Page 33 of The Rebound (Close Quarters 3)
“You know I’m kidding. But in all seriousness, Mike’s...good at making people see what he wants them to see.”
“I really did care about him at one point.” I shake my head. “But I guess I never really knew what a good relationship should feel like.”
Our mother had a one-night stand and ended up with Drew and me. Our father was never in the picture. Maybe I don’t know what love even looks like. Not romantic love, anyway.
“It’s all moot,” I say. “Time for me to move on. I’m happy you’re staying and that you found Flynn.”
“I know I haven’t been around much the last few years.” Drew sighs. “But that’s going to change now. And I don’t want you thinking it’s all because I’ve got myself a man. I had decided to staybeforewe patched things up.”
I cock my head. That is certainly news to me. “Really?”
She bobs her head. “Yeah. I realised I was letting my jealousy force us apart, and I didn’t want to be away from you and Mum anymore.”
“Jealousy?” I scoff. As if Drew wouldeverbe jealous of me. “You’ve got to be kidding.”
“Do you have any idea what it was like growing up in the shadow of Perfect Presley?” She wraps both hands around her mug. “You were good at everything—school, work, people. It was tough, because you cast a very big shadow.”
I had no idea she ever felt like that. It’s laughable, really. “And you don’t think I felt jealous of the fact that everyone thought you were this total goddess? All the girls in school wanted to be you and all the boys wanted to date you. I felt totally invisible.”
Drew looks at me like she’s seeing me for the first time. “I had no idea.”
“And I had no idea you felt like I was a shining star. I guess we both had some stuff to overcome.”
She nods. “And you know boys only wanted to date me for a hot second. I was a novelty to most men, until Flynn came along.”
Her expression softens into something wonderful, and I realise she’s in love. Totally and utterly, head-over-heels in love. “At least something good came out of my engagement.”
“Don’t be like that. You made the right decision to walk away,” she says. “Trust me, I’m experienced with the whole kissing-a-lot-of-frogs thing.”
“They’re all frogs.” But even as I say it, I know it isn’t true. Sebastian is a man with a good heart and good morals—even if his family seems to think otherwise.
Maybe he’s just fooling you.
But why? He has nothing to gain from me. In fact, being with me is a risk, right? Especially knowing he wants his place at the head of his grandfather’s company.
“Some of them are more like toads.” Drew chuckles. “But every so often you find a guy who’s less of an amphibian. Theyareout there.”
“Who would have thought you’d be siding with true love while I played the role of cynic? Mum wouldn’t believe us.” I stare into the dark depths of the coffee in my mug. The black liquid reflects back my confusion. I don’t know what I believe anymore. “Do you feel like we’ve switched places?”
“No.” Drew shakes her head. “We’re growing. Changing. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
Except that I feel like I’m going backward—walking away from the adult life I fantasised about toward something that feels so...untethered.
“One dickhead does not mean you’ll never find a relationship with someone who doesn’t want to change you,” she says softly. “I’m proof of that.”
There’s a conviction in her voice that’s so unlike my sister. I know in my heart of hearts that he’sitfor her. Once Drew makes a decision, she sticks with it. And she doesn’t open up to people easily...or at all, in a lot of cases. Flynn has well and truly won her heart.
There’s a stupid, jealous little part of me that wants that, too.
But aiming for the perfect life hasn’t worked for me yet—two failed engagements is more than enough proof that I’m doing something wrong. Trying too hard or barking up the wrong tree...or something. I used to be that person who believed in fate, who believed that everything happened for a reason.
Not anymore.
“Maybe,” I say with a shrug. “In the meantime, I need to get the watch back. Sherilee told me he’s supposed to be out of the apartment on Wednesday.”
“Then that’s when we’ll go,” Drew says.
Hopefully then, once I’ve got my family heirloom back, I’ll feel like my break from Mike is complete. Then I can move on and forget any of this ever happened.