Page 22 of Kiss Me, Macrae
Frustration made her blunt. “There is more to marriage than sexual passion.”
“Withoot a doubt,” he agreed readily. “There’s also mutual respect, appreciation, friendship, and generosity. Also a shared commitment tae tackle any problems we face together.” He paused then and lowered his chin. “And trust.”
Allegra stiffened, but she did not refute him. Everything he said rang far too true. It was shockingly easy to imagine the two of them building a life on the qualities he mentioned.
But trust was not something she’d ever given freely, even before Lucas. And after…the word formed like a dry stone in her throat.
She’d already gambled on a man’s honor once and lost, but she hadn’t been broken. If anything, the experience had made her stronger.
If she took a chance on Macrae—if she believed what he said—and gave in to the feelings that expanded and deepened inside her every day, she feared she’d be risking more than she could recover from.
But would it be worth it?
She studied his face—so handsome and stalwart as he gazed at the path ahead—and watched as a smile gently widened his mouth but didn’t manage to lighten the flicker of sadness in his eyes. “Here we are,” he said softly.
The sloping, snow-covered mountains rose dramatically to the left while the stream they’d been traveling along suddenly opened to a wide and placid lake. Though snow covered its banks, the lake remained a dark, mysterious blue—calm and deep. And up ahead, poised on a rocky peninsula, was the partial structure of an ancient manor.
The stone was dark grey with age and blackened by the remnants of smoke, but the dusting of snow and the glitter of frost lent it a certain enchantment—as though it weren’t lost to the world, just gently sleeping.
As they drew nearer, she recognized different aspects of the structure from the blueprints and drawings she’d seen in the library. Mentally overlaying the plans for rebuilding atop the image before her, she could easily envision the dwelling in its full, formidable form—a stunning blend of architectural elements coexisting in perfect harmony.
“Beautiful,” she breathed.
“Aye.” Macrae’s voice was heavy with emotion. Emotion Allegra absorbed into herself in gentle ripples of reverence and grief.
“It must be difficult for you,” she said softly. “Coming here.”
“Difficult, aye. But good. This has been home for generations of Macraes. It needs tae be such again.”
“It’s an admirable endeavor.”
He slid her a sideways glance. “Thank ye,” he muttered before turning his attention forward as he directed the sleigh past the castle. “The restoration will start in the spring.”
“We are not going to stop?” Allegra asked.
“Not here. There’s something else I need tae show ye, but we’ll have tae walk for a bit.”
Allegra’s chest tightened. She knew where they were heading.
Chapter 11
Baird directed the horse and sleigh toward a low stone wall. Hopping to the ground, he turned to assist Miss Smithson from the vehicle.
She met his gaze and his body tightened in a rush. Och, something about her eyes got him every time.
The warm brown sparked with intelligence and the passion she’d deny just as soon as he mentioned it. But it was more than sensual passion. It was a quiet, stubborn craving for more. She was a woman who had not reached her full potential and was fully aware of it.
Baird waited patiently for her to slide over on the cushioned bench and settle her mittened hand in his. “Step on the ledge here and I’ll get ye the rest of the way.”
When she did, he grasped her about the waist to lift her to the ground. She made a soft sound at the swift motion and he held her for an extra moment as her feet found purchase in the snow. Then he reluctantly released her. “Ready for a wee trek?”
“You come here frequently,” she noted once they started along the narrow but well-trod footpath, only partially covered by snow.
As they continued along the route leading into the rocky hills rising up behind the manor, he told her a few family legends. Tales of knights and rebels and brigands. Even a story of a courtier who doubled the family holdings through a very advantageous marriage to the cousin of a queen. They were all tales he’d heard as a lad many times over. Stories that solidified their history and connection to land and hearth.
As they began a short ascent amongst craggy rock, he worried the way might be too rough for her, but she had no trouble keeping pace with him. Though her lips parted to allow for the swift breath of exertion and her smooth cheeks were tinged a lovely pink, she looked more invigorated than fatigued.