Page 40 of Noble Scoundrel
Chapter Thirteen
Katherine was restless and worried and growing angrier by the second.
Hale had been gone for nearly the entire morning. And she’d only just found out about it.
Following their interview the night before, Katherine acknowledged that her anxiety over having hired Hale for the important job of protecting her brother had less to do with her confidence in his abilities and more to do with her reactions to the man on a much more personal level. After his initial mocking tone, he’d become intently focused. And though his self-assurance was injected with an annoying degree of arrogance, there was no denying the man’s experience and acumen in the exact skill set required for a bodyguard.
Her growing confidence in the decision to hire him lasted until midday when she discovered Hale had been gone from the house for several hours. And that he’d instructed one of the footmen—who was little more than a boy himself—to watch over her brother in his absence.
Day one and the man had disappeared to do lord knows what. Did he not understand his duty as bodyguard was top priority?
After leaving instructions for Foster to bring Mr. Hale to her as soon as he returned to the house, she stationed herself in the study, where she occupied herself with the task of composing a list of anyone who might have reason to threaten the Northmoor dukedom or Frederick specifically. Frustratingly, the only person with clear motive was the Marquess of Warfield.
Determined to be thorough, she expanded the list to include every person of their acquaintance who she couldn’t immediately and confidently exclude.
She started by considering those who had been closest to them back in Lincolnshire; estate tenants, villagers, local merchants. People they’d grown up with all their lives. Though she could barely imagine any of them perpetrating such a plot, she did her best to stay objective when discounting any possibility.
From there, she looked at her father’s associates. A more challenging task.
Charles Blackwell’s work had frequently put him in touch with various people who had interest or investment in the fields of herbalism or pharmacology. Due to her father’s reclusive nature, communication had mainly been conducted through letters. Katherine could recall a good number of the names mentioned over the years, but she’d only ever met a handful of her father’s acquaintances in person and even fewer of his scientific colleagues. Knowing very little about any of them, she couldn’t risk leaving them off the list.
Lastly, she added the name of every person who’d sent a message of sympathy upon her father’s death, as well as anyone who’d reached out to them since their arrival in London. She’d have to ask Frederick if he recalled any additional names since his memory with such things would be much more reliable.
The result was a bit extensive. And unfortunately, without any knowledge of the kidnapper’s motive, the process of narrowing the list further would be ridiculously difficult and more of a guessing game than anything. There had to be a better way.
Frustrated, worried, and without another ready distraction now that she’d completed the inventory of names, Katherine rose to her feet and began to pace a large circle around the room. From the fireplace to the bookshelf lining the far wall, along the row of windows that looked out over the courtyard, then past the door and back to the fireplace, where she glanced at the clock.
Where the hell was he?
Her answer was Foster’s distinctive knock on the study door. Finally.
Needing to feel more grounded, she returned to her seat behind the desk. “Yes. Come in.”
Foster opened the door and gave a short bow. “Lord Shelbourne is here to see you, my lady.”
“Lord Shelbourne?”
In her excitement and relief at being reunited with Frederick and the worries that had arisen since, she’d completely forgotten about Lord Shelbourne. She hadn’t even bothered to send him a note letting him know her brother was home safe again. After the gentleman had assisted her by recommending Mr. Boothe, she should have been more considerate.
Katherine rose to her feet. “Please show him in.”
A moment later, Shelbourne strode into the room just as Katherine stepped out from behind the corner desk. Her previous interactions with the Lord had all been through correspondence. Yet he appeared nearly exactly as she had imagined him. He was a tall man with hair gone fully grey and a neatly trimmed beard in a style from the prior century. His manner was formal and slightly apologetic as he offered a bow. “My Lady Katherine. Forgive me for stopping in unannounced and outside of proper calling hours, but I felt compelled to check in on your welfare.”
Doing her best to dispel the tension that had claimed her over the last hours, she offered a smile. “Not at all, my lord,” Katherine assured before glancing to the sofa near the fireplace. “Would you like to take a seat?”