Page 29 of Hit And Bothered
“She’s pretty incredible,” Speed murmured drowsily and Blake hummed in agreement.
“She really is but it’ll go to her head so I tell her she’s a menace and needs Jesus.”
“This is…odd.” Lavender’s brows jumped as he read the request from Alon.
Apologies for the short notice but we would appreciate a word.
“What’s that?” Sage asked from the other end of the sofa, distracted as he scanned pictures of rustic flower arrangements on his iPad. He dove right into planning Denver and Ezra’s wedding and Sage was ready to burst; he was so excited for them.
“Blackhurst would like an audience,” Lavender said. Sage grimaced and gave his head a shake.
“I’ll take this to the patio. Come on out and join me when you’re done.”
Lavender waited until the back door closed behind Sage before turning to the mantle. “If you’re available, Toly. Blink would like to have a word with me.”
The painting over the mantle lifted and the screen came on a moment later. Then, Blink and Alon appeared, standing side-by-side.
“Good afternoon, gentlemen…” Lavender’s head tilted curiously.
“We believe so,” Blink replied and Alon hummed in agreement. “We have a few questions about these weddings and want your thoughts.”
“Oh.” Lavender blinked at the screen. “You heard about Captain Walsh and Dr. Gabriel’s wedding?” He wasn’t surprised, but Lavender didn’t think that either would be that interested. Blink nodded as Alon consulted his clipboard.
“We’ve also heard that they’re to be fathers as well,” Blink announced. “We’re extremely pleased and would like to send something but are having a hard time deciding what would be appropriate,” he explained.
“Oh.” This wouldn’t be the first time Blink would have sent a wedding or baby shower gift. Lavender and Sage’s “something blue” had been a matching set of cufflinks, tie clips, and boutonniere pins made from a vintage Cartier sapphire necklace. And Blink sent several gifts for Robin after he found out that Lavender was going to be a father. He’d arrived at Reginald’s wedding with monogrammed Louis Vuitton luggage for the grooms and sent Toly and Wilder two delightful Thiebaud paintings—theDisplay RowsandEight Beach Dogs.But it was surprising that Blink would take such a direct interest in Denver and Ezra’s upcoming nuptials and fatherhood.
“They did help us save Blackhurst and Captain Walsh was particularly graceful after the second kidnapping attempt,” Blink said.
“True… He didn’t seem too sore about that. I actually think he might have enjoyed it,” Lavender agreed.
“Nonetheless. We are presented with a unique challenge,” Alon continued. “Captain Walsh and Dr. Gabriel have not registered with any retailers and the only establishment they have listed as a point of contact is…” He consulted his clipboard, then stared at the screen. “...a bait shop.”
“Dr. Gabriel is worth…” Blink looked at Alon, clearly irritated. Alon glanced at his clipboard again.
“2.4 billion dollars,” Alon said, sending Lavender’s brows to his hairline.
“I didn’t realize Ezra was worth that much.”
Blink hummed suggestively. “He likes to forget and ignores his family’s real estate properties in New York City but the Gabriels have owned large swaths of Manhattan since the early 1900s. His worth will skyrocket when his mother passes away.”
“Impressive but…?” Lavender prompted. Blink steepled his fingers together and appeared to consider his response.
“Dr. Gabriel has an Ivy League education and Captain Walsh is ahighly decoratedveteran with a considerable fortune of his own. Both of thesegentlemenare supposedly good friends of yours—a man I know to have impeccable, irreproachable taste—and yet, there is no semblance of any registry or any wedding details beyond a phone number for a bait shop,” Blink replied testily and Alon cleared his throat.
“And I am not convinced that number is working or that the business is even real. No one has answered mymanycalls.”
Lavender rubbed between his brows as he nodded. “We’re working on it,” he reassured them. “Sage has the arrangements in hand and Wilder is building what should be a lovely arch for the dock and two long picnic tables for the reception. I believe we’ve reached a compromise and have elevated Denver and Ezra’s…expectations. Both are looking forward to a casual yet elegant wedding and I predict that it will be sufficiently romantic as well.”
“I’m relieved,” Blink said, then squinted past his monitor. “Let’s go with the case of wine and the matching Patek Philippes,” he murmured to Alon with a decisive nod. He gave Lavender a weary look. “Even they enjoy wine and who doesn’t love a classic timepiece?”
“I have an anniversary coming up,” Lavender said, earning a flat look from Blink.
“What did Marston find?” He asked, tempering Lavender’s mood.
“Leary had a leaf blower so no one stopped him from trespassing on Paul and Reginald’s property. He was able to get a good look in all the windows while he was in the backyard but Leary wasn’t able to break or pick any of the locks,” he said and Blink ducked his head in approval.