Page 9 of Hit And Bothered
“I’ll wait here,” Speed said, then leaned so he could watch Blake go. He looked back, over his shoulder, and Speed bit his lip shamelessly. “I hate to see you go, but your ass looks so hot in those jeans.”
“Oh, they’re coming off soon,” Blake promised as he jogged down the hall. Speed chuckled softly, then sat up and quickly opened the bedside table once it was clear. He reached past the books and swept aside the collection of microfiber cloths he kept for his reading glasses and various devices. They were becoming a nuisance but they helped hide the ring box in the back corner.
He moved it from the closet so it was close by and it was Speed’s habit to peek at the ring whenever Blake was out of the room. Partially as a reminder of why Speed was minding his Ps and Qs but also to reassure himself that Blake would be his forever.
He opened the box and Speed’s heart ached; he wanted so badly to put the ring on Blake’s finger and make it official. He had so many good reasons to wait, many of those involving Speed’s conscience, but part of him wanted to sweep Blake off his feet with a romantic proposal and a quick wedding before it was too late. But Speed didn’t want to trap Blake before they were sure it was safe. So he closed the ring box and put it back with a heavy sigh.
“I don’t even have a plan yet,” he scolded himself. Speed sat back and hugged his chest and the sling with his good arm petulantly. Even Lavender could acknowledge that Speed was a master at planning the perfect crime but he was stuck as far as how to propose. “Two rings… Who does that?” He grumbled. “Such a stupid idea.”
He’d made everything twice as difficult with two rings. Speed knew Blake would say yes and that they’d both be crying no matter how he proposed. But he wanted it to be perfect because this was Blake and they were gettingmarried.The very idea made Speed lightheaded. How couldhedeserve someone as funny, beautiful, andgoodas Blake? Why in the world would Blake settle for a broken conman like Speed?
“I know you love tiramisu so I turned it into a cake,” Blake said as he returned with a tray. A large slice sat proudly on a plate next to a bottle of chilled champagne. There was only one glass but that made Speed feel even more festive.
“Two of my favorite things,” Speed replied.Cake and slutty, slutty Blake…
“Since you’re in a good mood,” Blake began as he set the tray on the bed and whisked the bottle away so he could open it. “Sage asked if I thought you’d be up to brunch next weekend. He said everyone’s going to be there—except Reginald and Paul, obviously—and I thought it would be cool if we could go. Unless you think it would be too much,” he challenged with a wink, then twisted the cork loose. There was a softpop!and Blake leaned away warily but there wasn’t any spray.
“I wouldn’t mind going,” Speed said, raising his shoulder. “The only one who had any hard feelings was Lavender but he’s almost over it.”
“Are you?” Blake asked as he poured. He slid the tray over so he could sit in front of Speed. Blake offered him a sip and Speed hummed gratefully as he drank.
“What’s there for me to get over? I knew what was coming.” He wasn’t expecting the gaping chasm in his soul, now that Mickey was gone along with Speed’s sense of purpose. But he was happy to fill it with Blake.
“Are you over your…” His nose wrinkled as he drank. “I hate to call it a grudge because Lavender is a hitman and that is appalling. And I would have an even harder time looking past that if I were in your shoes,” Blake added with an apologetic cringe.
“We can call it a grudge. And I think I am getting over it. I’m learning that he isn’t the same as Mickey. Lavender is an entirely different animal and I misjudged him,” he admitted, stunning Blake. His eyelashes batted before he swore and drained his glass.
“I’m going into sport mode because this is gonna get messy,” he said as he grabbed the bottle off the nightstand, making Speed laugh.
“As long as we don’t get any frosting or crumbs on the bed.”
“Not that kind of messy,” Blake purred. He wiggled his brows at Speed as he drank, then stood. “I’ll move this over here until later,” he said while he relocated the tray to the ottoman and began undressing. His eyes held Speed’s as he unbuttoned his shirt and slid out of it.
“Going to need another sip of this. I’m getting a little parched,” Speed said, reaching for the champagne bottle. But he didn’t take his eyes off of Blake as he toed off his soccer sneakers and stepped out of his jeans.
“Take it easy. You’re still on some potent painkillers,” Blake said and clicked his teeth as he crawled onto the bed. Hawk had calibrated Speed’s pain meds so he stayed comfortable while slowly stepping down the opioids.
“I don’t need drugs or champagne to feel high when I’ve got you,” Speed told him.
“Hmmm…” Blake captured Speed’s lips for a slow, brain-scrambling kiss. “Is that so?”
“All I need is you.”
“Do you love me for my cake or my cock?” Blake winked at Speed as he slid lower, his gaze heavy with wicked promise as his tongue flicked and teased.
“Fuck!” Speed gasped and laughed as it swirled around his navel. “I’d never be able to pick. They’re both so good,” he said, then swallowed a yelp when Blake bit into his thigh.
“That was a trick question. I don’t kill myself doing squats so you can disrespect my ass like that.”
“Your ass is so perfect. So sweet,” Speed sighed dreamily. There was a chuckle of agreement as Blake eased Speed’s boxers off. He recalled how perfectly sweet and tight Blake’s ass was when he sat on Speed’s face earlier. Blake came all over Speed’s chest then swung around and rode his dick like he’d stolen it and was being chased. “Andsotight,” he added just as Blake lapped at the head of his now throbbing erection. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
Pleasure radiated from where Blake’s lips wrapped around Speed’s shaft. Blake sucked hard as his head bounced, making Speed’s toes curl. It was moments like these when Speed felt the words rising in his throat and forming on his tongue. He wanted to beg Blake to marry him and promise that he’d always stay and love Speed forever.
“What do you want?” Blake whispered against Speed’s sac before sucking and nuzzling.
“You!” Speed begged, making Blake hum softly.