Page 37 of Dax
Someone cleared their throat behind me. “I’ll see myself out. Wait until I leave before you take her on the living room floor, Science Model.”
I broke the kiss, heat flaring across the back of my neck. I had totally forgotten Brone was still standing there. Hard thuds echoed on the living room floor then the Tank Class was gone.
Poe buried her head into my chest. “Totally forgot he was standing there,” she muttered into the fabric of my shirt.
“Me too.”
She leaned back, her face searching mine. Blowing out a breath she licked her lips. “He’s gone. Do you think we should do what he suggested?”
My processors ceased. I tried measuring my breaths then realized my lung function had stilled completely. “You want to,” I gulped. “Right here in thelivingroom?” Something high pitched sounded in my ears. Wait! Was that myvoice?I winced.
Calm down, cyborg! She’s never going to attempt having sexual intercourse with you ever again if you panic at the mere mention of it!The artificial muscles in my legs flexed wanting to flee and find Dash. If I begged maybe he would instruct me in the art of sexual relations. Service Models were programmed for this. He could help me. My frame moved of it’s own accord, but Poe’s hands on my chest halted my movements.
“Dax, what’s wrong? You’ve turned an unpleasant shade of green. Are you okay?” Worry over me had chased away her newly returned smile.
I wanted to reassure her but I only managed to choke out one word,“Dash.”
Her forehead crinkled.“What is that? Something to help you?”
“Someonenot something. Another cyborg. Service Model,” I bit out through clenched teeth. Was the room spinning? I locked my knees.
“Wait! A Service Model? They were for...oh!” Her fingers wrapped around my arms giving me a hard shake. It normal circumstances I wouldn’t have budged but since my processors were all a mess her shaking jolted my frame.
“Dax! Look at me!” Poe gave the command with so much authority that I had no choice but to obey. I met her gaze, worried about what I would find. Would she be angry? Upset that I almost completely malfunctioned at the mere thought of sex with her?
It wasn’t her. It was my lack of knowledge that had caused panic in my circuits. How could I please her when I had no experience? It didn’t matter that she didn’t have any either. I should be good at this. The best. I should know how to please myfemale.
My processors burned with shame. I was supposed to be the most brilliant cyborg in all of existence, but none of that brilliance could help me now. I swayed on my feet.
“Stop! I can see those processors of yours spinning themselves silly! You’re going to pop a gosh darn gear in that beautiful skull of yours if you don’t stop.”
“There aren’t any real gear-”my mouth snapped shut as a rush of cold air swept over my legs.My pants were down. How?My mind tried desperately to catch up. Poe’s hands were no longer gripping my arms. I blinked rapidly, my visual systems informing me that her face was no longer in front of me either. A warm hand landed on my bare thigh. My gaze sought out the source of the touch and I discovered Poe was on her knees before me. I zeroed in on the top of Poe’s head which was now currently level with my groin.Why would she be down there?
“Still thinking too hard, Science Model. Guess I’ll just have to distract you.” Heat filled brown eyes looked up at me. “I’ve never done this before so we are going to experiment together to discover what you like.” She flashed me a smile, her hand reaching for the waistband of my boxers, tugging them down until I was totally exposed.
My processors stalled. “You wish to study me?” Worry bounced around my circuits. Would she find me lacking in some way? Cyborgs were anatomically correct down to the last detail. Besides the color, everything about my cock should be similar to a human male. Well, based on my databases, mine was significantly larger than most human males.
“Something like that.” She leaned in a bit closer. “Wow, look what you’ve been hiding.”
Under her close inspection, my cock gave an involuntary twitch. Poe licked her lips, sending a shudder through my frame.
She looked up. “I want to touch you, may I?”
I swallowed hard then nodded, unable to give her a verbal confirmation. Even though fear had stalled my processors my cock seemed all on board with being intimate with Poe. It had grown impossibly hard, jutting out from my frame, offering itself up willingly for any type of examination she wanted to give.
Reaching out, she wrapped her fingers around the base giving my cock one long tentative stroke. My mouth fell open and I let out a moan. Her soft fingers wrapped my hard flesh felt much to good. No one had ever touched me like that before.
“Do you like that, Dax?” Poe asked as she stroked up and down my cock, her face a mask of concentration. “It’s good?”
“So good,” I groaned.
“Good. I love touching you. Didn’t think a cock would be beautiful, but I should have guessed yours would be. Like green velvet over steel. Perfect and all mine.”
Poe thought I was perfect.The panic that almost had me fleeing to find Dash melted away. This was us. Whatever we did together would be wonderful. Poe would never judge me. I gazed down at Poe in awe, watching as she leaned forward to give the tip of my cock an experimental lick.
“Mmm...I thought I wouldn’t like it, but you taste delicious,” she hummed as she took a second, longer lick, dragging her tongue along the bottom and tracing a vein. Every circuit inside my frame lit up like the Fourth of July.
“ licked me,” I stuttered, tiny sparks shooting along my spine. If I had thought her hand felt good, the brief sensation of her tongue against my cock made stars flash behind my visual system. The corners of my mouth tipped up. “Ilikedit,” I declared. “Do you want to do it again?” I couldn’t hide the hope in my voice. Suddenly the only thought cycling around my processors was the need for her to lick me again.