Page 9 of Raising Riker
Damn, boss, just get to the point for fuck’s sake.
“Okay.” Riker nodded. “And?”
“And those consequences have landed straight at your door.” Prosper hedged.
“Shit, boss, will you please just tell me what this is all about?” Riker pleaded and scrubbed a hard hand over his face.
“Gia Bonzini is pregnant.” Prosper blurted out.
Riker was dumbstruck. He opened his mouth, then closed it again, then opened his mouth, then closed it again.
Like a fish gasping for air.
“I ain’t saying it’s yours, but I ain’t saying it ain’t either. Just saying that the timeline points that it sure as hell could be. Getting rid of the kid is not an option that Gia is willing to take. And she ain’t gonna be raising the kid alone either. Apparently, single motherhood doesn’t meet with the Mafia code of moral ethics.” Prosper snorted. “So, you can see this doesn’t leave the woman with a lot of options. Once Gianni finds out about this pregnancy, he’s going to be shitting bullets and be hell bent on seeing her married. According to Dolly— who’s the one who came to me with this clusterfuck— Gia is scared that she’s going to be forced to marry some ass clown who she’s already turned down once. She can’t stand him, but I don’t know why. Guy might be a straight shooter and she might be the messed up one, who the fuck knows—only know the woman is dead set against it.” Prosper took a breath before he continued.
“With Gianni’s Catholic upbringing, and all that family honor crap, the big issue for him is going to be that his niece is married, he’s not gonna give a shit to who. So, if the girl doesn’t want to be disowned or excommunicated or whatever the hell else those damn archaic values dictate, then she’s got to find herself a husband. So, right now her options are to marry this guy she don’t want to be tied to under any circumstances, or to marry you, the one night stand who she says is the father of the kid. And apparently, Gia thinks you’re the better option.”
Prosper paused to let everything he had just said sink in. “You with me, brother?”
Riker nodded wordlessly.
“Okay, good.” Prosper said with relief. “Now, I consider the message delivered and my part of it done. So, hear me clear on this, Riker, aside from all the other things that you might be wondering right now, you might be wondering where your president lands on all this. Where I stand is in the neutral zone—I’m fucking Switzerland. There’s been a lot of law I’ve handed down to the club over the years but forcing a man to marry a woman ain’t one of them.”
Prosper got up and placed a couple more bottles down on the table. Riker reached for the brew and chugged it down like he was a dying man and drinking a bottle of cold, hard cider was his last wish.
“Wow.” Riker finally managed to burst out.
“Clusterfuck, ain’t it?” Prosper nodded in effusive agreement.
Riker got up and paced around the room as he muttered a string of words that Prosper couldn’t quite hear. Prosper waited him out as Riker paced closer and closer to the front door.
“I really can’t fucking believe this!” Riker paused long enough in his pacing to scowl.
“I’m with you, brother.” Prosper shook his head and sighed.
Riker paced around the room for another good five minutes. Then he came to a sudden stop and swiveled on his heels to face Prosper.
“Gia Bonzini considersmeher best option?”
Prosper’s jaw dropped. “Really, man? That’s the part of the conversation you find hard to believe?”
Riker looked down at his boots for a moment then looked up at Prosper. “Yeah, I find it hard to believe. I had Gia in my bed and, without sharing in a way a gentleman ain’t supposed to share, I’m gonna tell you I had a pretty good time. We didn’t do a whole lot of talking—so the question of her being on birth control? That I can’t answer, but I know for shit sure that I didn’t take any precautions. So, if she’s got one in the oven, then yeah—it could be mine. No surprise there, with all due respect, boss—that’s simple biology.”
Riker took a deep breath before he continued.
“But the other thing? Let’s keep it real. I ain’t exactly Prince Charming. I got engine grease under my finger nails, road dust on my boots, and a broken winged angel inked on my back. School and me parted company in the tenth grade and the only money I ever saved up, at any given time, is what’s in my wallet. Pretty safe to say that I ain’t ever been anyone’sbest option.” Riker snorted as he lit up another cigarette, drew deep and let out a long curl of smoke.
“Shit. So, me and Gia Bonzini, huh?”
Prosper watched in amazement as Riker broke out into a shit-eating grin.
Gia’s hand was shaking as she looked into the mirror and wiped away the smudge of mascara.Then she took in a deep breath and tried to steady her hand as she applied some lip gloss. She had arranged to meet Riker at a small Mexican restaurant south of the town border. It was one of the best places in the area with an extensive menu, exceptional food, and a warm and friendly atmosphere.
Gia thought that Riker would appreciate (and could probably use) a couple of drinks from the highly rated tequila bar. The outdoor seating was arranged around an ornate and soothing water feature. There was also a small and select area where the tables were fitted into private alcoves. It usually took weeks to get one of those tables, but Gia did something she rarely did and cashed in on her family name to reserve one of those special seating arrangements.
She had also taken special care with her appearance. Although, regretfully, the extra amount of grooming was more necessary than contrived these days. The horrible nausea that continued to plague her had taken its toll. Gia had lost weight, had dark hollows under her eyes, and her skin tone had taken on a greenish pallor.
So, the glowing, radiant pregnant woman thing?