Page 42 of Just You
Iwalked softly so as not to wake my snoring angel. When I got back to the kitchen, Mister was sitting in the middle of the table judging me like he knew exactly what we had been doing. Giving a few pets to appease the beast, I grabbed the two coffees I had brought earlier and took them to the sink to pour out. The way Winnie had been sick earlier made me feel terrible and if she couldn’t be around the stuff then I wouldn’t either.
A baby. The shock of finding out had been temporarily pushed to the back of my mind due to my extreme need to have her again. But my lust being settled for the moment meant that I had time to really think about what that meant.
I didn’t have much experience with babies, especially taking care of them. Sure, I had been around Daisy for most of her life but I always got to be the fun uncle. All of the serious parenting fell on Gray. I pulled out my phone and began searching for information about pregnancy and babies.
Twenty minutes of terrifying pictures and blog debates over breast feeding versus bottle feeding had me dropping my phone to the table in horror. Poor Winnie. I couldn’t believe everything she would have to go through just to bring our child into the world.
The least I could do was make her the best fucking pancakes I could. Thankfully she had the necessary ingredients because there was no way I was going to the store and leaving her here alone. I hated the fact that I hadn’t been with her when she found out she was pregnant. Shit, I didn’t even ask her how she felt about it. Was she nervous, scared, excited? My own joy had shifted into desire and I attacked her like an animal instead of talking to her like a rational human being.
I wouldn’t lie, I loved the fact that this baby tied us together forever. This was everything I had dreamed of since stepping foot back on American soil. It may be a little backwards but if anything, it would hopefully make it easier to move Winnie in with me and get my ring on her finger.
Speaking of, I pulled the small ring out of my pocket and watched the diamond shine in the light. Before I had left the cabin, my father had pressed it into my hand. The ring had belonged to my mother and he said he couldn’t wait to see it being worn again. I gently put the ring back into my pocket, wishing for what felt like the millionth time that she was here. She would have been the best damn grandmother.
I reached back for my phone when it began ringing, quickly answering to not wake Winnie. “Hey,” I answered, seeing Gray’s name on my screen.
“How goes the big reunion?”
“I’m making pancakes,” I smiled goofily as I heated up the pan and went to the fridge for butter.
“Ah, so you know then.”
“That your sister’s having my baby?” I couldn’t resist torturing him, fucker deserved it.
“Ugh, please don’t ever say it like that again. I may have accepted this indecent relationship you have but I don’t want to think about the details.”
I laughed as I poured some of the batter onto the hot surface. “You’re going to have to get used to it, because now that you know about everything, I plan to be a lot more indecent where she’s concerned.”
“You’re fired. Seriously, come back to the office and pack up your shit.”
“You can’t fire me, I own half of that business and who else would put up with your bossy ass?” I glanced over my shoulder when a noise reached me.
My gorgeous girl was standing in the entryway rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She was still wearing that thin robe, her perfect fucking breasts stretching the fabric so I could see each glorious nipple. My dick began to stiffen in my pants, wanting her all over again.
She looked at the phone questioningly and I mouthed “Gray” to her before pointing to the chair at her table indicating she should sit down. I placed a plate stacked high with pancakes in front of her and went back to grab the butter and syrup. “Drink?” I asked her as she smothered the plate in syrup.
“Just water, please.” She took her first bite and moaned around her fork, which didn’t help the situation in my pants.
“Are you even listening to me, asshole?” Gray growled through the phone.
“Honestly? No, I wasn’t at all,” I responded, making Winnie laugh.
“What have I done in my life to be cursed like this? I was saying that Mason gave us a lead on Wayne, said that Mexico had always been his end game. Authorities are thinking he has probably already crossed the border since his partner got caught.”
“Is that what you think?” I sat next to Winnie and watched her eat, loving every second of being with her again.
“It’s possible. By now he must know that the guy they shot died. The punishment’s a lot harsher for murder than armed robbery. He knows the system and he’s going to do whatever he can to avoid going back to prison for possibly the rest of his life.”
I leaned back in my chair and thought about everything I had learned about Wayne. He was clearly the brains of their little two-man operation. Mason didn’t have enough intelligence to shake a stick at. Wayne’s face was plastered all over the state of Texas and he hadn’t been sighted yet. There were enough clothes and toiletries to indicate that both of them had been staying in that room and Wayne was either lucky enough to be out at the time of the raid or had seen what was coming and left Mason to take the fall.
“A lot of the money they stole was recovered in the hotel room; I don’t think his pockets are flush with cash right now. If I had to bet, we haven’t seen the last of him. He’ll want to stay on this side of the border until he has enough to set himself up,” I said.
I watched Winnie shove the last of the pancakes in her mouth and sit back in her chair, rubbing her full belly. I couldn’t wait for her to start showing, then any fucker who looked at her would know that she was taken.
“Unfortunately you’re probably right. I’ve got a call with the task force in half an hour and I’ll fill you in later. Let me know how the appointment goes, I can’t believe you’re going to be a father. You have no idea what you’re in for,” the sound of his laughter rang through the phone as I hung up on him.