Page 10 of Her Outlaw Daddy
“Freeze,” Cole growled. “Don’t you move a goddamn muscle.”
Her eyes looked up at him, wide and fearful as he prowled closer. Junior’s pistol, red-handled and unmistakable, lay at the ground at her feet. Cole picked it up and glanced it over.
“Well, well, little lady, what have we here?” he said. “When did you come about this little stolen piece of property?”
She cast her eyes at the ground and refused to speak.
He took one step closer and reached for her, her entire delicate chin engulfed in his large hand. “You’ve already earned yourself a trip over Daddy’s knee for stealin’, little girl,” he said. “Now fess up before Daddy’s forced to punish you more severely.”
She swallowed, and fear tripped across her features. She jerked her face from his hand, looking away as she spoke. “This morning at breakfast,” she mumbled. “He left it out because he’d cleaned it. I took it then and hid it.”
Cole glared. Not only had she stolen the gun, now he’d have to deal with Junior. Likely Junior hadn’t told him about the missing weapon because he feared being punished himself. Cole had few laws in his band, but one of them was a man must be armed at all times. Losing one’s weapon was a major infraction, and couldn’t go unpunished.
He nodded once. “I’ll deal with Junior later,” he growled. “I’ll deal with you now.”
She took one step back before he grasped her arm firmly, marching her over to a fallen tree. He turned her to face him.
“You’re getting a spanking, Aida. You know that, don’t you, little girl?” Her eyes flitted away, but a quick chuck of his finger under her chin brought her glance back to his. “Do you think Daddy can let sneaking go unpunished?” He made his voice intentionally gentle but firm, his tone scolding but kind. “I don’t want you hurt, honey,” he said softly. “A big ol’ gun like that could hurt you. And Daddy needs to teach you a lesson to keep you safe.” He sat, drawing her firmly across his knees. It surprised him how little resistance she gave.
He slowly raised her skirts. He’d taken many women across his knee, and he well knew the intimate touch like this could work in his favor. He wasn’t truly angry with her. He was almost proud of her courage and tenacity. And she’d acted the part of the chastened girl quite well, to his immense pleasure. His cock hardened at her rounded bottom over his knee, her perfect figure begging to be touched. His hand went to the front of her drawers and he tugged the drawstring. Her hand flew back but he deftly pinned it.
“Hands down, young lady,” he said sternly.
She kicked her feet in protest as he lowered her drawers. He gave her one sharp swat to the crease of her thighs and bottom. She yelped.
“Daddy told you what would happen if you misbehaved. A good bare-bottom spanking should make my point loud and clear.” He pulled her drawers down while she begged him to stop. Determined, he pulled them down to her knees and rested his hand on her naked bottom. God, he wanted to take her.
“Why is Daddy spanking you, little girl?” he asked.
Her shoulders slumped. “I took the gun,” she whispered.
“Was that honest?” he asked.
She shook her head vehemently, as he ran his hand from the small of her back to the top of her thighs.
“No,” he said softly. “Now, we can’t have dishonesty between us, young lady. What you did was not only dishonest and disobedient, but you also risked injury to yourself. And I can’t allow that to happen.”
He lifted his hand and brought it down sharply on her naked skin. She yelled out loud. He felt the satisfying sting in his hand as he administered a second sound swat. The loud clap of his hand on her bottom resounded in the quiet. Again, he spanked her and this time her little feet kicked in protest.
“None of that, now, darlin’,” he said firmly, while delivering a handful of rapid swats to the place just below her bottom, where it stung worse than ever. She whimpered, but he continued spanking.
“I’ll not have you put yourself in danger,” he said, lifting his hand and administering another hard stroke. Her bottom was growing red now. His cock ached. She wiggled, and his hand around her waist firmed. “You obey Daddy, and you won’t find yourself like this again,” he said, giving her several more punishing swats. “Getting your pretty little bottom tanned over Daddy’s knee.”
She moaned, but he continued. His cock throbbed, desire consuming him every time his hand connected with her beautiful backside.
“Daddy wants to treat you well,” Cole continued. “And not have to take you across his knee to be spanked like a naughty little girl. But if you disobey, this is where you’ll be, sweetheart.” Another sharp swat followed another, until she was flaming hot to the touch, her backside a sunset crimson. He closed his eyes briefly. She was so beautiful. If only…
He stopped spanking her, running his hand over her punished bottom. “Has Daddy made his point, darlin’?” he asked.
She nodded.
“Good girl,” he crooned. “Such a good girl, taking her spanking over Daddy’s knee.” Slowly, he dipped his middle finger between her legs, a slow, wicked grin spreading across his face when he found her slick with arousal. She wiggled in protest.
“Ohh,” she said. “Oh, please don’t!” He guessed her face was as flushed as her vulnerable bottom spread over his lap.
“Just relax, honey,” he whispered. “You took your spanking like such a good girl. Now let Daddy make it a little better.” This time she didn’t protest as his fingers traveled between her legs. First, he explored her core. Gently, he pushed his fingers on the inside of her thighs. “Open up wide, sweetheart,” he coaxed. To his immense pleasure, she obeyed. His chest tightened along with his cock as he slowly plunged a finger between her legs again.
“That’s a girl,” he crooned. As slowly as possible, he carefully slid his finger to her sensitive nub, circling in firm but gentle strokes. He lowered his head and whispered, “Does that feel nice, darlin’? I’ll not hurt you. Trust Daddy and take what’s yours. You took your punishment. Now take your reward. Such a good girl,” he crooned as she squirmed on his lap.