Page 78 of Noble Scoundrel
“My father’s experiments proved the plant’s elements were unstable and dosing would be highly sensitive and potentially dangerous. His last entry indicated an intention to discontinue his work on the project.My father was dedicated to herbalism and pharmaceutical study. His passion was in exploring ways the elements of nature could improve our modern lives. That he would willfully choose to destroy his own work was unprecedented.”
Mason frowned as a tingle of apprehension crossed his nape. “There’s more, isn’t there?”
She glanced down at the books in the trunk. When she spoke, it was with a slight reluctance, as though she were still sorting her thoughts on the topic. “It’s nothing he stated outright, but I keep sensing something hinted at between the lines. I think my father was worried that whoever requested the study had dishonorable intentions. He didn’t survive the fire that consumed his lab. Presumably, neither did the journals containing the formulas and methods he’d used in his experiments.” Her expression was stern as she returned her gaze to his. “My father was meticulous in employing safety measures for everything he did. His reflections indicate that he was fully aware of the volatile nature of what he was working with.”
“What are you thinking, dove?”
She turned to face him more squarely. “If a person lacking in honor and integrity wanted to have a drug designed for nefarious purposes, would they be the type of person who allowed anyone, even a duke, to stand in their way? What if my father’s work wasn’t destroyed in the fire but was actually stolen? What if the fire wasn’t an accident at all?”
Mason’s blood chilled. “You think he was murdered?”
Her gaze was steady as she replied, “I think it’s possible that someone who ordered the kidnapping of a young boy and the drowning of two men could also have it in him to arrange to have my father killed for his notes.”
The theory sounded plausible, but it was based solely on speculation. “How would Freddie fit into all this?”
“That’s the part I haven’t been able to figure out.” Her expression darkened as she released a ragged breath. “I can’t explain it, but I feel it’s connected. Somehow...”
He rose to his feet and offered a hand to assist her in rising as well. Despite the somber subject matter, the warm slide of her palm stirred his blood. What had she done to him?
Resting his hands on her shoulders, he brushed his thumbs along the bottom edge of her jaw as he looked down at her with a heavy brow. “I’ll have Morley dig deeper into this society and Emsworth’s activities around the time of your father’s death and these last few months. If there’s anything there, we’ll find it.”
“Thank you,” she replied. Her eyes were grave and her expression troubled. A forceful pressure filled Mason’s chest as he detected the fear and frustration she tried hard to contain.
The strong urge to draw her into him and offer comfort in addition to his attempt at assurance was unusual and startling. Instead, he gave a nod and lowered his hands to his sides.
When she turned to close the trunk, he slid a soft gaze over her straight spine and the capable slope of her shoulders. His heart was heavy in his chest.
He wasn’t a comforting sort.
More than that, however...he was certain she wouldn’t accept it.
THE SOUND OF THE CLOCK striking the hour of two in the morning was ominous in the otherwise silent house. Even after the second chime had faded, Katherine continued to feel its reverberations in her body. Though she’d retired to her bedroom some time ago, she sat fully dressed in her reading chair. The book she’d hoped might distract her had been set aside long ago.
Earlier, after ensuring Newton and his trained guards were properly stationed about the house, Hale had gone to meet with his man to discuss further investigation into Emsworth and to see if any additional information on Warfield had been discovered. Though they did not know how or if Warfield was involved, the fact that he’d apparently been watching the Blackwells was still of some concern.
That had been several hours ago and he hadn’t yet returned.
If what she suspected about their enemy was true—if he had murdered her father in addition to the crimes already attributed to him—he was clearly a very dangerous and determined adversary. If Hale got too close in his pursuit of information, his own life would be at risk.
Katherine tried to excuse her anxiety as nothing more than impatience. But she couldn’t deny her apprehension over the delay on his return, even though the idea of worrying over a man such as Mason Hale was near laughable.
People feared him, they didn’t worry over him.
She was being ridiculous.
Forcing herself to get ready for bed, she changed into her nightgown and removed the pins from her coiffure. Sitting on the edge of her bed, she’d just begun pulling a brush through her hair to release the tangles when she heard a quiet knock accompanied by rough whispered words, “It’s me. You awake?”
A rush of relief had her rising swiftly to her feet. Hale had returned.
And he was at her bedroom door.
“I’m awake,” she called out, her voice a little breathless.
After a pause, he said, “D’you intend to open the door, or shall I tell you what I learned from out here?”
There was obvious amusement in his tone, and it brought to mind the image of how his lips tilted and curled when he smiled. And that brought to mind how his mouth had felt against hers...