Page 60 of Enticing the Devil
And she suddenly wasn’t so sure she was strong enough to resist him.
Rising abruptly to her feet, she tried to maintain some veneer of decorum as she walked up to Lily, who had risen to her feet with an odd sheen of tears in her eyes. After muttering a quick word about not feeling well, Anne continued quickly past the seated guests to the open doors behind them. Passing Lord and Lady Mayhew, she was struck by the odd look of fury in the lady’s eyes, but she didn’t slow her steps.
Once free of the room, she continued to the stairway that led to the guest wing and the solitude of her bedroom. Even as her eyes began to blur and her heartbeat thundered in her ears, she prayed her maid would not be waiting for her.
Blessedly, her bedroom was empty. But as she sighed in relief and turned to close her door, she couldn’t.
Beynon’s large form filled the threshold. She hadn’t even heard him behind her.
Her stomach plummeted and her heart bounced to her throat.
“We need to talk.” Even now, his dark tone resonated with something deep inside her.
She shook her head, taking a step back. “I’ve nothing more to say.”
His glowering countenance was menacing in the dim candlelight. “Then you can listen.” With fierce purpose, he stepped across the threshold and closed the door behind him. Turning the key in the lock for good measure.
Though she was now locked in her bedroom alone with a very intense, very strong man, Anne wasn’t the slightest bit frightened. She was far too emotionally battered and deeply incensed to feel something so tame as fear.
Staring boldly back at him, she closed her thoughts behind an unreadable mask. He could never know how hurt she was by his betrayal—his utter disregard for her basic right to make her own decisions.
He said he wanted her to listen? Fine. He could say whatever he wanted, then he could leave.
Chapter Twenty-two
This was a mistake. A huge error in judgement.
He never should have followed her. Everyone downstairs had witnessed it. Her hasty departure with him following swiftly on her heels. Not that the impropriety would matter much after their engagement was announced.
No, the risk Beynon perceived as he stared at Lady Anne’s stoic expression and fiercely proud stance had nothing to do with society’s perception and everything to do with the lady’s.
He took a step forward and her chin lifted. Her gaze became uncharacteristically steely as she waited silently for him to speak.
What could he say? She was clearly furious—and rightfully so. But it couldn’t change anything. What had been done could not be reversed.
Resisting the urge to look anywhere but at the woman in front of him, he cleared his throat. “I understand your anger.” A quick arch of her brows suggested her skepticism. He scowled. She wasn’t going to make this easy for him. “I should’ve spoken with you before sending for Lord Humphries. At the time, I thought it best to move forward as quickly as possible.”