Page 46 of Noble Scoundrel
Chapter Fifteen
Not long after the first light of dawn began to tinge the sky the next morning, Mason was down in the ballroom awaiting his first student of the day. On the appointed hour exactly, Freddie strode through the open double doors.
Mason was pleased to see the young duke had dressed in loose-fitted clothing as he’d been instructed.
“Morning, Your Grace. You ready for this?” Using the boy’s title felt strange after weeks of calling him simply Freddie, but he figured he’d better start getting used to it.
Freddie gave a nod as he closed the doors behind him. “I hope so, Mr. Hale. I’d like to thank you for suggesting this training.”
Mason chuckled. “It wasn’t a suggestion, lad. And if you’re not cursing me for it in another hour, I won’t be doing my job right.”
He’d decided to train the boy after witnessing his frustration over having his idea to bait the kidnappers rejected. Mason could understand Freddie’s desire to take action. It had to be difficult for the boy to sit idle while an undefined threat hovered overhead. Mason always felt more comfortable when taking a fighter’s stance. But he agreed with Lady Katherine’s refusal to use Freddie as a means of drawing their enemy out. Very simply, it was too dangerous.
There had to be another way. Hopefully, Morley would have some luck digging up information that could help them.
In the meantime, it wouldn’t hurt to give the boy a few helpful skills. Not only could it come in handy if someone tried to nab him again, but he hoped it’d also satisfy Freddie’s need to do something about his circumstances.
Sometime later, Mason had Freddie wrapped in a bear hug from behind. The boy stood still for only a moment before he took a deep breath, stepped wide with one foot, snuck the other foot behind one of Mason’s while shifting his hips and leaning his shoulders into the bigger man. The swift change in positioning threw Mason off-balance, landing him on his back on the floor.
He laughed as he got back to his feet while Frederick stared at him, shock evident on his flushed face.
“I did it. I actually tossed you to the ground.”
Mason nodded. “Now you see how you can use an opponent’s size against them.” He stepped behind Freddie and placed him in the same hold. “Again. Only this time, I intend to put up a bit of resistance. Don’t let it change what you’re doing. Same principles apply.”
This time, Mason held on to Freddie as he fell, bringing the boy down with him.
“Now. Use your head,” he instructed as Freddie began to struggle.
With a quick snap, the back of Freddie’s skull connected with Mason’s chin at the same time he kicked his heel back into Mason’s knee. Both of which caused him to grunt in pain as his hold weakened. Freddie took swift advantage to scramble away.
Once free, he turned back to assess Mason’s position. Grasping the boy’s ankle, Mason gave a swift tug, which had the boy flopping onto his backside.
“When you get free, you run. Always,” Mason barked. “The state of your opponent can’t be your concern. Your only goal is to escape and avoid further capture.”
“Yes, sir,” Freddie muttered painfully as he rubbed his backside.
Rising from the floor, Mason reached down to offer a hand. “Again.”
Freddie leapt to his feet with a grin. “You won’t trick me this time.”
Chuckling, Mason rubbed his jaw where Frederick’s head had made solid contact. “I’ve got an infinite number of tricks, my boy. Never underestimate your opponent. They won’t hold back, so you can’t either.”
The young duke nodded and squared his shoulders.
Mason flashed a grin. “Now...let’s see just how hard-skulled you are.”
He worked the boy for nearly two hours before sending him off to enjoy a hearty breakfast. The lad had earned it. His focus had been unwavering, and though he didn’t have much muscle yet, he was naturally athletic, and more than anything, he was willing to push himself.
He couldn’t say the same for his next group of trainees.
Shortly after Freddie left the ballroom, Mason had three footmen lined up before him, displaying expressions that varied from eager to wary. Through lessons in various boxing drills, wrestling holds, and a few street-fighting techniques, it became clear that the young one who frequently squared off against five older brothers had some raw talent, another one of them would eventually manage well enough with further training, but the last wasn’t going to work at all.
By the time Mason dismissed them, the young men were red-faced and soaked in sweat. Mason, however, had barely warmed up. Once alone, he threw himself into a vigorous training routine. If he overwhelmed his body with the pain and exhaustion of physical exertion, he might find a way past his tormenting hunger for a provokingly haughty female.