Page 34 of Dax
Is it weird that I find it sexy when he goes all formal cyborg on me? Maybe I should ask him to talk like the that the next time we go to second base...or third.The thought alone made me want to whimper like some girl in a romance novel. I pressed my thighs tighter together and bit my lip, trying to hold back the sounds that threatened to escape me.Heaven help me. I was a goner.
I rolled away from his frame, trying to put some space in between us. I sat up swinging my legs over the side of the bed. “Ugh. You can’t do that to a girl.” I looked back over my shoulder and took in the adorable look of confusion on his face.
His eyebrows squished together. “Do what?”
“Go into formal cyborg mode on a girl first thing in the morning...afternoon? Evening?” I hesitated. I didn’t have Dax’s ability when it came to quoting the exact time down to the microsecond.
He sat up and frowned, a crease appearing between his eyes and I could almost swear I heard his processors spinning. “Does my more formal cyborg mode bother you? I can try and chang-”
My hand shot out to cover his mouth. “Stop right there. You do remember I am the girl who likes cyborgs more than people, right?” My hand moved with him when he nodded his head. “Then you already know I don’t want you to change a thing.” I removed my hand, convinced I had his full attention. “I like the formal cyborg mode.” I raked my gaze over his still form. “Ireallylike formal cyborg mode. It’s sexy as hell but I just woke up and need a minute before I can handle this level of horniness.” My cheeks heated. I wasn’t used to being this frank with anyone. I mean, come on, I used the very old and probably outdated by now baseball analogy to get Dax to touch my boobs. Forward wasn’t my thing. Yet I refused to be anything but honest with Dax. He was new at this, too, and we would learn it together.
He ceased all movement, his jaw going slack. “You find mesexy?”
I carefully closed his mouth with my finger. “The sexiest and goodness,” I fanned myself, “lab coats and bow ties; I never knew they could be such a turn on until I saw you. The image files don’t do it justice. Other models couldn’t pull off, but on you it’s a lady killer. And a panty destroyer.” I wiggled my eyebrows at him, loving the way his eyes lit up.
I leaned forward to capture his lips in a quick kiss. “Some coffee and then do you think I could get a tour of headquarters?”
He brushed another kiss over my lips. “Maybe you would like to get ready and have your coffee in the common room instead?”
My stomach fluttered. I bet there would be cyborgs there. Lots of cyborgs. My heart raced as I thought about all the different models I could meet. Maybe that stunning multicolored model would be there.
Theo and Aria could be there, too.Shoot, I hadn’t thought about that. I wasn’t sure I wanted a repeat of what had happened in the hallway yesterday.And you know there could be others who feel the same way. Ones who don’t trust you and aren’t happy you are here.
I pressed a hand to my stomach as it clenched. My shoulders slumped. “Maybe it would be better to stay here?”
“But you wanted a tour,” his eyes dimmed. “Why would you want to stay here?”
A loud knock on the door made me jump.
Dax hopped off the bed. “Wait here. I’ll see who it is.”
I nodded. I stared at the back of Dax’s frame as he left the bedroom, trying to ignore the urge to run after him. I needed a distraction. I slid off the bed grabbing the bag I had brought. Might as well as put on fresh clothes. The pajamas I had tossed on after our cleanup were a rumpled mess and I didn’t feel like facing a potential firing squad looking like something a cat dragged in.
I scanned the contents of what I had managed to stuff in my bag before Reaper politely gave the order that is was time for us to leave. A few pairs of pants, some sleep shorts, some tanks and a couple of dresses. Not much to work with, but it would have to do.
I pulled out a black T-shirt dress with green hearts. I bought it on a whim before heading to the cabin. I had saved wearing it, waiting to wear it until after I met Dax.Well, I’ve met him now, haven’t I? Met him, kissed him, and had his hands on parts of my body nobody but me had touched before.
I wore a stupid grin as I reached for the bottom of my pajama shirt, tugging it up as thoughts about what Dax would think filled my head. I didn’t hear the sound of the door being flung open until it was too late.
“Is she in here?” A deep voice asked.
I let out a scream, the sound muffled by the shirt partially pulled up over my head. I stumbled backward, yanking the shirt back down to find myself mere feet away from a giant Tank Class Military Model.
“Wow. Those were spectacular.” The Tank rasped, a huge grin breaking out on his gray face.
My whole body flushed at his compliment and at the fact he had seen parts of me no one but Dax had.
The Tank Class lifted his massive hand and looked behind him. “High five, Science Model!”
My eyes followed the Tank Class’s movements and I saw a very unhappy Science Model standing in the doorway.
Dax nostrils flared and his chest heaved. “I told you to wait in the living room!” He roared, the green coloring of his frame becoming mottled with darker emerald patches. His hands curled into fists as he took a threatening step towards the Tank Class.
“You are angry. I’ve never seen you angry before,” the Tank Class whispered in what almost sounded like awe.
Dax was going to get his ass kicked if he went for the Tank Class. Their model type had been designed to be the first wave during battle. Their massive, dense frames were built to take abuse even the regular Military Models weren’t created to handle. They literally were used like battering rams during a battle, plowing their way through the enemy. Dax wouldn’t stand a chance. The Tank Class could crush his skull like a tin can.
I took a few steps forward, putting more space between myself and the Tank Class, willing the lingering embarrassment away. So what if the Tank Class had seen my boobs?Holy crap. Two cyborgs have seen my boobs! Maybe I should give the Tank Class the high five.