Page 70 of Noble Scoundrel
She broke from his kiss with a gasp at the first pass over her nipple. When he did it again, she arched into his touch. How could such a simple caress create such an intense spread of sensation? Her nipple tightened, becoming even more sensitive in readiness for the moment his large hand moved to cover the soft mound completely. His fingers gently kneaded before he circled the peak with his forefinger.
It was amazing. Sparks of pleasure shot through her, tingling across her skin, dancing through her blood, intensifying her desire. The need inside her was overwhelming. In a wonderful way.
She didn’t realize she’d been fisting her hand in his hair until she released him to press her palms against his chest. “Wait,” she gasped. “Stop.”
A growl slid from his lips, but he lifted his hand from her breast to press it flat to the floor beside her. His expression was fierce with lust raging hot and unfettered in his gaze as he allowed her to push him until her arms could move freely between them. Her eyes flickered closed for a second as his new position caused his thigh to fit more tightly to her sex, inspiring a rush of tingling heat.
But then she remembered why she’d stopped him.
Her fingers flew to the buttons of her waistcoat, releasing them quickly.
As soon as he realized what she was doing, a wonderfully animalistic sound vibrated from his throat.
Katherine’s fingers moved faster.
Chapter Twenty-two
Mason straightened his arms to lift his weight from her soft warmth while she hastily shrugged free of the woolen waistcoat. Grasping the garment, he tugged it free from beneath her before tossing it carelessly aside. His gaze feasted hungrily on her increasingly exposed skin—flushed a pretty pink—as she opened the fastenings of her shirt.
“No corset?” His voice was unsteady.
Her eyes lifted to his. “Corsets are the exact opposite of comfortable.”
He chuckled at her dry tone.
Once she had the shirt open nearly to her navel, he couldn’t wait any more. Grasping the material at her shoulder, he pulled it down until one full breast was exposed. A soft mound of pale flesh, crested with a rose-colored nipple already tightly puckered.
With a growl, he lowered his head to the peak, closing his mouth around it in full.
She gasped then sighed throatily, a sound that made his stomach tighten. Her hands dove into his hair to grip his skull and her back bowed in a deep arch. With the first swirl of his tongue over the pebbled little rosebud, her fingernails scored his scalp.
What a fierce, demanding creature she was.
He suckled deep, drawing her harshly into his mouth.
She groaned—a thick, sultry sound—while the tension in her thighs went momentarily slack.