Page 14 of Ready for You
Ipulled the cupcake trays out of the oven and slid them into the cooling racks. Then I grabbed the trays of cookie dough I’d just scooped out and popped them into the oven seamlessly. It was a daily routine that I’d become accustomed to since my bakery opened two months ago.
Benji and I had gone out for coffee the week after we’d met and he wasn’t lying about his donut making skills. He’d brought samples and we’d eaten every last one while we sat in the shop.
They were absolutely delicious and I’d hired him on the spot. He quickly became one of my closest friends due to our shared love of baking and steamy romance novels. We’d even come up with a name for the store together.
After a long day of working in the bakery, Benji had come to my apartment to watch rom-coms and drink wine. It had become a common occurrence to help relax from all the prep work we’d been doing for the grand opening. After drinking an entire bottle between the two of us, we started tossing out possible names for the bakery.
“It has to be a good pun,” Benji said, “People always remember a punny name. What about Honey Buns?” He moved his hand in the air from left to right, like he could visualize the sign.
“But I don’t sell honey buns. And is that even a pun?” I tried to wrack my wine-addled brain to remember what the definition of a pun was.
“Of course, it’s a pun. Honey buns are yummy treats and so is this ass,” he smacked his backside to emphasize his point and we both dissolved into fits of laughter.
“Okay, okay, okay, I have it.” I composed myself and put on my most serious face, “Cocks and cakes!” Benji bellowed out a laugh and fell off the couch. From there it went downhill and we took turns shouting out the dirtiest ideas we could think of.
“Pies and pussies!”
“Boners and brownies!”
“Dicks and donuts!”
“Cookies and coochies!”
By this point we were rolling on my living room floor thinking we were the funniest two people who’d ever lived and not just a couple of drunk weirdos.
We’d passed out in the middle of the movie and woken up with the most terrible hangovers and a handwritten list of awful names. The one name that I felt wouldn’t have people picketing outside wasSweet Cheeks, and just like that my dream had a name.
It had been really nice having Benji around, he made the whole process more fun than stressful and he shared in my frustrations when things didn’t go as planned. I’d never had many friends growing up; I was a naturally shy person and add in my terrible home life, I spent a lot of time on my own.
But there were moments in life when you met someone and you instantly knew you were meant to be together forever. Soulmates. I didn’t believe it was a term reserved for romantic love and I didn’t think we had just one. The only requirement was that you bonded with another human being in a way that was life-altering. In a way that you knew you could go years without seeing each other but you would forever be linked. And for me, that was Benji.
My little bakery had been booming with business since our opening day. Thanks to Benji’s donuts, we started selling bright and early to the breakfast crowd and by mid-morning my cupcakes and treats would start flying off the shelves. With summer coming up, I’d even been able to hire some high school kids that were looking for part-time jobs.
I’d never been happier; this was the life I’d wanted for such a long time. My friends were amazing, my business was thriving and if things kept going this way, I might even be able to save up enough money to buy a small house of my own, making Little Falls my permanent home.
The only dim spot was the man currently walking into my bakery like he didn’t have a care in the world. After Grayson had given me the most satisfying orgasm I’d ever had, I’d expected him to barge into my life like he’d done that massage room. Then, to my absolute shock, he’d completely stopped pursuing me altogether.
Oh, he’d made sure I saw him on a regular basis, making it impossible to forget how he’d touched me, but there were no more kisses or orgasms. And I didn’t know how to feel about that.
My head said that it was better, safer to not be involved with him romantically but there were less rational, hornier parts of me that wanted to jump over the counter and attack him.
Sweet Cheeks was open Monday through Saturday, and Grayson came by twice each day. His consistency, while good for our bottom line, was slowly killing me. He’d show up first thing in the morning to purchase donuts for his team meetings and then he’d come by with Daisy after school to let her pick out a snack.
Avoiding him in the mornings was easy, I was always busy in the back decorating and baking, but I couldn’t bring myself to hide from Daisy. Her happy face made my day and I’d started saving her favorite treats in the back so that we never ran out.
He didn’t ask me out or drag me to the stock room to have his way with me, which had been my go-to fantasy lately. Each night I’d fall into bed absolutely exhausted but frustrated as hell. I’d toss and turn until finally giving in and grabbing my vibrator out of the nightstand. It was a poor substitute, I hadn’t been able to recreate his touch and that pissed me off.
In the moments we were together, he eyed me like he knew exactly what was under all my clothes, which I suppose he did. His smoldering looks made me squirm as warmth flooded my body. It was pure sexual torture and he knew it.
Benji was still in the back icing the chocolate-covered donuts and I was manning the front. There was nowhere to hide and the smirk on Grayson’s face said that he knew I wanted to but couldn’t. He sauntered right up to the front counter, because he always came early enough that he was the only customer in the store.
“Good morning, Lily,” his lips curved in a sinful smile as his eyes took me in from head to toe.