Page 6 of Kiss Me, Macrae
And now Susanna was nearly two years married and living in Scotland.
Despite the years that had passed and the distance between them, the women still knew each other’s deepest secrets and most fervent hopes, which was why Susanna had been begging Allegra to come to Scotland for an extended stay for nearly a year. Allegra had finally decided to take her up on the offer.
Northern Scotland in the winter.
As the carriage door opened, allowing a gust of December wind to swirl beneath the fall of Allegra’s skirts, she wondered why on earth she’d agreed to such a thing.
One stately footman helped her step from the carriage to the frozen, snow-packed earth while another waited at the top of a set of wide stone steps, holding the front door open against the wind.
As soon as she crossed the threshold into the grand and ancient home, the door closed behind her and she was surrounded by the warmth of an entry hall that was smaller and far cozier than she expected. A butler helped her with her cloak, intoning solemnly without a trace of Scottish burr, “Lady Darrow will be down shortly…”
His words faded off as rushing footsteps could be heard just out of sight at the top of the mahogany staircase situated to the left of the front door. With a small chuffing sound, the butler backed into the shadows just as Susanna flew down the stairs with a cry of delight.
“Allie! You’re truly here.” The young countess reached Allegra and wrapped her in a swift, exuberant hug. Then she pulled back with a wide smile that shifted swiftly into a frown. “How can you possibly look so composed and lovely after traveling for so many days? I swear I looked a wild mess when I first arrived.”
Susanna had changed very little in the years they’d been apart. Her hazel eyes were as full of life as they’d always been. Though her dark blonde hair was coiffed more elaborately than it used to be and her elegant gown was fit for British aristocracy, nothing could diminish the impetuous optimism that had gotten her through the many turns her life had taken.
Allegra smiled conspiratorially as she leaned in close. “Didn’t you make the trip as part of your honeymoon? I imagine you didn’t get much rest on your journey.”
Susanna didn’t bother pretending not to understand Allegra’s reference as she offered a saucy wink. “Excellent point.” Then she took Allegra in another quick hug before linking arms with her to lead her from the hall toward an open door across from the stairs. “My God, it’s good to see you again. I’ve missed your bold irreverence and that sly smile of yours.”
“Yes, well, I imagine I’ll end up shocking more than a few of these proper British types with my forward American manner.”
“If we were in London, it might be a different story,” Susanna replied with only the slightest trace of bitterness as they settled beside each other on a plush settee. Allegra was well-aware of the social challenges her friend had faced in her four failed London seasons. “But up here, life is much more relaxed and unrestrictive.”
“Well, it obviously agrees with you,” Allegra noted. “You are positively glowing with health and happiness.”
Susanna’s smile turned secretive as she glanced down at her lap. “I am very happy and healthy indeed.”
Allegra warmed with a sudden suspicion as she took her friend’s hand. “You’re expecting.”
Susanna nodded. “Late April.”
“How wonderful,” Allegra replied, her heart bursting. “I am so thrilled for you.”
“Oh, my goodness,” the countess exclaimed, “I’ve been so excited by your arrival, I didn’t even think that you’d probably like to be shown to your room. You must be desperate for a bath and some rest after your long journey. Dinner won’t be for a couple hours, so there is no hurry. Now that you are here, we have unlimited time to catch up.”
Allegra would have been content to chat for a while longer, but a long, lingering bath did sound wonderful.
As Susanna led Allegra to the guest wing, she explained that she’d chosen her room specifically for its view of the Torridon Mountains that rose up along the horizon. “It’s a stunningly powerful sight. You’ll love it.”
Susanna wasn’t exaggerating. The view was magnificent. As was the room itself; decorated in a calming palate of pale green and dark grey, the space was large enough for an enormous four-poster bed as well as a small seating area arranged in front of a large stone fireplace carved with a leafy floral motif.
Before leaving Allegra with a young maid who was already getting her things unpacked, Susanna said, “I’ll have a bath brought up right away followed by some tea and sandwiches.”
“How very British,” Allegra teased.
Susanna responded with a wrinkling of her nose. “I know. Who could have guessed back in our school days that we’d end up spending the Christmas holiday together in the Scottish Highlands?” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, the countess’s expression darkened with the recollection of just what brought Allegra so far from home. “Oh, Allie, how careless of me.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. I couldn’t be more content with where my life is now. I finally have the kind of independence I craved in my youth. I refuse to be held back by regrets.”
The countess smiled. “I think you’re going to love it here.”
* * *
Allegra took a deep breath of the winter air and let it out in a puff of vapor that dispersed as quickly as it formed. After a week in the highlands, Allegra had grown more accustomed to the northern wintry chill. As long as she wrapped herself in her fur-lined cloak, stuffed her hands into woolen mittens, and kept a brisk pace, she managed to stay comfortable during her outdoor excursions.
In the short time she’d been in Scotland, she’d come to love the rugged landscape, the rawness of the uneven terrain, and occasional ancient remnants of civilizations long past. There was something in the sights, the sounds, the very smells of the Highlands that invigorated her in a way nothing else ever had. Whenever she explored the expansive Darrow estate on foot, she experienced a sense of inspiration and discovery that mingled seamlessly with an odd feeling of being welcomed home.