Page 16 of Trailer Park Girls
Deke’s mouth twisted and his eyebrows knitted. “What I felt for Betty fucked me up, Kid. Didn’t know how to deal. I loved her so fucking much, too much. I couldn’t handle all that emotion. I didn’t trust it. So, I did this dance with her. I stepped in and then pulled back. Walked back into her life hard, and walked back out harder. I messed with Betty’s head until it just about broke her heart. When she’d leave me I’d find some slut and parade her in front of Betty every chance I got, but I’d go wild if another man even looked at her. By the time I had calmed my ass down and realized what I was doing, I had lost her in every way a man can lose a woman.” Deke shrugged and shook his head.
“I get that.” I commiserated. “But still, why the hell did you let her marry that weird fucking guy?”
“Who Henry? He’s weird alright.” My father grinned then. “But you got to admire a guy who can rock that kind of complicated comb-over. Fucking guy’s a master.”
“Seriously, dad. Why didn’t you try to stop her?”
He lit up a smoke and paused before he answered. “I almost did. I was literally one boot step away from banging on her door. And I like to think that if I had knocked, Betty would have let me in.”
“So, why didn’t you?”
Deke was silent for a long moment. “I know it sounds corny and cliched, but when I stacked myself up next to Henry I knew he was the better man. And she deserved that. A better goddamn man.”
“Why do you think that I might still have a chance with Lydia?” I asked, still not sure I wanted to make that play but curious about what my dad had to say.
“She came back. Not just now, but when you were all banged up in that hospital. You beat the verbal shit out of her and showed her what a prick you are ten times over, but still, she sat there and took it. Shows me it was easiest for her to take your goddamn verbal abuse than to leave you when you were hurting.”
“Some women are just gluttons for punishment.”
“You got that right, son. But you know and I know, Liddy ain’t that kind of woman. Then there’s the other thing.”
“What other thing?”
“All those years ago when you were busy falling Liddy Rose around, she was busy following you around too.”
Driven by a force of need and want and desire so powerful that it coursed through me like a sex-loaded bullet, I take Liddy’s small wrists in my large hand and stretch them up over her head. Another strong wave of testosterone makes me want to release on her and it takes everything I have to hold back. I tighten my grip as her emerald eyes widen. Feeling her soft little pants of breath hit my cheek I bend my head and kiss her right under the soft slope of her neck. Liddy’s skin tastes so sweet I want to feast on it for hours and hours. I leave light bruises on her skin as I suck, and nibble and roll her sweet, sweet nipples between my teeth. When I feel her rise beneath me, I lose my goddamn mind and the last bit of control I have. Everything inside of me burns as I feel her legs stiffen as she pushes her hips against mine. Liddy is wet, warm, and welcoming as she opens wide to ready herself for me. I want to go slow and be gentle but I’m not. I take her hard, deep, and over and over again. I pull her knees up over her shoulders twisting my hips and cupping her tits I fuck her hard until I feel the sweet pulsing vacuum suck me into heaven. I am balls deep into her and hold back until I feel her deep hard fluttering stop and then I shatter her…
I wake up breathing hard, sweating, and with a heavy load of cum on my belly and thighs. Disgusted with myself and the goddamn adolescent wet dream, I get up and take a stinging, icy cold shower that make my teeth chatter and my balls shrivel up like walnuts. It is approaching daylight now and I get the sudden urge to take a ride. I put on a clean Henley, boxers, and tag my jeans off the floor. I stuff my feet into my boots, shrug my shoulders into my Silver Sinners cut, and take to the road. With no destination in mind I let the road take me. I pull a lefty on Junction 39. But when I reach the exit that would lead me to the scenic route of Country Road 17, I kept going straight towards town. When I see the old, rusted sign Paradise Gate Trailer Park just ahead I call bullshit on myself.
No destination in mind, huh, fucker?
Letting up on the throttle I make sure I’m not being a dick with loud pipes. Not that anyone in the near vicinity would be trying to catch some shuteye before putting in a solid nine-to-five workday. But still…respect. Dawn hadn’t quite broken when I hit the lane that leads to Liddy’s house. I turn off my engine and coast the rest of the way, then I set my bike in the deep shadows of the wooded edge that sits opposite trailer number nineteen.
Henry’s place is set apart from the others on a double lot and has a full-size deck running the length of it. There is a metal plate swinging on a pole that readsProperty Manager. The rusted sign is hanging off one hook and the pole looks like it had been slammed into by some stupid drunk going too fast. The window screen looks like it had been chewed through by a hungry squirrel, there is a broken spindle on the stair railing, and the lawn needs mowing. Although this place is a couple of steps up from the shithole that Betty and Liddy had lived in, it was still a crappy trailer in a crappy park.
I knew I was riding high on the creep meter, sitting outside Liddy Hall’s place and staring at her bedroom window from out of the deep, dark shadows. But still, here I was. Knowing that Liddy was sound asleep all alone in a bed only a couple of yards away, made my balls ache. Fantasies of busting through her door and pinning that soft, warm body to the bed while she looked up at me helplessly got my adrenalin pumping. Thinking about how I could make those green eyes darken and widen with fear made me rock hard. The thought of Liddy being trapped under me, and totally at my mercy had me salivating like the animal I had become. My feelings for her were all mixed up. They filled me with cold, hard fury and urges that probably weren’t what anyone would define as healthy.
Liddy had been a virgin when I had taken her on that hot summer night…tight and wet and wanting me. And I had treasured that gift… had that soulful, deep way that made a guy’s heart burst with pride and his world turn upside down. And then she was gone and for years that’s all I could think of was her. The way she felt and the way she tasted. I thought about how she wrinkled her nose at the smell of roses, and the way she could hit a softball out of the park. For too long she had been the first thing I thought of when I woke up, and the last thing I yearned for when I lay alone in my bed.
Then the shoot-out happened, and Liddy’s face wasn’t the thing that haunted me anymore. It was the fury of the attack that motivated me, the grief that tore me apart. But worst of all was the silence of not knowing who had killed Rudy Holloway or why. I needed and wanted answers but even more than that, I wanted revenge for my brother. I was filled with a kind of impotent rage that was consuming me whole and replacing whatever it was that gave me a soul. Sometimes I felt my humanity slipping away and turning me into something else entirely.
And now Lidia Rose Hall was back and all that remembered pain had come with her. Seeing her again had added another layer to my confusion…my frustration…my rage. My buried feelings for Liddy came rising up like a frenzy of wasps from a smoked-out nest, all confused, angry, and wanting to sting. She had no idea the shit storm she had walked back into.
But she was about to find out.
“Are you sure it’s him?”
“Yeah.” I nodded my head. “I mean, he kills his engine before he gets to the trailer, but I know he’s there.”
“And he just sits there?”
“Just sits there staring at my bedroom window, like any minute he’s gonna jump off that bike and leap in through.”
“How long has this been going on?” Melody frowned.