Page 113 of Extreme Danger
He lifted his hands helplessly. “We’re going to a wedding.”
She was so startled, she thudded against the wall and almost slid down onto her butt. “You have got to be kidding.”
“I wish I was,” he said. “It’s one of the guys I told you about, the guys who’re helping me track down the big Z. They keep inviting me to their weddings and barbecues and christenings, and Christ knows what all, and it seems ruder than shit to blow them off, since I’m mooching favors right and left. Big, expensive favors. So fuck it. We’re going.”
“Uh-uh. Not me,” she said. “I’m not going to any weddings.”
“We can stop at a mall if you need a dress,” he offered. “I can blow some bucks on a couple of my cards. Or not. That suit with the tank top that you wore yesterday looked really hot. You could wear that again.”
“It’s not the dress. I have a nice dress,” she snapped. “The one I meant to seduce you in.”
His eyes lit up. “Let’s see it,” he said.
“Don’t get sidetracked,” she said, scowling at him. “I’m not going to some strange couple’s wedding, and that is final.”
He shook his head. “It’s a done deal. Davy’s wife booked us a room. She ordered me a suit from Macy’s when I told her I couldn’t go back to my condo. They got a guy to man the surveillance set-up who speaks Ukrainian. I’m outmaneuvered. My ass is grass if I don’t go.”
“That’s your problem, not mine.” She marched into the bathroom. “Just go without me, if you must.”
He followed her in, staring at her naked body in the mirror. “Not happening.” His quiet voice had a tone of finality.
Becca started feeling trapped, almost panicked. “Nick. Be reasonable. I’m not prepared to go to a wedding.” Her voice rose in pitch. “I don’t know these people. I just got fired from my job, I’m on the run from a sadistic mafiya killer, and I don’t even have a gift!”
“That’s OK. They won’t care. On the plus side, it’ll be a great place for us to catch our breath,” Nick coaxed. “The party will be swarming with cops, ex-cops, security professionals. It’ll be the safest place to go dancing in the Pacific Northwest.”
She waved all that away. “It’s a really bad time, Nick. I’m not presentable right now.”
“Bullshit,” he said. “You’re gorgeous. You make my eyes hurt.”
“Oh, stop it,” she muttered, charmed into smiling at him in spite of herself. He was giving her that unbelievable, radiant, devastating grin. It was a fucking lethal weapon. He should be charged with carrying concealed.
“I didn’t want to go either,” he admitted. “Then yesterday I started to imagine how it would be to go with you.” He slid his arms around her waist, pulling her back against his scorching heat. The blunt end of his phallus prodded between her thighs. “I started to think jeez, this might even be kind of fun. I’ve forgotten what fun felt like, if I ever knew. But to have a beautiful date who makes me sweat every time I look at her lips, or her ass, or her toenails, mmm. Big fun. Hot fun.”
“Stop it,” she snapped.
“Nah.” He kissed the sensitive spot where her throat and shoulder joined. His breath whispered across her skin like a silk scarf. “Picture it. Dancing to a hot band, eating a fine meal, getting buzzed on expensive booze while everybody kisses and hugs and loves it up. We let everybody check you out, and then it’s off to our room with the private deck and the hot tub. Champagne chilling in the ice bucket. I’ll dribble it down into the hollows of your body and then lap it up for hours on end.” One of his hands covered her breast, hefting it.
It did sound nice. It sounded romantic, sensual. Lighthearted.
She tried again, with less conviction. “It’s just the timing—”
“It’s perfect.” He slid his other hand into her muff, seizing her clitoris tenderly between his index and middle finger. Kneading it, slowly circling. He was so good. Practically better than she was herself. “So wet…and soft…and ready for me. Give me this, Becca. It’s not much. Just one night when I don’t have to worry. One night someplace safe, where I can just relax and enjoy you. Enjoy this. And then I swear I’ll be good. I’ll get right back down to business.”
She got the feeling he was talking to himself, from the faraway look in his eye. He grabbed her hands, and placed them on the edge of the counter, then pulled her hips back to get the angle right before he prodded the blunt bulb of his penis into her opening. They stared at each other in the mirror. She was shocked by her own face. It was so different, when he turned her on, as if she were lit from inside. Her eyes were wide, pupils huge, her mouth still had the remnants of Diana’s lipstick, a matte red stain on her kiss-swollen lips.
She braced herself against the sink, and pressed back eagerly to take him inside. A long, slow, stretching glide that pressed all those intensely sensitive spots that pulsed and glowed and melted around his thick shaft. He had changed her, inside and out. Her body, her mind, she didn’t know if there was any separation. She’d been rewired. Pleasure no longer had to be anxiously sought or chased, or pinned down by force. With Nick, it rose up to meet him, it enveloped him, it welcomed him in its melting, pulsing clasp, it celebrated him.
It could not be kept down, could not be denied. Or controlled.
A slow, slick, pulsing slide. In, out. Their eyes were locked in the mirror. “Nick.” She licked her lips. “You’re not wearing a condom.”
“I won’t come. Just…a few. I meant to do just one, but it feels…so fuckinggood.” He drove in again with a ragged groan, the jolt making her gasp, pushing her closer. In and out, in and out, slow, twisting, pumping thrusts. She shook with desperate excitement. So close to that piercing rapture. She wanted it. Now.
He stopped, rested his hot face on her shoulder, panting. She looked around at him. “Well? Get a condom. Finish what you started.”
He shook his head, without looking up. She was getting alarmed. “Now, Nick. Or I won’t answer for the consequences,” she warned.
He dragged his cock out with a ragged gasp of effort. “Sorry, babe. I’m all out of condoms. We’ll have to save it for after the party. On the deck. With the champagne. And the hot tub. I’ll make it up to you.”