Page 26 of Hit And Bothered
“Yup. The guy who runs the bait shop—Rick—is ordained and he said he’d be happy to do it.”
“And…?” Lavender prodded urgently as his brows climbed up his forehead. Denver looked at Ezra, then shrugged.
“And he’ll bring plenty of bait. We’ll fill some coolers with beer and we’ll all go fishing?” He guessed, causing Lavender to make the weariest sound as he pinched his brow.
“Ezra, you can’t be serious. Your mother and Helena will be there. It doesn’t have to be elaborate but give themsomething,for Christ’s sake.”
“He might be right,” Ezra whispered at Denver out of the side of his mouth. “My mom might kill me if I drag her down to the cabin for a fish fry.”
That got a chuckle out of Lavender. “How about an upscale fish fry with pretty tablecloths and lots of candles?” He suggested and Denver smiled.
“That sounds really nice, actually.”
“Perhaps we can find other ways to compromise without losing the…relaxed approach you two tend to prefer. Come along, we have much to do and little time to do it,” Lavender said briskly. He put his arms around Denver and Ezra and steered them toward Sage, impressing Speed. It sounded like their wedding would be the exact opposite of Speed and Blake’s but Lavender would find a way to get Denver and Ezra to compromise just a little so they wouldn’t be disowned by their friends and family.
It was apparent that all concerns about the hit and Francis had been put on the back burner. Lavender’s only focus at the moment was Denver and Ezra’s good news and their upcoming nuptials. The cold calculation was gone and Speed was seeing more and more of the proud, semi-paternal, intensely sentimental benefactor and loyal friend. Speed was getting more glimpses ofthisLavender as he got closer to the immaculate hitman and it was a constant revelation.
Lavender was different when it wasn’t business. He wasn’t afraid to be human and he didn’t see love as something that made him vulnerable. He might have been as cold and as calculating as Mickey—maybemore—when it came to business. But Lavender wasn’t lying when he said he wasn’t pretending in Lake Cliff. He cherished the quiet suburb because it gave him a safe place to be human with people he trusted and truly cared about.
Speed was glad he decided to go with the moment and propose to Blake when he did. Lavender was right: you had to celebrate life while you could. It had felt right and it felt like Speed and Blake were celebrating their future in the moment, as it was taking shape around them when he proposed. And he could feel a safe, happy life taking shape as Speed smiled at Blake.
He would always be Team Speed & Blake but Lavender was no longer an enemy or to be kept at arm’s length. Blink wouldn’t be thrilled if he had an inkling of how far Speed had crossed over to the dark side, but somehow, that made it all just a little bit sweeter.
That’ll teach you for sending me out to the suburbs to spy for you.
They barely had time to catch their breaths after the excitement at brunch when Kat blew into Lake Cliff to discuss plans for Blake and Speed’s wedding. She came through the front door with a giant binder and a large box containing various samples.
“My God. Look at this place!” She pushed the box and the binder at Blake. Kat’s jaw hung as she slowly turned in the foyer and leaned to peek into the living and dining rooms and to look up the winding glass staircase. “I was hoping this would be a mess and that you’d need my help but look at this place!” She slapped at Blake’s arm excitedly. “I want a tour and it had better start with wherever you keep the wine. Henry’s staying with a friend so I’ll be using your guest room tonight,” she informed them as she reached for Speed’s cheeks. “How are you doing, sweetheart? Let me get a look at you.”
“I’m fine!” Speed said, then laughed as she kissed him loudly. He let Kat poke at his shoulder as they made their way down the hall to the kitchen.
“My bag’s in my trunk. Be an angel and get it for me,” she called over her shoulder, leaving Blake to deal with the binder and the box and to make sure her bag made it inside.
Kat and Speed were getting comfortable in the living room with a bottle of champagne by the time Blake had delivered her bag to the guest room. She had the binder opened and an assortment of stationary samples, fabric swatches, and photos were already spread across the coffee table.
“It hasn’t even been a week!” Blake noted as he poured himself a glass and began perusing. His head was already spinning at all the decisions they’d have to make.
“Are you kidding me? I started as soon as you called and said you were bringing Speed home for Henry’s birthday.”
“And I’m so glad,” Speed said, waving his glass at the coffee table. Blake considered objecting but he had a feeling Speed needed a drink just as much as he did. And Speed was on a much lower dosage of pain meds and only as needed. “Who knew there was this much to think about?” Speed asked and picked up a stack of envelopes in a dozen pastel shades.
“I did,”Kat said pointedly as she took them from him. “I have to be honest, I wasn’t thrilled when I first heard that you’d chosen to have your wedding and the reception at the ranch…” She began while flipping through the binder. “But given that it needs to be quiet and how happy you two were there…” She tapped on a page when she found what she was looking for and presented it to him. “You might like something like this.”
“Oh. Wow!” Speed laughed shakily and Blake could only nod.
Kat had managed to stuff two plastic protector pages with exactly what Blake had wanted, if he had any idea of what he wanted. There was a sketch of a rustic country wedding under the tree by the pond and a sunset reception with barbecue and a bonfire. She had pictures of cakes, grooms in tan suits, sample invitations, swatches of table linens…
“That’s it, Kat!” Blake said, snatching her hand as he pictured it all and became overwhelmed. Speed nodded jerkily but couldn’t muster any words.
“Well!” Kat clapped and topped off her glass. “I don’t feel at all sore about losing my castle wedding anymore! This is going to be so much fun. Just leave it all to me.”
“Gladly!” Blake said. Speed hummed in agreement as he nodded.
“It’s all perfect. Do whatever you want and send the bill to Alon,” he said, further securing Kat’s undying devotion.
“I’m so glad you’re going to be my new brother,” she told him. “As a matter of fact…” Kat began and popped her lips, signaling that she had a very big announcement to make. Blake knew that she was about to do something incredibly sweet or unleash chaos. It was a crapshoot with Kat, really. “I’ve been giving this a lot of thought and I’ve decided that I’m not buying you a wedding present.” She gave them a firm nod and looked pleased with herself as she smiled into her glass. Really, really pleased with herself. Blake slid Speed a warning look before he narrowed his eyes at his sister.