Page 11 of Kiss Me, Macrae
On any other night, he’d have been making his way about the room, chatting up old friends, getting the latest news on bairns just born or weddings finally come about.
Tonight, he couldn’t keep his focus from the door for more than a few minutes.
“Waiting on someone?” Darrow asked.
Baird gave his friend a sideways glance. “Mayhap.”
“Well, the only person who hasn’t arrived yet is Susanna’s friend, Miss Smithson. Since you haven’t met the lady…” The earl’s gaze narrowed. “Have you met Miss Smithson?”
Baird did his best to ignore the impulse to glance toward the door once again. “Only informally. Near the loch just yesterday.”
Darrow’s brows lifted as he waited for Baird to elaborate. When he didn’t, the earl noted, “I’m guessing she made quite an impression.”
“Aye. Ye might say that.”
Gratefully, he did not have to suffer the earl’s curiosity much longer as Mr. Grayson, a neighbor to the south, approached to engage Darrow in conversation.
It was not much after that the lady finally appeared. And when she did, it took all his strength to keep himself from striding swiftly to her side. He’d only seen her dressed down to the barest underthing or bundled up in multiple layers. The vision she presented tonight practically knocked him on his arse.
She was bloody gorgeous.
Dressed in a vivid blue gown that draped her figure with layers of silk and satin, her nearly black hair was swept high on her head and sparkling jewels adorned her ears and encircled her slim throat. With her bearing so proud and refined, she looked like a queen stepping into the room.
And just as he felt that morning in Inverness when he’d woken to the vision of a warrior woman glaring at him, half-dressed with hair tumbling to her hips in midnight waves, and again yesterday, when he topped the rise to see the mountain maiden awaiting him—Baird felt the heavy blow of destiny hitting him square in the chest.
Curling his hands into fists, he willed his heart to a reasonable pace.
He’d never believed in love at first sight, but whatever it was this woman inspired in him, it was instant and intense. And it didn’t seem to be lessening.
He had only a moment to crave her gaze before she turned warm brown eyes in his direction.
He’d have bet anything that she hadn’t expected him to be there. Yet, when she saw him standing beside their host, dressed in his finest evening wear, she didn’t reveal even a hint of recognition or surprise. Aside from a very brief pause, she barely acknowledged him at all.
Lady Darrow reached her friend’s side and linked arms with her. After they exchanged a few words, they began a tour of the room as the countess introduced her to the other gathered guests.
Baird found himself fascinated by her calm composure, so unlike what he’d come to expect from her. His fierce warrior queen was serene, sophisticated, and completely in control as she charmed each of his neighbors one by one.
She was stunning.
But not nearly as stunning as when she stared into his eyes with desire and frustration and urged his lips to hers. He felt immense pleasure knowing that amongst all these elegant people, only he had seen that side of her.
As the ladies approached, Darrow stepped forward to greet his wife with an affectionate kiss on the temple and a gentle squeeze of his hand at her waist.
The countess pressed to her husband’s side and flashed a smile at Baird before turning to her friend. “And lastly, we have Mr. Baird Macrae, our neighbor to the north and Darrow’s dearest childhood mate. Mr. Macrae, I’d like you meet Miss Allegra Smithson, my beloved friend who’s come to visit me from America.”
Baird held her gaze as he bowed over her gloved hand. “Miss Smithson, a pleasure.”
Though her composure didn’t falter, he detected a flicker of emotion in her whisky-colored eyes that told him she was not completely unaffected by his presence. Good, because now she was near enough for him to smell the rosewater on her skin and feel the warmth of her fingers resting in his, he could barely keep himself from tugging her into his arms so they could pick up where they’d left off at their last encounter.
“Mr. Macrae.” Her voice was cool and steady, revealing none of the fire and passion he knew to exist beneath her polished exterior.
“You’ll likely be seeing a great deal of Macrae during your stay, Allegra. He is restoring his family’s home and often makes use of our library to conduct his research.” The countess’s eye lit up. “Allie, perhaps you could—”
Miss Smithson gave a brisk shake of her head, effectively halting whatever it was Lady Darrow had been about to say. The countess frowned, but followed her friend’s cue.
Curiosity ignited fierce inside him as Miss Smithson tilted her dark head and curved her lips in a reserved smile. “So, you’ll be staying here at Darrow House, Mr. Macrae?”
“Aye,” Baird replied with a grin. “For the next week or so.”