Page 3 of Axel
“It’s beautiful.” She turns to me, and we clink glasses. I’m about to tell her that it’s her who is beautiful, but my uncle steps into the room and he leads her off toward the dining table, leaving me wondering how much time I’ll have alone with her before the night is through.
It’sboth strange and wonderful to be part of a family Christmas celebration again. The house is stunning, and Mr. and Mrs. Bailey couldn’t be more welcoming. There’s even a present for me under the tree. It pains me to think that I brought a bottle of wine in return instead of something for them to unwrap, but I guess it’s the thought that counts.
We all grab a seat at the table. To my delight, Axel sits directly across from me. As soon as we lock eyes, I bite my lip and lower my head to hide my smile. There’s no doubt in my mind that we’re flirting, but I’m so bad at this. A self-proclaimed lone wolf like myself has prided herself on not needing anyone in the world but me.
All throughout the meal, we steal glances at each other. I wonder what it would be like if he were actually mine. If this were our house, our holiday celebrations. I must admit, it feels good to pretend.
Mrs. Bailey brings out a tray of eggnog as we gather around the tree. With holiday tunes on the record player and the lights turned low to accentuate the beautiful sparkling lights strewn into the branches, it’s almost too perfect.
Mr. Bailey and Mrs. Bailey disappear into the kitchen after we open a few gifts—I got a beautiful red and white scarf—leaving Axel and myself alone in the living room. The music grows softer. I lower my eyes as Axel sits next to me on the sofa. I shift my weight to adjust.
“So you usually spend Christmas alone, too?” He asks. He smells like crisp ocean air. I inhale deeply, breathing him in.
“Yeah.” I angle my body to face him. “You too? I thought I was the only one.”
“Not by a long shot.” He furrows his brow, leading me to believe there’s more to the story than just himwantingto be alone.
“What brings you to Thunder Mountain?” I realize it’s a stupid question. “Well, besides visiting your Aunt and Uncle. I’ve never seen you around here before.”
“I haven’t been here since I was little.” His nostrils flare when he exhales. “But I drive a truck, and my route allowed me a few days off. I had to drive near Thunder Mountain anyway, so I thought, what the hell? It beats eating fast food in a motel.”
“This is true,” I say and wonder if he’s done this on holidays past. “Usually, I just watch a couple of my favorite Christmas movies and bring myself a plate home from the diner. Then I sleep all day on Christmas.”
“Do you have a tree?”
“Of course.” My head snaps in his direction. “I’m not a monster.” Axel’s smile reveals a deep dimple in his left cheek. He’s so gorgeous, yet something tells me he doesn’t realize how incredibly hot he is. It makes me want him even more.
“I’d like to see it.” His blue eyes glow against the Christmas tree’s warm lights. Is he insinuating he’d like to go home with me? If so, the answer is a big, resounding yes! But I can’t let him off that easy.
“Maybe you will sometime.”
“I’m only in town for the night.”
“Oh,” I say, unable to hide my disappointment. My hunky Hallmark hero probably won’t end up saving the day, after all. So is life. “You’re leaving on Christmas?”
“Well, not until the afternoon. I’m scheduled to start work tomorrow night.”
“Wow.” Feeling brave, I place my hand on his knee. “That’s kind of rough.”
“I’m used to it.” He stares down at my exposed legs and licks his lips. “But times like tonight, it really sucks.”
“Why’s that?” My stomach dances with butterflies. I’m hoping it sucks because he’s dying to tell me that he’s already fallen madly in love with me. That leaving now would be like cutting off a future he sees for us.
“It doesn’t matter. Why worry over what you can’t change?”
“I get that,” I say, slightly defeated and thinking about all of the energy I’ve wasted trying to change things that refused to budge. Maybe this is one of those incidents. Maybe this flirting going on between us is just innocent chit-chat for a guy like Axel. I wish I could say the same for myself. Every time I look into his eyes, I feel myself falling harder and harder for him, which is crazy because we just met.
I need to get out more.
“Well,” I say after a comfortable silence passes between us. “I think I’d better get going.” I pull out my phone and pull up an app for an Uber.
“You’re calling a car?”
“Yeah.” My cheeks flush from embarrassment. “Mine died and went into the shop last month, then refused to come back to life.” I roll my eyes at my own bad luck. “I’m going to get out and buy a new one, but I’ve been working so much lately, and I live less than a mile from the diner.”