Page 35 of Ready for You
Lily was a fucking knockout, by far the most gorgeous woman I’d ever had the pleasure of being with. Her hair was a wild tangle this morning, probably from being wet when I’d carried her to bed, and her cheeks were rosy with sleep.
It was Sunday and I was looking forward to spending the day with her. Neither of us had to work and I wanted to pamper Lily, keep showing her how good I could make things for her if she moved in. I was going to pull out all the stops, starting with breakfast in bed.
I slipped out of the sheets and pulled a pair of shorts out of my dresser. I could have walked around the house buck ass naked since it was just the two of us, but having my dick dangling so close to an open flame while I cooked seemed pretty stupid.
After a quick perusal of the fridge and pantry, I settled on bacon, eggs and toast. Maybe Lily would be up to visiting the grocery store with me later and we could cook dinner together again. The thought was so domestic it had me whistling while I pulled out the ingredients I needed.
I’d taken the last slice of bacon off the stove and was whisking the eggs when a soft dinging noise caught my attention. I reached for my phone, immediately worried something had happened to Daisy. My rational brain told me that if that were the case, my parents would call not text, but being a parent meant having a constant irrational fear for your child’s safety.
I realized belatedly that there were two phones sitting on the counter next to the vase of sunflowers I’d given Lily a few days ago. However, it wasn’t my phone that was lit up with a notification and I read the words on the screen before I realized that.
You looked beautiful yesterday.
What the fuck? The message was from an unknown number and I sure as fuck didn’t like seeing it on my girl’s screen. Lily wasn’t a big phone person. All of her business went through the phone in the bakery and she was constantly leaving her cell all over the place.
It drove me insane because I was instantly worried when I couldn’t get a hold of her. Apparently, my irrational fear extended to Lily’s safety as well.
Glancing at the bedroom door, I thought about what I was going to do for all of ten seconds before I picked up the phone. A dark feeling settled in my gut, telling me something was wrong. And I trusted my gut, when you didn’t in my kind of business, people got hurt.
The phone opened with a swipe, no passcode, something else we would be discussing later and I was able to pull up her messages. The same number had sent her multiple texts over the last couple of weeks, even though she hadn’t responded to a single one.
You looked beautiful yesterday.
Did you sleep well, my pet?
I’ve been thinking about you.
How are you?
Some creep was texting my girl and he needed to stop. I picked my phone up and sent a quick message to Roe with the unknown number attached. My fingers tapped a quick rhythm on the counter, my eyes bouncing between both screens. I thought about calling him but he was still on assignment with Sam. Shit. Decision made. I picked up Lily’s phone, typing out a response.
Who is this?
Ellipses appeared a moment later. Good, maybe I could find out for myself who this asshole was and put a stop to this.
Good morning, my pet.
Pet? Who the hell was this creepy guy? At least I assumed it was a man texting Lily.
I’m not your pet. Who the fuck is this?
Ah, I don’t believe you’re my pet either. She would never use such foul language. I’m intrigued as to your identity as well…
I was losing my patience and the dark feeling was growing with every twisted word he sent. This needed to be shut down, his interest in Lily was disturbing.
This is her man, asshole. I know for a fact that she doesn’t want you texting her. You need to leave her alone.
I’m afraid I can’t do that.
My next message listed as undelivered. The freak blocked the number, I wanted to believe that would be the end of it but his last message had unease slithering down my spine.
Fuck it, I needed Roe’s help. I called his number and then Sam’s with no answer on either. I left them the same message and screen shot the conversation before texting it to myself and the entire team.
“Good morning.” I’d been so engrossed in what I was doing, I hadn’t even noticed Lily walking into the kitchen.
“What is this?” I shoved her phone toward her and she blinked rapidly, squinting at the screen. She reached for her glasses on the counter and slipped them on, then read the messages, all color draining from her face when she was done.
“You answered him?” Her voice was small and laced with terror. I didn’t fucking like it one bit and because this was the woman I loved and some asshole was scaring her, my next words came out angry and accusatory.