Page 8 of Axel
Axel’s footsteps pull my attention. “Need any help?” He asks.
My heart swells just looking at him. In the doorway, wearing only his boxers, he rubs his eyes. His hair is still messy from sleep. “I think I’ve got it, Axel.”
“I’m going to light up the tree.”
I can’t help but smile at him, picturing him here every Christmas. Wondering how it would feel to wake him up every morning. “Good idea.”
I start the coffee, finish the eggs, and pop two pieces of bread into the toaster. I pour us each a mug and take them into the sofa, where Axel sits with a blanket over his legs. It’s like he belongs here. Damn! I wish I could shake that persistent thought.
He takes a mug, and I join him on the couch while the bread toasts. “So,” I say.
“So.” He repeats. “Last night was fun.”
“True story,” I say, not knowing how to handle a situation like this. All I want to do is beg him to stay, but desperation isn’t my style. “What time do you head out today?”
“I’m supposed to leave by five. I’m sure my Uncle Ed and Aunt Diana want to see me before I take off.”
“Mm-hm.” Disappointment drips from my tone. “I understand.” A quick silence passes between us and the toaster sounds. I’m about to stand when Axel places his hand on mine.
“Madison, I have to say something.” I meet his eyes, suddenly serious. “I don’t…date.”
Not what I wanted to hear. “That’s fine.” I move my hand away, but he grabs it again.
“I’m not finished.” A little laugh escapes his mouth. Could he be as nervous as I am? “I don’t date, but I know for a fact that I want to see you again.”
I can’t stop the smile spreading across my lips. “Really?”
“Don’t you?” Axel’s look of concern warms my heart. It speaks volumes about his sincerity.
“I do, Axel.” I can feel the heat rushing to my cheeks. “I definitely do.”
“I’ve already committed to this job tonight, so I can’t back out. Dammit, if I would’ve known the woman of my dreams was going to spill a glass of water in my lap and steal my heart, I never would’ve taken it.” His eyes flicker to mine, and while he’s making a silly joke, truth lines his words.
“It’s okay if you have to leave, Axel.” My teeth sink into my bottom lip. “As long as you promise you’ll come back.”
“Madison.” He turns to face me, and my heart beats so fast, I start to get dizzy. “I couldn’t stay away from you if I tried.” He traces a line along the side of my jaw, and I know he means it. It’s hard to explain how someone can capture your heart so quickly, but we’re on the same page.
Gently, he presses his lips against mine. Every cell in my body ignites. “I’ll be back in two weeks,” he whispers, pressing his forehead against mine. “I’ll take you out on a proper date.”
“As long as it ends with dessert here.”
“Oh, most definitely.” I breathe him in, wondering if all of this has been a dream. When I open my eyes, I realize this is really happening.
“Breakfast is ready. Let’s eat it in front of the tree?”
“Is that what you usually do?” Axel raises one brow. I nod and rush to the kitchen to prepare our plates.
I pause in the doorway of the kitchen and take a quick glance over my shoulder, unable to believe the Christmas miracle in front of me. I can’t believe there’s a gorgeous, half-naked man on my couch on Christmas. Another lone wolf, like myself, who may have found another member of their pack.
Six YearsLater
I’mdead asleep when I feel a tug at my arm. My eyes slowly flicker open, leaving behind whatever vivid dream I was living in. It’s still dark outside as I draw in a long breath through my nostrils.
“Go back to bed,” I mutter.