Page 21 of Trailer Park Girls
“I left a note, Kid.”
“I didn’t see it.” And for the very first time in my whole goddamn life, I felt like a total ass. “I’ll fix the wall.”
“You bet your naked ass you will.” Then she looked at me from top to toe and smiled merrily. A full-on, bright, beautiful smile that slayed the beast inside of me. My jaw unclenched, my muscles relaxed…and an immediate feeling of calm wrapped around me like a warm blanket. I pulled my fist out of the wall and swaggered towards her, my cock standing at high attention. Liddy looked at my raging hard-on and took a step back.
“Get that thing away from me, Kid Harding!” She yelped.
And because testosterone was rushing through my body like river water during a spring thaw, I pounced on her and lifted Liddy over my shoulder. Then, with her tits bouncing against my back and her perfect ass high up in the air, I carried her back to the bedroom where she belonged.
It was the next morning, and I was sitting at the kitchen table enjoying the sun coming in through the window, the taste of kick-ass coffee, and the sight of Liddy’s ass as she toiled away at the stove. I took a sip of the strong black java and imagined my woman standing there making my breakfast with her belly heavy with my baby, and her eyes shining with the love and happiness that I had put there.
“Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to…” Liddy began, but the ringing of my cell interrupted the peace of the morning. Without even thinking I picked it up mid-conversation and walked out the door. It was Deke with club business and the discussion took a while. By the time I walked back into the trailer, Liddy had already showered and was dressed in a U2 tee shirt and shorts. Her wet hair fell like coils of copper down her back, her feet were bare except for the gold chain that she wore around her ankle. The light-hearted mischief was gone from her eyes, and her face was tight with accusation.
I didn’t like that change so I leaned against the door jamb, crossed my legs at the ankles, and pulled my arms over my chest. Liddy took in my posture and immediately did the same. And just like that, we had cut ourselves off from each other. The air grew heavy and still as if all the oxygen had been sucked out of it. I watched on as Liddy’s chest moved in and out as if she was trying hard to breathe. She muttered something that I couldn’t quite hear.
“Talk to me, Liddy.”
Liddy’s eyes darted around the room as if looking for an escape… as if her own thoughts had trapped her. I knew the feeling, so I waited her out. It felt like a lifetime before she said with a kind of resignation, “It’s not your fault, Kid. But it’s not my fault either. It’s nobody’s fault that we don’t know how to do this.”
She fought to make her voice sound strong and resolved, but I noticed that she had white-knuckled the edge of the table that was now between us.
“Don’t know how to do what?” I leaned in and held back a growl because if she was going to shit on the last twenty-four hours that we had just spent together…then I was going to put my other fist through that shitty wall.
“What happened between us.” She waved in the general direction of the bedroom.
“What about it?” This time I did growl.
“That wasn’t just sex, Kid.” She let out another one of those long sighs that I was beginning to dread. " Not to me anyway.”
“Not just sex to me either,” I told her.
“What is it to you, then, Kid?”
Leave it to Liddy to lay something heavy down and nail me with it. My eyes flashed past her and zoomed in on the door. Liddy, who never seemed to miss a goddamn thing narrowed her eyes at me, stepped aside, and made a gesture towards the exit.
“It swings both ways, Kid. In and out.”
“Jesus, Liddy.” I scrubbed a hard hand over my jaw because I had absolutely no idea what to do or what to say to her. I knew what she was really asking, and that ask came wrapped up in a whole lot of other questions that I wasn’t sure I had the answers to.
“Kid? I need something.” She looked at me like she was balancing on a tightrope and was stuck somewhere in between. “You’ve got to give me something here.”
“You want to know where this is going?” I asked even as I prayed that Liddy wasn’t ready to answer that question any more than I was. I knew the general direction I wanted it to go, I wanted Liddy. Plain and simple but beyond that…I had a lot of other shit to do before I could think of making a full and total commitment to her. I had made a promise to my brother, Rudy. Until that was off the table…well…I couldn’t lay it down for anyone or anything else. “That’s a complicated question.”
She sighed and her shoulders slumped a little as though the weight of the words she carried was too heavy a load. “It’s like we’ve been on this crazy, wild, roller-coaster ride forever. It’s fun and thrilling and daring…and I wish it would go on forever but when the ride stops, we always land here.”
“Yeah. It’s like we’re in the same place we started from but still miles apart.”
“All this because of a phone call?” I was frustrated because I wanted to keep this thing with Liddy tight and simple. But Liddy wasn’t a simple woman.
“No. Kid. Not just because of a phone call. Because of us…because of what we do. Because we started this …this…dance… since we were just kids. And I don’t know where we’re going with all this or how long it’s going to last, or even if it’s right. I mean it feels right, but…”
“It’s right, Liddy.” I said with no hesitation and strong conviction. “You and me together is the rightest, truest thing I know. But for the rest of it…I don’t know either. There are things we need to talk about for sure.”
“That call was from the club?”