Page 9 of Just You
Lily’s dark brows shot up to her hairline. “Whoa. I mean we saw him follow you to the bathroom and then when you came back to the bar you looked pissed as hell and drank way more than someone your size should be able to handle, so we assumed you were just still mad at him.”
“I was, but, God, Lily. The second we were done he said it was a mistake.”
“Ouch, that sucks. I’m assuming you wanted it to be more?”
“Yes,” I admitted. “I’ve wanted to be with him for a really long time and I thought that was finally happening last night, but he clearly doesn’t feel the same way,” I finished sadly.
“What a dick,” Lily exclaimed.
I stared at her in shock. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you curse before.” Lily was the cute girl next door, who baked amazing goodies and you could take to church on Sunday to meet your Momma. Last night I had seen her blush over and over again at Jo’s wild antics.
“Yeah, well, the situation called for it. You’re amazing, Winnie, and if dick Kane can’t see that then he doesn’t deserve you.” I was touched at how quickly Lily came to my defense even though our friendship was relatively new.
“I know what we need,” Lily jumped up off the couch, sending my stomach rolling again. Looking at me contritely, she continued, “We need lots of coffee and some greasy bacon and pancakes to start. Then I say we spend the day watching horror movies where men are killed in the most horrible of ways and eat the lemon raspberry buttercream I have in the fridge.” I smiled at my friend, grateful to have her in my life.
We spent the remainder of the day eating insane amounts of sugar and cheering on the killers in hokey slasher films. When I went home later that evening, I was committed to forgetting all about Kane Rodriguez’s perfect kisses.
Ibarged into the Little Falls Diner Monday morning ready to wring Winnie James’ beautiful neck.
She had stormed out of that hallway Saturday night not giving me a chance to explain my behavior. I had been so consumed with the taste and smell of her, she was back to her friends before I was able to catch up.
I decided to give her some time to accept what had happened and went home to jerk off in the shower alone. Thinking of Winnie riding my dick in that dark hallway made me come in minutes, but the orgasm left me unsatisfied and lonely. I tossed and turned all night wishing Winnie was in my arms again, only this time in my bed where I could take my time.
The next morning, I went to her house with her favorite coffee, ready to beg her to let me explain and hopefully agree to spend the day with me. After knocking on her door for five minutes, I looked at the carport just to realize her Jeep was gone. I drove by her house two more times that day like a fucking stalker but the house stayed dark and empty.
Now, I was good and pissed and she was going to listen to me whether she wanted to or not. Standing in the middle of the diner breathing heavy, ready for a battle, my eyes searched for her but Winnie wasn’t anywhere in sight. I was prepared to have Roe track her ass down when an old man sitting at the counter addressed me.
“She went that way, boy,” he pointed to the hallway where the bathrooms were located. I thanked him and chose to ignore the absurdity of being called a boy when I was a 6’5”, thirty-year-old former Marine.
Stalking down the hallway, I saw Winnie looking down as she tied her apron around her waist. “Where the hell have you been?” I shouted.
She startled before a look of annoyance overtook her face and she put her tiny little fists on her curvy hips. “I have been here all morning like usual, not that what I do is any of your business,” she mouthed smartly.
“That’s where you are wrong, baby, everything about you is my business after you let me kiss that mouth and touch your amazing body the other night,” I ground out.
“Excuseme, but I believe you’re the one that called what happened amistake,” she hissed back at me.
Oh, she was just as angry as I was now and she looked fucking incredible. Red flamed high on her cheeks and that tongue of hers was ready to tear into me. But I could also see the pain that my careless words had caused and that gutted me.
“Baby,” I said low, soothing, as I lifted my hands to her face so she couldn’t get away from me and had to hear every word I was about to say. “Making you come was the best decision I’ve ever made in my life.”
Winnie’s cheeks heated under my palms. “But you said,” she started.
“I know what I said, and I meant it,” hurt flashed in her eyes and she tried to pull back from me. But I wasn’t letting her go, never again, if I had my choice.
“The mistake was kissing you for the first time in the back of a bar, losing my control to the point I was ready to push your wet panties to the side and shove my cock so deep in you that you would walk funny for days afterward and everyone would know it was because of me.”
Her eyes grew wide with shock and they searched my face disbelievingly but I made sure I was conveying how much I wanted this, her. I saw the moment hope lit in her eyes and the tension released from her body.
“She’s getting it,” I whispered as I pushed her back to the wall and tenderly placed a kiss on her lips, not taking it further. She tasted just as good as she did the other night but I wasn’t going to fuck it up this time. I wanted more from her, I wanted everything.
“You sure do spend a lot of time kissing me in bathroom hallways,” she smiled up at me. It was beyond beautiful, Winnie’s smile aimed at me felt like she was bringing my soul back to life.
I felt my own smile tug up the corner of my mouth. It felt good, her joking with me like this. Trusting me after I fucked up so badly. I sobered at the memory, “I’m sorry for hurting you, Winnie.”