Page 33 of Noble Scoundrel
The sharp retort that rose to her lips was cut off as Claire squirmed in her father’s hold.
“All right, sweet pea,” he said with a chuckle as he set her on the floor. Once there, however, she became shy again and wrapped her arm around her father’s leg even though her gaze kept darting between Frederick and Katherine.
Leaning forward, Katherine greeted the girl gently. “Hello, Claire. I am Lady Katherine, Frederick’s sister. Do you remember me?” The girl gave a little nod. “We’re very happy to have you here. I hope you’ll enjoy staying with us for a while.”
“You’ll have a lovely room all to yourself,” Frederick offered. “And I can visit with you every day.” He shifted his attention to Katherine. “Can I bring her upstairs?”
Before responding, she glanced to Hale. He gave a quick nod. “Claire’s nurse went up with our bags.” Then he crouched down next to his daughter. “Go on with Freddie. I’ll be up soon to tuck you in, sweet pea.”
As the children ascended the grand stairs, Katherine turned to Hale. “I can show you to your room, as well.”
“Lead the way, dove,” he said with a sweeping gesture.
She remained where she was. “You may call me Lady Katherine.”
He grinned. “I may...but I probably won’t.”
“You are going to be as difficult as possible, aren’t you?”
Green eyes flashed. “It’s part of my charm.”
“What charm?” she asked with a lifted brow.
His answer was a brash wink.
Her belly performed a delicate flip and she quickly turned toward the stairs.
Focusing on appearing not at all disturbed by the fact that she was actually welcoming this brute of a man into her home, she led the way to the second floor. His overwhelming presence hovered beyond her shoulder every step of the way. Reaching his door, she stopped and turned to let him pass.
“This shall be your room. The stairway just there will take you to the level above, where the children’s rooms are, as well as the schoolroom and nursery. Taking the stairs down will bring you to the back entrance of the house near the kitchen. If you’ve need of anything, you may ring the bell and a servant will see to your request.”
Hale gave a short grunt of acknowledgment as he stepped past her into the bedroom. The fire had been lit earlier and now glowed low in the grate, but plenty of candlelight illuminated the deep burgundy and pewter-grey decor. After taking only a few long strides into the room, he paused and planted his hands on his hips. He cast a quick glance over the mahogany armoire, the leather armchairs placed before the fire, and the huge four-poster bed.
The bed was another reason Katherine had chosen this room for him. It was likely the only bed in the house capable of accommodating his great size.
Experiencing a sudden rush of awkwardness at the thought of his body stretched out in repose on the rich velvet coverlet, she spoke quickly into the silence. “You have an hour to settle in and see to Claire’s comfort, then I’d like to see you in my study. Foster, our butler, can show you the way.”
“I’ll find you,” he replied without turning around.
Katherine backed away and started down the hall in long strides. She’d need the next hour to bring her reactions to the man firmly back under her control.
SIXTY-FIVE MINUTES later—just as Katherine’s impatience was starting to get the best of her—Hale appeared in the doorway to her small study located just off the entry hall. She’d chosen that room for this meeting specifically for the fact that it was designed with a purpose similar to the entry. The dark wood paneling, thick Aubusson carpet, and stately portraits covering the walls created a weighted atmosphere of purpose and reverence.
Hale, however, entered the room with a casual, rolling stride and a curious arch to his brow. Throwing his hands out to his sides, he stated boldly, “I’m all yours.”
“Please, have a seat, Mr. Hale,” Katherine replied in her most formal tone as she rose from her chair behind the desk to gesture toward the seating arrangement in front of the fire. It was important she set the expectations for their interactions right from the start.
She was in charge here. Whether he liked it or not.
She crossed to sit in the center of the small sofa and, as she’d expected, he lowered himself to one of the two oversized wingback chairs. Leaning back in the chair, he crossed one ankle over the opposite knee and rested his hands on his abdomen.
Katherine would have expected the ducal setting of their Mayfair mansion to inspire at least a hint of decorum in the man.
Apparently not.
The smile he offered was relaxed and only slightly suggestive.