Page 20 of Hit And Bothered
“Good. Am I right in assuming that…Kat West will be Alon’s point of contact?”
“Point of contact?” That was alarming. “Why would Alon contact Kat?”
“To discuss the details of the wedding and the reception,” Blink said obviously, shifting gears and becoming all business again. “I assume she’ll be acting as your planner. We’ll want to make sure she has everything she needs and can get a hold of anyone she wants for this. And it will be far less concerning for Alon to ask for the guest list and to see all the details if we’re paying for everything. As opposed to asking so he can arrange security and set up a perimeter,” he added suggestively.
“That’s clever but you don’t have to pay for any of this,” Speed argued, then gasped when the call ended. He stared at the screen until his eyes were dry. “I guess that went well… I should probably warn Kat,” he said but he was still too stunned to do anything. He had expected the conversation to be painfully awkward when he told her and Blake’s parents that he didn’t have anyone he wanted to invite. Now, Speed would havethreepeople. His phone vibrated and Speed jumped. Kat’s picture filled the screen and he had to brace himself for the second time as he answered. “Hello?”
“First of all, is Alon single? That was the hottest phone call I’ve ever experienced.”
“No,” Speed said, shaking his head quickly. “He is the mostunsingle person I know.”
“He’s married?”
“I’m sure you’ve heard someone described as being married to their work but Alonishis work. He sold his soul to my boss and acts as basically an extra brain and appendages. Alon runs my boss’s life for him. Alon will never care about anything but his job,” Speed stated as confidently as if he was telling Kat the sky was blue.
“Huh. Well, he certainly cares about you. Or your boss does and he’s told Alon to give meanythingI want, no matter what it costs. I have Alon’s direct number and I’m to send all orders to him so he can make sure everything goes exactly the way I, we, want.”
“That is pretty sexy,” Speed said. Kat snorted.
“I’ve dreamt of hearing those words come out of a man’s mouth and it sure didn’t hurt in that deep, serious tone.” She shivered loudly. “I bet he’s hot.”
“Um.” Speed’s face pinched as he considered. Sex was thelastthing that would ever cross his mind while at Blackhurst. “I guess he is… He’s one of those guys who likes to be invisible. Handsome, swarthy, tall, bald, super fit but kind of wiry, large hands,” he summarized.
“Not really. Alon scares the shit out of everyone. He’s a butler but my boss hired him because he’s like a killer monk.”
“Are you serious?” Kat asked as she laughed.
“Completely. I’m telling you now because they’re both coming to the wedding and there’s no way you won’t notice,” he said with a hard sigh. “I need your help, Kat. I can’t explain to you how much this is going to mean to me having them there, but it’s going to be tricky. Alon and my boss are taking a big risk but I’m a little freaked out at how Nate is going to handle them being there.”
“Nate can stuff a sock in it or leave,” she growled, making Speed feel much better.
“I’d really like to make a good impression on the rest of your family but I think you’re the best girl in the whole damn world, Kat.”
“I love you too, Speed. Don’t worry. I’ll help your scary city friends fly under the radar while we’re at home. And Nate will come around. He knows he’s being an uppity hypocrite and a bigot but he loves his little brother so Nate will fix whatever’s broken inside of him.”
“I know. He’s not like any of the people I grew up with. That’s why I’m not that bothered by it. And it’s easy to let it roll off my back because I know what it’s like when youcan’ttell anyone without getting the shit kicked out of you. Or worse,” he said.
“You’re getting the wedding of your dreams, Speed, come hell or high water,” Kat growled, making Speed wish he could hug her.
“You know, I wished for a brother but I never wanted a sister because I thought it would be harder, that I’d have to protect her. But you’re one of the strongest and bravest people I’ve ever met. I’m glad you’re going to be my sister.”
“I love you too, sweetheart. I never wantedmorebrothers but if Ihave tohave another one, I'm glad it’s you.”
They laughed and made plans for her visit, then Speed ended the call and switched phones. He wished he was calling Francis to share the good news but Speed needed to reassure himself that he wasn’t taking the biggest risk of his life. Speed missed the way he didn’t care before, when it felt like there was nothing to lose.
“How are you doing?” Francis asked as soon as he picked up. He’d been worried about Speed.
“I swear, I’m going to be fine. My doctor’s keeping me comfortable and I’ve got the hottest nurse taking care of me,” he said, testing Francis. He just humphed and let out a heavy sigh.
“I guess Mickey rubbed off on you too.”
“Don’t say that,” Speed said before he could stop himself and clamped his lips shut. “It hurts to think about him.”
“I know but he’s all I can think about.” Francis did his best to muffle his sobs but Speed heard and felt them.
“I’m so sorry!” He’d never forget the ecstasy of grief and soul-deep relief he felt as he held Mickey’s lifeless body but Speed regretted this part and wished there was some way he could have spared Francis.