Page 18 of Hit And Bothered
They had several guests throughout the day as the good news traveled around the neighborhood. Toly and Wilder came over after lunch and Hawk was elated when he arrived to give Speed a quick check-up. Denver and Ezra called and promised they’d be visiting Lake Cliff soon and to be ready to celebrate together. Lane and Aiden came back for dinner and Lavender joined them for a champagne toast.
“We’ll have to keep a close eye on security—and I’d caution you to be reasonable with your choice of venue—but I would never tell you to wait. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed,” Lavender said as he held up his glass.
“Could we get married in Sparks, if we’re really, really careful?” Speed suggested, raising his brows at Blake hopefully. “If that’s cool with you.”
“I would love that!” Blake said, then looked at Lavender. “Would that be a reasonable venue? My sister’s looking at places in Chicago.”
“Chicago would be a nightmare and just as good as buying a bunch of billboards,” Lavender replied with a shudder. “I’d much ratheruscovertly find our way down to Sparks for a quiet wedding in the country. The rest of the Wests will have to be discreet. Even if we’re no longer concerned about Leary,” he warned. Blake and Lane nodded.
“I’ll handle it,” Lane said firmly. “We’ll imply that it’s better to keep this quiet for political reasons so Nate isn’t accused of making any questionable alliances.”
“Gross but that should work,” Blake agreed. Lane held up his hands and shrugged.
“It’s not far from the truth. Nate won’t want it to get out that he’s this connected to someone like Blink,” he said. “We don’t want any of the family connected to Blink like that.”
“Right,” Blake murmured, frowning when he caught a widening of Speed’s eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t think he’ll say yes and I know it’s going to piss Nate off but…” Speed mouthed a silent apology at Blake. “I’d like to invite Blink. I don’t have anyone else I can ask.”
“Ok…” Blake said, nodding slowly. The idea was terrifying but Blake didn’t care. If that was what Speed wanted, that was what Speed would get. Even if Blake had to beg Blink himself. “Invite Blink. Nate’s a politician, he knows how to smile and pretend he’s having a good time.”
“I think Blink might surprise you,” Lavender said to Speed.
“Why?” He replied suspiciously but Lavender just shook his head.
“I look forward to hearing how that call goes at brunch. If you’re still feeling up to attending,” he challenged. Blake gave him an impatient look.
“Trust me, he’s feeling up to it.” With that, Blake ushered everyone out so he could finally have a moment alone with Speed. “Are you ready to call Blink?” He asked warily. Speed had been quiet since they agreed that Blink should be invited.
“I will be. Tomorrow.” He gave himself a shake and Speed became relaxed and charming again. But Blake could see that Speed was tired. He’d been on his feet most of the day, welcoming guests and shaking hands.
“Let’s go to bed. I’m wiped out,” Blake said, offering Speed his arm for support.
“You read my mind. But I’m way too excited to go to sleep,” he said, daring Blake.
“We’ll see about that.”
Speed was still nervous the next morning. He’d prepared a simple, nonchalant approach in case Blink thought the idea was ridiculous but his hands were shaking as Speed picked up the phone and dialed.
What do I say to Blake and his family if Blink says no and I have no one to invite?
Speed pulled the phone from his ear and would have hung up but he heard Alon’s low, dry “Hello.”
“Hey?” Alon cleared his throat impatiently.
For a moment, Speed thought it might be funny if he blamed the call on a butt dial. Then, Speed remembered that Alon had invented new ways of torturing people while he was a Mossad agent.
“Is Blink available?”
“He is and he would like to talk to you as well but over video.”
“What? Why?” Speed asked, his hand sweating as it held the phone to his ear.