Page 35 of Enticing the Devil
But then his tongue—that sudden flick of fire between her lips.
It had been shockingly unexpected and such a different decadent and wicked.
She’d wanted more. She’d wanted to feel the warm, wet texture of his tongue with her own and hadn’t hesitated to seek him out. But now—as she thought back to that moment—she realized that was what had stopped the kiss. She’d heard the rough sound he’d tried to contain. She’d felt the muscle of his thigh harden beneath her hand before she’d even realized she’d grasped hold of him.
Her boldness had shocked him. Proper, demure Lady Anne Humphries had actually shocked the Welsh Devil.
If she didn’t regret how it had ended their kiss long before she was ready, she might have laughed at the idea.
As they stepped from the maze, one of the awaiting footmen offered to fetch a wagon, but Thomas grunted a refusal. “I’ve gotten her this far, I’m sure I can get her safely back to the house.”
Anne tucked her chin to hide the blush heating her cheeks.
Once they entered the hall, she made one more attempt to get him to set her down.
“While I appreciate your gallantry, Mr. Thomas, I feel as though I should make my way alone from here.”
He didn’t even bother to pause his long strides as he continued to the main stairway, though he did look down at her with a hard stare that made her belly feel oddly effervescent.
“Allow me this, Lady Anne.”
His words were spoken quietly, almost intimately. And she felt as though there might be a hint of apology there in the depth of the baritone.
Was he sorry for not listening to her advice regarding the maze? Or for kissing her?
Gratefully, they only encountered a few servants along the way as she directed her escort to the guest room she’d been given. With the hour so late, the other guests were no doubt readying for dinner, something she’d need to do quickly if she hoped to finally tend her feet and avoid being rudely late.
Her maid was waiting when Mr. Thomas open the door to her room without even shifting her weight. The servant turned with wide eyes at the sight of Anne in the gentleman’s very capable arms.
“Oh, my lady! I was so very worried. I was just about to send someone to look for you. Have you been injured?”
“Nothing to fret over,” Anne quickly assured.
Striding past the anxious maid, Mr. Thomas lowered Anne into a comfortable armchair near the fire. There was a moment while he leaned over her—his arms still around her body, his shoulders blocking out the rest of the room—that his dark gaze found hers.
Her body ignited with a million sparks.
Because the weighty intensity in his eyes was exactly as it had been in the maze—right before he’d kissed her. The harsh resistance. The silent foreboding. The confusion.
A part of her wanted to be insulted by the bewilderment in his eyes, but she understood it. The man barely tolerated her. The kiss had clearly been an impulsive mistake.
But she couldn’t help but wonder...if her maid hadn’t been waiting for her, if they were alone right now, would he kiss her again?
Even as she had the thought, he released her and stepped back to hand the ruined slippers to the servant. “Her feet will need tending.”
“Yes, sir. Of course.”
He was halfway across the room before Anne managed to call after him. “Mr. Thomas, we really must arrange some time to rehearse our reading.”
He didn’t even look back as he grumbled a reply. “Later.” And then he was gone.