody feeds your kid, nobody looks through the damn window at your kid, but you. Nobody. So, you’re going to go home, take a long, hot shower and get rid of that beard so it don’t scratch your kid’s face. Valentina, Dolly, Gianni and I have got Gia covered so you can take the time you need to bring your son home. The boys put together the baby furniture, painted and all the rest, so you’ve got a nice room waiting for the kid. Pinky stocked the refrigerator. Aside from the staples like butter, cheese, milk and eggs, there’s also a couple of weeks’ worth of casseroles, roasted chicken, salad stuff and god only knows what else. Khrystyna Gideon dropped off diapers, formula, bottles and a sterilizer. Pinky is gonna be waiting for you at the house and show you how to use the baby monitor and all the other stuff that you need to know about. But that’s all she’s gonna be there for. As a matter of fact, I got her on a fifteen minute tight rope. She’s gonna call me when you show up with your son, and she’s gonna call me when she’s on her way home.”
“Jesus.” Riker muttered. “A time limit, really? Whatever. You done now?”
“Nope, and not even close. My truck has one of them infant car seats in it and it’s waiting in the parking lot. I’m gonna go back in and sit with Gia now. You’re gonna go home and get some shut-eye. Then you’re gonna shower and shave like I just told you to do. After you’re cleaned up and your belly’s full with a good, healthy breakfast, you’re gonna come back here and pick up your boy.”
Prosper paused and let his words sink in. When he continued his tone was much gentler. “Pinky and I have always wanted a kid of our own. We’ve been blessed in a shitload of ways. Finding Pinky saved my life and I thank the good lord every day that that woman saw something in me worth taking a chance on. We tried like hell, but we couldn’t have any kids of our own. Then by the goddamn grace of God, Claire and Raine found their way back to us. We love them like they are our own. And what I’m going to say to you doesn’t lessen that love, not one fucking bit. You get that?”
“I get it.” Riker nodded.
“What I’m trying, in my long-ass way to say, is that my woman and I never had the chance that you’ve been given now. You’ve been given a gift, brother. Whatever happens next, try and remember that.”
Then Prosper, stood up and walked away. Before he took two steps, the night swallowed him up as if he had never even been there.
The next morning Riker got up early and found the refrigerator full to brimming. Much to his own surprise, he was starving. He made an enormous breakfast which consisted of a four egg, cheese and veggie omelet, a rasher of bacon, half a dozen pieces of whole wheat toast, two cups of really good coffee, and a quart of orange juice. After he had shaved, showered, and changed into freshly laundered clothes, Riker had headed into the hospital. Now he stood right outside the nursery window. The babies were all lined up in those little see-through cribs on wheels. Each one had a name taped to the back of the acrylic basin.
Baby Boy Devlin.
Riker felt such a powerful shot to his chest that for a moment he stumbled backwards. Then he took a tentative step forward and pressed his nose against the glass. All the other babies were sleeping. and his kid was wide awake. Riker just sat on the other side of the window grinning like a fool at his son. A young, pretty girl in scrubs came to the window and smiled at Riker, then she pointed to the door and made a motion for him to come in.
“He’s been waiting for you, I think.” She said softly to Riker. “Your family has been in holding him, but he’s a restless little guy. No one can seem to be able to get him to sleep and when he does sleep, he doesn’t stay asleep long enough.” She frowned. “He’s doing great otherwise. His color is good, he’s taking the bottle and his breathing is stable. But babies, especially those who have had to face the kinds of challenges your little guy has gone through? They require lots and lots of sleep to help them grow. I’m not quite sure what’s going on with him, but this lack of sleep is unusual and it’s going to catch up with him. I set up a sleep journal that you can take home with you. Bring it to his first well baby care appointment.”
Riker nodded thinking of his nieces and nephews that’s all they did in the beginning was piss, poop, drain a bottle and sleep for hours and hours on end. He felt himself filling with worry-based anger.
“Maybe there’s something else wrong with him. Like maybe he’s in pain or something.” Riker shot out.
You’re the doctor. Figure it the fuck out. He narrowed his eyes at this idiot who looked more like a Victoria Secret model or a classed- up version of a waitress at Hooters than a member of the medical staff. And on closer examination, she was way too young to boot. She was wearing Winnie the Pooh scrubs under a white coat. Around her neck was a stethoscope which rested on a set of double D breasts. On her hip she wore a lanyard with her hospital identification card… Dr. Kay.
“You have got to be kiddin’ me.” Riker growled. “You got a guy somewhere who can handle this? Somebody older than the last piss I took? Somebody who looks like they cracked a book instead of spending the night waitressing at Johnny B’s?”
Dr. Kay didn’t blink an eye at the strip club reference. She sighed with equal amounts of resignation and boredom. Then muttered. “Like I’ve never heard that before.” The young doctor gave Riker a long, slow look from head to toe. “I would think that a guy as big as you are, as mean- looking as you are, and as inked up as you are, would know better than to make snap judgements based on someone’s appearance.”
Riker folded his arms across his chest. “Well, you sure as hell don’t inspire a whole lot of confidence. Hard to believe you’re an M.D. You look more like a junior pageant queen with big knockers.”
“Yes, Mr. Devlin, I havebig knockersand I’m younger than 90% of the staff here. I also graduated from Harvard Med at twenty-one years old and have an IQ of 145. If you have a problem with my age or my appearance, then I can get you a doctor who is older than I am, uglier than I am and male. But I can guarantee he will not be as persistent as I am, as determined as I am, or as intelligent as I am.” Dr. Kay mimicked Riker’s stance by folding her own arms against her ample chest. “It’s your call.”
Then she waited.
He scrubbed a hand over his chin. “You really that smart?”
“I’m fucking brilliant.”
“Okay, let’s do this.” Riker nodded.
With that Dr. Kay sprang into action. “I have a whole bagful of samples, booklets and helpful hints that I put together for you to bring home. Now, I thought that you and I could spend some time together this morning before you take him home. I’m going to help you bathe your son and show you the best way to feed him and burp him.
“Ah, okay.” Riker pulled a hand through his hair.