Page 28 of Dax
My lips tipped up at the corners. “I appreciate all models.” I met Axios’s blue eyes and my smile broke out in full force. Then I turned to stare at Dax’s handsome face and the hard edge of his jawline made my knees go weak. “ButthisScience Modelisand willalwaysbe my favorite.”
Dr. Shaw gave Dax’s shoulder a pat. “I think that’s your cue, son. Take your female and find a room that is not attached to the lab. You two are going to need your privacy. If you have any questions about,” she waved her hand in front of her face, “you know...anything, I am here.”
A blush swept over Dax’s whole face, racing down his neck. “I am not a teenage human male. Idon’tneed thetalk. Please, for the love all things science, never offer thateveragain.”
Dr. Shaw smiled, not frazzled by Dax’s embarrassment one bit. “No need to get your circuits in a twist. I’m only trying to help.”
Dax rubbed the back of his neck. “Thanks, but I think I can handle it.”
I took that as my cue and tugged on Dax’s hand. “Should we find that room? Thanks to Reaper, I still haven’t had my coffee or my waffles yet. Do you think you can help me with that, gorgeous?”
“I am pretty sure I can manage something.” He let go of my hand to gave his mom another quick hug. “Talk later?”
Dr. Shaw gave a nod. Dax reached for my hand back leading me out into the hallway.
And wherever that Science Model went, I planned to follow.
Chapter Nineteen
Iwalked down the hallwaywith Poe’s hand in mine. The feeling of her warm fingers tangled up with mine caused my heart to sped up. I had walked this hall a thousand times, but today felt different and that was all because of the female by my side.
To busy staring at her I failed to notice the cyborg barreling down the hall until it was too late. A blur of gray slammed into me, ripping my hand out of Poe’s, knocking me backward so hard my frame hit the wall with a thud.
A small gray arm pinned me to the wall by my throat. Furious blue eyes met my mine and all the breath in my synthetic lungs fled. “Theo, I-”
“No! I don’t want to hear it, Dax. We are supposed to befriends. Friends don’t do what you did. They don’t hurt the people they care about. They...” he sucked in a breath, his lower lip trembling, “They don’t go away without a goodbye. You leftme! I didn’t know if you were ever coming back.” Hurt flashed across his face, his arm falling from my throat.
“Theo,” my voice broke. I reached for him, desperately wanting to hug him but he stepped back, out of my reach. My arms fell. “Nothing I say will express how sorry I am. For leaving. For what I did to Reaper. I can only hope one day you will forgive me.”
“Theo, sweets.”
I knew that voice.Aria. Of course. Theo wouldn’t be anywhere without her or Reaper.I had been so focused on Theo I had forgotten to even look for Aria. Risking a glance at her what I saw nearly brought me to my knees. Gone was the friendly smiling face of the female who was my best friend. Instead her face was filled with disappointment and pain. I had known my actions would have consequences, but knowing and seeing were two different things.
I took a step in her direction.“Aria, I am sorry.” My eyes pleaded with hers. “You know I wouldn’t do anything to truly harm Reaper.”
“Do I?Yesterday, I knew that to be true.” She shook her head sadly. “Today, I’m not so sure.”
My cheeks burned, my chin dropping to my chest. My shoulders fell, thickness clogging up my throat.
I lifted my head, meeting Poe’s questioning gaze. Of course she would be here to witness my shame.