Page 55 of Noble Scoundrel
“My ability to protect you,” he replied. “And Freddie, of course.”
“As Frederick will not be leaving the house until the threat is resolved, I don’t see what a carriage ride can tell me.”
A frown weighed down his tawny brows as he looked down at her. “You won’t be able to keep him locked up indefinitely.”
“I don’t intend to. Just until he’s safe.”
“He’d be safe with me.”
Though she believed him, she still couldn’t see any reason she’d allow Frederick to be put at unnecessary risk. Still, it was possible a valid need for him to leave the house might come up at some point. If Hale wished to test his security measures by taking her on a drive through the park, it might not be a bad idea.
She nodded. “Tomorrow, then.”
Hale took a step forward, coming up right beside her where she still stood resting against the wall. Katherine held her breath as she turned her head to look at him, but he was just opening his bedroom door. He gave her a silent look before nodding in the direction of her own bedroom down the hall. “You’d best be turning in then. Before your candle burns out.” Then he smiled and her belly fluttered. “Unless you’re thinking to join me inside?”
She actually glanced past him into the room, softly illuminated by a low-burning fire in the grate. The bed appeared impossibly large in the flickering light.
As an odd trembling began low in her body, she turned away with a quick, “Good night, Mr. Hale,” then strode swiftly down the hall to her room.
She thought she heard a low chuckle behind her, but when she glanced back, the hallway was empty.
Chapter Eighteen
The next afternoon, Katherine stepped outside dressed for an outing, infernal bonnet and all. The day was perfect for a drive. Warm and breezy with dappled sunlight filtering through the trees that lined their street in Mayfair. It was odd to think an enemy could be lurking nearby, waiting for another chance to make a move.
With a cautious gaze, she looked up and down the street for anyone who might appear out of place.
She saw nothing unusual.
She did, however, see Hale, dressed in fawn breeches and a black coat, waiting beside the open-top barouche. He wore no hat, but his hair was secured in a neat queue and a neckcloth completed the look. Even if he put forth true effort, Hale wasn’t a man who’d ever look polished or refined. He was too rugged and bold for such descriptors and Katherine rather liked him that way.
Not that she’d ever tell him that.
Keeping her expression as indifferent as possible, she glanced away from the bodyguard to note that Mr. Newton was in the driver’s seat and one of the footmen who’d begun training with Hale had taken position in the back.
As she stood poised at the top of her front steps, Hale turned from where he’d been talking in low tones with Newton. When his verdant gaze fell on her, his mouth curved into a smile. But this wasn’t one of his twisted smirks or a brazen grin. It was a simple expression of pleasure and it curled her toes.