Page 5 of Hit And Bothered
“I know. I didn’t hide my parents or who Francis’s father was because I wanted to outsmart you. I hid those things because I had to and so I could protect you. I couldn’t riskeverythingjust so this would sit well with your conscience and I couldn’t risk you telling me no. But I absolutely understand why you’d be pissed and want my head. I knew you would when I was lying to your face but I was willing to accept the consequences.”
“You are…theworst, Speed!” Lavender threw his hands up and began pacing. “You cannot make decisions like this anymore. You are not an island and the consequences will not be isolated to yourself. The things you do will affect Blake and the rest of us.”
“I won’t let that happen,” Speed stated but Lavender pointed threateningly.
“There’s no promise you can make that will put my mind at ease now. Think of what you would do if the man you thought was your brother had your father killed,” he challenged. Speed was still defiant and shook his head.
“I can handle Francis. You heard him, he’s chasing after that rosary and he wants me to stay out of trouble. He’s nowhere close to figuring this out,” he said as he looked around but Lane and Wilder grumbled dubiously while Toly scrubbed his eyes under his glasses. Lane put an arm around Lavender and made a weary sound as he pulled him into a hug.
“We’ll figure this out. We always do.”
“At least it isn’t my fault this time,” Lavender said under his breath and Blake saw Speed’s brows jump as Lane laughed.
“You usually mean well too,” he replied, leaving Blake to wonder if that was why Lavender truly backed down. He made a note to ask Lane about it later.
“I’m sorry for any trouble I’ve caused and I’ll do my best to be upfront from here on out,” Speed said, surprising everyone, judging from the unblinking silence that had descended upon the room. He seemed to notice as well and Speed’s cheeks were pink as he fidgeted with the dangling sleeve of his hoodie. It was hanging over his left arm. “I truly can’t think of any other bombshells and I have no other tricks up my sleeve. I’m done playing games. I just want to get better and start a new life with Blake,” he told everyone.
“What if you’ve put that in jeopardy?” Lavender argued. Speed’s lips pulled tight and he nodded slowly.
“That’s the only thing I’ve been afraid of but I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t turn back from my plan and I couldn’t stop falling in love with Blake. So I’m back to living with the consequences but I won’t push my luck. I’m keeping my head down and doing what I’m told from now on,” he insisted. He offered Blake a quick grin. “I’m just waiting for Hawk’s permission but I won’t be able to get into any trouble soon because I’ll be hiding in Sparks with Blake,” he said. Lavender gasped as he became furious all over again and Lane groaned.
“You’re not going anywhere near Sparks,” Lane warned.
“What?” Blake cried as he looked at his brother and then at Lavender. “What trouble could he possibly get up to out there?” He asked but Lavender aimed his wrath at Speed as he advanced on the sofa.
“It’s not about whatSpeedcould get up to out there. It’s about what Speed could bring with him to Sparks. Frank Leary’s a lone wolf now and that’s the hardest animal to hunt. The best thing Speed can do is stay close to the pack until we’re sure Leary’s no longer a problem.”
“I’m telling you—!” Speed started but Lavender cut him off.
“You’re staying here! I can’t protect you and the Wests if Leary comes after you in Oklahoma and I’m not following you to Sparks so you can live out some country fresh fantasy,” he said.
“I didn’t ask for your protection or for your permission,” Speed snapped back as he stood. He swayed and his eyes widened and Blake noticed his hand trembling as Speed spotted himself. Lavender caught Speed’s unsteadiness as well and looked like he was going to explode or attack again.
“That’s it! I’ve had it!” Lavender gestured for someone to help Speed as he turned for the door. “I’m calling Blink and telling him to get you under control or to get you out of here. You’re going to get yourself or one of us killed and you refuse to be civil or listen.”
“I’m doing this for your own good,” Speed called after him but the door slammed behind Lavender. Lane scrubbed his face as he lowered into an armchair. There were commiserating groans from Toly and Wilder. They’d retreated to the corner, leaving Lane to deal with Speed.
“You two have got to stop. No one blames you, Speed. You did what any of us would do if we were in your shoes, but he’s right, you aren’t making decisions for yourself anymore. We’re all involved now and we won’t see Leary coming unless he wants us to,” he explained gently. He let out a weak, worried laugh as he waved at the door. “I understand why you don’t want to be friends with a hitman. But he’s admitted that he was wrong about you and he’s trying. Maybe cut him a little slack. For our sake,” he added as he pressed his hands together.
Blake coughed softly as he edged closer to Speed and offered his arm. It was obvious that Speed needed to lay down but he was still being stubborn and pouting about Sparks.
“We’re lucky he loves Lane as much as he does. I’m pretty sure Lavender could have kicked his ass and taken you down if he wasn’t afraid of hurting Lane,” Blake said, then smiled as Lane’s cheeks puffed and he made another exhausted but relieved sound.
“It was touch and go there for a few minutes,” he admitted with a loaded glance at Speed. “You’re really lucky he didn’t want to embarrass me because he’s done worse while we were on a run,” he said. Speed rolled his eyes but he nodded.
“Fine. I’ll cut him some slack,” he muttered. He was a little pale so Blake tipped his head toward the stairs.
“Come on. I want to get a look at your bandages and give you something for the pain,” he told Speed.
“I’m fine but you can look at my shoulder,” he said with a quick look at Toly and Wilder. “I’m sorry that my…” Speed squinted in the direction of Lavender’s house. “I’m sorry about the interruption. Help yourselves to another beer and keep an eye on the grill for us.”
“We can do that,” Wilder said and Toly nodded.
“Take your time. You look like you need a little rest,” he said but Speed made a dismissive sound as Blake led him to the stairs.
“I’ll be fine,” he insisted.
He had to lean on Blake and Speed was sweating by the time they reached their bedroom. But Speed remained stoic as Blake helped him out of his cashmere hoodie and unbuttoned his shirt.