Page 75 of Extreme Danger
The question jolted her out of her sensual haze with a painful bump. “Good God, Nick, that was blunt!”
He grinned. “Hey, why beat around the bush?”
She actually laughed at the lame pun before she could stop herself. “Oh, please. What a comedian. Don’t quit your day job. Oh, wait. I take that back. Do quit your day job. Please. I hate your day job.”
He ignored that, stroking her knees, his eyes intent. “Well? Last time it was too sore to touch. Is it better?”
A flush of anticipation turned her cherry red, flustered and dizzy. Her thigh muscles clenched and released beneath his warm, stroking hands. “I told you we weren’t going to…ah…”
“For fuck’s sake, what does a guy have to do to get a straight answer out of you?”
She winced. “Um, a guy has to ease off a little,” she whispered.
He rolled his eyes. “What did I say this time?”
“It wasn’t so much what you said. It was your tone. So matter of fact. How’s your clit? The same way you would say, how’s your sciatica? How’s your bunion? How’s your Great Aunt Edna?”
He leaned forward and pressed his face against her bared thighs, shoulders vibrating startled laughter. “Oh, babe. You kill me.”
“I certainly hope not. Please don’t laugh,” she said, in a small, stiff voice. “I’m not trying to be funny. I’m just nervous, that’s all.”
He lifted his face. “Nervous?” His voice was incredulous. “With me? After all we’ve been through? Why, for Christ’s sake?”
As if she should have to spell out why a gorgeous, mysterious, insatiable sex god who had saved her from an unspeakable fate might make her, well, nervous. Hah.
He lifted up a wad of the billowing skirt of the nightgown. “I love this thing,” he said. “It smells like…mmm. Like…”
“Fabric softener?” she suggested.
His teeth flashed in that seductive grin. “It’s sexy.”
She looked down at the thing, her mouth twitching. “Oh, shut up,” she said. “You are lying. Like a rug.”
“Speaking of rugs.” He hoisted her nightgown up over her waist, then her breasts. “You never answered my question. About your clit. Oh, man. Look at you. I’m not lying now. So fucking sexy.”
She was naked beneath the nightgown. Faint with gratitude that her most recent comfort ritual had involved shaving her legs and slathering herself with lotion.
“It’s better,” she confessed breathlessly “Almost, um, normal.”
Right. As if normal was a word that could describe how her crotch felt right now when he smiled like that. That hot, tingly glow was about as far from normal as it was possible to get.
He gripped her hips and pulled until her butt slid forward on the couch, and she sprawled there, helpless and tangled, her head propped up against the sofa back, her nightgown rucked up to her neck in big, billowy folds. A big, gorgeous male silhouetted against the backdrop of the chattering TV screen, staring at her intimate bits. Stroking her, opening her, dragging slow, lazy wet kisses over her trembling thighs, against her mound, teasing and tantalizing—
He lifted his head. “So how is your Great Aunt Edna, anyhow?”
She melted into laughter just as he put his mouth to her and the shock of it set her off, then and there. A long climax wrenched through her, jerking breathless little sobs of pleasure from her throat.
After the spasms had eased down to a delicious glow, he gazed at her for a moment. “Thank you,” he said.
She giggled shakily. “Huh? Me? Aren’t I the one who should be thanking you?”
“No,” he said, still caressing her clitoris with his slowly circling thumb. “You’re so sweet to me. In spite of everything. I don’t get it.”
Tears rushed into her eyes. “Believe me,” she said with total honesty, “neither do I.”
He bent down and went at her again, lapping her, suckling her, sliding his tongue with delicate skill along the folds of her sex. Hungry for some sustenance he could only obtain by pleasing her.
And he did. He melted her down completely. Moved her, the way he had with that embrace in the kitchen. He knew how to deliver unspeakably sensual pleasure with his licking, lashing tongue, his delving fingers, his clever lips. His tender ferocity unraveled her, but she felt the pleading behind it. Like he was desperate for something, and this was the only way he knew how to ask for it. Or to earn it.