Page 6 of Just You
I lost track of what they were discussing when Kane walked into the room. He scanned everyone quickly, like he was assessing if there were any threats. When he got to me, his gaze swept my body, lingering on my legs in my short dress before his dark eyes focused on my face. I saw a heat there that stole my breath. What the hell? Kane had never looked at me with anything more than the fondness of a close friend. I furrowed my brow, trying to understand that look but the intensity was quickly replaced with the lopsided smile I loved, causing my knees to turn into jelly.
“Hey, Fred, what’re you doing here on your day off?” He strolled over to me. Even the way he moved was sexy, predatory, like he knew I longed to be his prey. Before I could pull myself out of my Kane-trance to answer him, Roe cut in.
“As long as we don’t have to listen to any more Gray speeches I’m happy, so thank you, Fred,” he threw his arm over my shoulders and laid a smacking kiss on my temple.
“Don’t call her that,” Kane growled, eyes focused on where Roe’s arm was resting. His fists were clenched and his features had turned dark and ominous in an instant, erasing the easy smile he had previously. This was a side of Kane I didn’t know, the trained killer that lurked beneath the handsome surface.
“Whoa, buddy. It’s all good, won’t happen again,” Roe lifted his arm and backed away from Kane like he was an angry animal ready to attack.
“Sorry about that, Winnie,” his eyes bounced between the two of us and his brow lifted as a smile pulled at his lips.
“No harm done,” I responded, but Kane still looked furious. “Kane,” I cautiously placed my hand on his tense forearm. “Are you okay?”
His powerful muscles flexed and bunched under my touch as he looked down to where my fingers gently rubbed back and forth. He raised his head and his eyes searched my face intently, his anger replaced with confusion.
What was I doing? Touching him, soothing him in a way that felt natural to me. I never touched Kane unless it was a quick hug, and even those had stopped lately. I was too tempted to turn it into something more. I ripped my hand away, flexing my fingers, still able to feel the heat from his skin.Way to go, weirdo, he’s going to know you want to bone him now that you molested his arm in front of his colleagues.
Luckily my brother, whom I had completely forgotten was there, broke the tension by suggesting we go next door to look at the space Lily was interested in. Kane still hadn’t said a word and had the most puzzled look on his face. I could feel my cheeks heating from embarrassment. After muttering a quick goodbye, I ran out of the office as fast as possible before Kane could ask me what the hell was wrong with me.
Istared at Winnie’s ass as she ran out the door after Gray and her friend. She couldn’t get out of here fast enough after I made a complete fool of myself. Could I blame her? What right did I have becoming possessive over her?
Roe was just being his typical idiotic self and I know he doesn’t think of Winnie that way. But watching him kiss her, even if it was on her forehead, and wrap his arm around her made a murderous haze descend over my vision. I had wanted to break his arm and his face at the same time. Then she touched me, her tentative stroking of my arm was meant to calm me down but all it did was ignite the fire in my blood that’s closer to the surface every time I see her.
“You okay, dude?” Roe asked cautiously from behind me. Tearing my eyes from the last place I saw Winnie, I looked at Roe apologetically.
“Yeah, man,” I started, rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly. “Sorry about that, I’m not sure what happened there.”
Sam huffed a laugh, “It seems pretty obvious, Rodriguez. You are into our boss’s little sister and you almost clobbered this dufus for touching her,” she hitched a thumb in Roe’s direction.
“Dufus?” Roe said incredulously, his hand flying to his chest dramatically. “Samantha my darling, you wound me with your harsh words. Everyone here knows my role as the team’s slightly nerdy but handsome comedic genius,” he flashed her a smile.
Gage grunted from where he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. Jesus, when did he get there? The mother fucker should have been a spy, not a Marine, with the way he could sneak around undetected.
“Ha! Gage agrees with me! I’m getting t-shirts made with my face on them that say ‘Brains of Falls Security.’ Get ready to find one in your stocking next year, sweet cheeks.”
“Call me sweet cheeks one more time,” I heard Sam say from behind me as I walked toward my office. Was my attraction to Winnie as obvious as Sam said? Leaning my elbows on the desk, I hung my head and grabbed my hair, pulling tightly. Shit, I had to get over this or Gray was going to be the next one to confront me about it with his fist in my face.
“He doesn’t know,” I heard from the doorway. Releasing my hair, I raised my head to see Gage, shoulder propped on the doorframe, looking at me.
“Know what?” I asked, playing dumb.
“That you watch her. You always have. I see it, I’m a watcher, too,” he said cryptically.
“I don’t watch her,” I denied quickly, ignoring the second part of his statement. That would have to be unpacked later when I wasn’t spiraling. Gage didn’t bother with a response to my denial. “It doesn’t matter anyway, it’s nothing,” I lied to both of us.
Gage lifted his eyebrow slightly before he straightened and walked out of my office. That small movement from him was the equivalent of a thousand words from someone else and I knew exactly what it meant. I was fucked.
* * *
Brooks’Bar and Grill was one of the few places to get a drink in Little Falls. Even if we had more choices, I would have chosen Brooks’ every time because they served the best Goddamn barbecue I had ever eaten.
Brooks McKay had opened up the restaurant after his rodeo career ended. He wasn’t able to get out of the way of a pissed off two-thousand-pound bucking bull and his knee was crushed after a perfect ride. He left the circuit and opened up his restaurant with help from his brothers.
Brooks looked up from the draft he was pulling as I walked in, nodding his head to the back of the restaurant where Gray, Sam, Roe and Gage were already sitting. I gave him my own head nod and veered toward my friends.