Page 13 of Noble Scoundrel
Katherine had seen the changes in her brother since they’d left Lincolnshire—his growing distance and solitude—and she’d tried to give him space while letting him know she was always there for him.
It must not have been enough.
She studied him now as she forced herself not to take his rejection personally. At twelve years old he was nearly as tall as she was, would likely pass her height within the next few months. He possessed the long-limbed form of a boy on the verge of growing into a man. In the last year, she’d become accustomed to seeing his widening shoulders bow with uncertainty and grief. She noted how often his focus turned inward as his smiles became less and less frequent and the conversations that used to go on for hours between them grew shorter and shorter.
But now, as he stood before her, she noted something different and undeniable.
His posture was strong and straight, while his gaze was direct and confident. There was a new maturity in his expression and in his manner. And she sensed something else.
Katherine bit the inside of her lip to keep herself from forcefully hauling her brother into her arms. He was too young to look so independent. “I don’t understand.”
His eyes darkened around a flickering inner light as his jaw tightened. When he spoke, it was with calm conviction. “I couldn’t leave her, Kit.”
And suddenly so much made sense. The reason Hale had been there to rescue the children, the way little Claire clung to Frederick and the way he had looked back at though he’d protect her with his life. “Claire was one of the other children being held in the warehouse,” she whispered.
Fredrick nodded and his brows furrowed over a haunted gaze. “She was so scared, Kit. And so small. The smallest of all of us. Claire wouldn’t let anyone near her except me. They had the biggest of us chained to each other, and though I could have picked the locks myself, I couldn’t figure out a way to escape and safely bring her with me. I had to stay with her no matter what came next. And then when Mr. Hale came for us...she barely knew him and she was still so scared.” He turned toward her. “I’m sorry, Kit. She needed me. I couldn’t leave her. Not until I knew she’d be safe here.”
Aching for him, she turned and clasped his hand in both of hers. “You are the most noble person I know. Of course you couldn’t have done anything else.” She paused and tilted her head. “And is she? Safe here?”
Frederick nodded. “Mr. Hale is rough around the edges...and probably straight through, as well. But he’s determined to do right by his daughter.”
“It won’t be easy to say good-bye.”
Looking down at his hand clasped in hers, he took a long breath. “I know. But I’ve been talking to her. She’s known from the beginning that I wouldn’t be able to stay forever, that I’d have to leave someday. It’ll be difficult, but she’s a brave girl.”
“I’m so proud of you, Frederick. Your strength through his whole ordeal is inspiring.”
His dark eyes lifted to hers with a frown of consternation tugging down his brow. “I haven’t done anything you wouldn’t’ve if our situations were reversed.”
She wasn’t so sure of that, but it warmed her that he thought so. She rose to her feet and he followed suit. “Shall we go home?”
He nodded.
They walked downstairs side by side before Fredrick stepped forward to lead the way to the parlor. Entering the room, Katherine’s sight was assaulted by the décor, the flowered pink wallpaper, the ruffles and lace and plentitude of unnecessary objects scattered about on every surface.
How on earth could a man like Hale stand to reside in a place like this? It boggled the mind. Even more so when she caught sight of the large, muscled male stretched out on the rug in front of a delicate-looking sofa. He was lying on his side, propped up on one elbow as the little girl sat in front of him. They each had hold of a porcelain animal, likely swiped from the considerable collection of figurines littering the room, and they appeared to be play-acting a scene.
Hale noticed their arrival first as he looked up without changing position. His dark green gaze fell on her brother with a flicker of curiosity—as though he were accustomed to quickly ascertaining the boy’s well-being—before shifting to Katherine.
As his focus found her, the depth of his regard changed. She felt it viscerally as his regard slid over her from head to toe and, when it returned to her face, the way his attention lingered intently. When she lifted a brow in response to his overt staring, his mouth widened in a brazen grin.
Heat lit within her and burned her cheeks, but she refused to glance away. Katherine wasn’t sure if she should be offended or confused by his behavior. He was such a different manner of man than she’d ever encountered before. Bold, crude, physical, and unapologetic. Did he look at all women the way he was looking at her—probing and assessing?
Before she could wonder any further, the little girl noticed them and scrambled to her feet in a rush to bring her small treasure to Frederick. “Fweddie, wookit piggie.”
The boy knelt down to examine the porcelain animal. “What a handsome little swine,” he replied softly, and the girl beamed in response, her blue eyes shining with adoration.
Katherine’s heart ached.
As the children continued talking in hushed voices, Hale slowly rolled to his feet. Katherine found herself amazed by the unique sort of grace in his movements. Again, she was surprised that a man in possession of such towering height and thick muscles didn’t lumber and lurch.
He didn’t. Not even a little bit.
Standing in the middle of the flouncy parlor, he looked incredibly out of place. And he seemed to know it as he glanced toward the sofa with a sardonic expression. “You’re welcome to take a seat.”
She shook her head. “No, thank you.” She glanced to Frederick. “We just came to say good-bye.”