Page 5 of Lucy
“Not happening, Rax,” she deadpans before slamming the door in my face. The water starts back up instantly. I probably should have let her shower in the past two months I’ve had her in that room. I shake my head at the thought. It’s too late to go back now.
Heading into our room, I gather a fresh pair of black sleep pants and a black V-neck. Who the fuck am I, and what did she do with the psycho? Dressing quickly, I head out to the kitchen to prepare food for her.I grab some tomatoes, lettuce, a pack of bacon, and a bottle of mayonnaise. Can’t go wrong with a BLT any time of day, especially at almost noon. I pull out the only clean knife and set it all out on the counter while I wash the veggies.
The fridge isn’t fully stocked since I didn’t know how long I’d be gone helping Jer handle those fucking assholes. It was so enjoyable burning the younger one’s dick off. It melted nicely under my blow torch.
I’m lost in that thought when Lucy steps out into the open living area wearing a pair of yoga pants and a tank top. She must be ready to dance again. I can’t help the beaming smile that stretches across my face, before it falls on her mean mug.
“What the fuck makes you think smiling at me like that is a good idea?” she spits at me before wandering to the fridge, searching for something.
“I haven’t kept it stocked lately, but I’ll make sure to pick some things up next time I’m out and about. What would you like?” I ask, leaning toward her.
“To fucking leave,” she says with a blank face, her nostrils flaring. I shake my head, a smirk pulling at my lips. I’m trying to hold back the fierce need I have for her and the psycho in me that’s demanding I bend her over this fucking counter, rip her tight little yoga pants from her ass, and ram my dick into her slit until she comes all over my cock. I’m lost in that daydream as real life Lucy swings the butcher knife toward me. Luckily, my reflexes are sharp.
I catch her wrist just as the tip of the knife lands against my chest where my V-neck opens up. What a horrible spot to aim a knife. She knows nothing. Itskat her.
“Oh, Lucy Girl, what was that going to accomplish for you? Did you want my blood to spill?” I can’t help but chuckle at her heavy breathing. She put so much into that swing, just for her attempt to be stopped.
I pry the knife from her white knuckles. Her mouth drops open at how simple it seems to be for me. I roll my eyes at her antics.
“Would you like me to teach you how to hurt someone, Lucy? How to cut in the right spot to bleed someone out?” My voice slips out low and husky. Fuck, my dick jumps at the thought of her victim’s blood covering those perfect tits. She nods at my words as the knife finally drops to the ground at our feet. I kick it away so she doesn’t cut her toes on it.
A rush of power overtakes me as a groan leaves my lips. I’ll teach her everything she needs.
“All you had to do was ask, Precious Girl. But what will you give me if I do?” My head tilts as I ask the question.
Her eyes lazily shut, causing me to bare my teeth in frustration. I’m a predator, and she should remember that.
“Hmmm, well, you’ll just have to wait and see what you earn,” she spouts, taking a step closer to me. She barely grazes her lips against mine before stepping back and pulling her wrist from my grasp.
Fuck, and I thought I was obsessed with her before.
I snatcha bag of Doritos from the pantry before heading back to my prison.If he thinks I’ll just be hanging out with him all the fucking time, he’s… well, he’s Rax.I shake my head at the thought. The dust of the cheesy goodness lands on my tongue as my eyes catch the studio’s door.
This will probably go horribly, but the urge to dance is overwhelming. I recall my last dance before my memory came back—being on that stage as Andrew and the cunt walked into my vision—I felt like I was on top of the world… until I didn’t. My lips tremble at the fear of not being able to perform the skillful movements I want to again. Shutting my eyes, I breathe in, not allowing it to overtake me. Exhaling, I flex my fingers. I can damn well do this.
I throw the chip into my mouth and move toward that door across from my prison. It opens as I turn the handle. It swings open, and I blink into the light as I flick the switch on. The lights are blinding as they flash against the wall-to-wall mirrors. Inhaling deeply, the wood polish and lemon Pledge scent of the dance room encases me. I roll my neck as I think about the first time I stepped foot on this dance floor. The amazement that filled my mind that Rax had taken the time to build a studio for me.
I can let this room swallow me whole, taking me back to all the awful memories I have here, or I can think about the good times in my life. When Poppy bought me my first pair of pointe shoes, the first time I got a solo at Julliard, and being chosen as a soloist for our troupe over that fucking skank.
A cynical chuckle leaves my lips at the last thought. The look on skank bitch’s face when they called my name and not hers was comical. Of course, old Lucy felt so bad for her at the time. She worked as hard as I did. Or so I thought. But no, I earned it fairly, and I should have celebrated that win more. I roll my eyes that I didn’t take the time to be proud of myself because Andrew said I needed to be gentle with her fucking feelings. A growl escapes my lips as I’m hit with the anger I have deep in my soul toward that asshole.
The tingling need to dance away my life with Andrew stretches across my skin. I head over to the speakers in the corner and see my old phone plugged in.
I search for Adele’s “Send My Love” and hit play. I stretch my arms above my head and breathe into a deep stretch as the tune starts. I’ll count this as a warm up. I nod at myself as the beat picks up, and my body moves with very little thought. I let the tears that build up on my lids fall as I dance to the song, pressing out every little emotion I have ever had for him.
The song slowly ends, and the weight of the pain I felt beforehand is gone. They are both still on my revenge list, but for now, I have bigger fish to fry.
She’s dancing again. Fuck, I can’t take my eyes off of the video feed. I want to go in and catch her, lick those tears from her cheeks, and make her realize she can send that love or better yet, burn it all out. Andrew is still lucky I didn’t kill him when I walked into that apartment all those months ago.
She’s on her knees at the end of the song, breathing out the feelings she has. Damn the devil, she’s fucking beautiful, just like that, on her knees. I chuckle for a second as she stands and heads back to her phone. She’s searching for a song again.
Oh, Lucy Girl, what do you want to dance to now?I strain to hear what starts playing. It’s slower than the last one. Oh fuck. My dick jumps as the beginning of “Swim” by Chase Atlantic starts to play. The beat moves slowly, and she grinds down on the floor. It may not fit us perfectly, but I’ve only known this new Lucy for a day, and now she’s withholding her perfect pussy from me. A drop of pre-cum beads at the tip of my cock in my pajama pants.
When the line, “You picked a dance with the devil” plays, I can’t hold back. She’s basically inviting me into her space now.
I storm down the hallway, stepping into the open door, to find her crawling toward the mirrors, her head down. I growl at the way her tight ass is presented in the air for me. I move to kneel behind her, just like our first time, and she sits back, pressing her body against mine. An unkind smile spreads across her face as her elbow flies back into my gut, causing me to double over. My face presses to her flesh, and I stick out my tongue to taste her. She’s salty and delicious.