Page 50 of Dax
He cheeks flushed darker. His processors had kicked back into high gear, making him analyze everything. I secretly hoped he was replaying his performance again in his CPU and realizing how magnificent he had been.
I moved, letting his cock slip free. I felt a little sad at the loss but things were starting to get sticky. I positioned myself back on his lap, sitting back slightly so I could study the aftermath. The lab wasn’t the only thing in disarray. Dax’s bow tie hung crooked, the pressed lines of his dress shirt were now a mess of wrinkles, and his once pristine lab coat was completely disheveled. Imprints of my fingers were still visible in the white fabric.
A crease formed in between his eyes. “You are examining me, why?”
If someone else had asked that I might take offense, but with Dax I knew it simply was his never ending curiosity.
“The room isn’t the only thing not in order.” My eyes roamed over every inch of him. “You look like you had a reallygoodtime.”
Dax followed my gaze, taking in the sight of his appearance. A part of me expected him to freak out. My cyborg did not like things out of order. But Dax did the unexpected, his face breaking out in a grin.
“I didn’t have a good time.” The grin suddenly vanished, a serious look appearing across his features. “I had one of the best times of my whole existence,” he finished, pure conviction in his voice.
The amusement I had been feeling at the state of the lab and my cyborg died at Dax’s words. He meant them. Every singleoneof them. I reached a shaky hand up to trace the contours of his face. I had gazed at him so many times the past few days that I had lost count.
But this time was different. Dax always wore his heart on his sleeve, but here in this moment he wore so muchmore. His whole soul had been laid bare. Wonder. Desire. Love. I saw it all. And it humbled me.
He captured my palm and pressed a kiss to the center of it. “We christened this place and made itours.My lab has always been the one place I knew was mine. The place I could go where things made sense. Now I will never walk into this room again and not feel you here with me. I have found the place I truly do belong.” He placed the palm of his hand over my racing heartbeat. “Right here with you.”
Oh god. I was going to cry again.I opened my mouth to tell him how much I loved him and a voice from the doorway interrupted my second declaration of love.
“I think I picked the wrong time to say hello.” A new voice I didn’t recognize said, and I felt Dax’s frame tense beneath me.
Dax shot to his feet, taking me with him, using his frame to shield me from view. I righted the dress the best I could, tugging it down to cover myself. My cheeks heated as I realized I was commando under the dress. Dax had tossed my panties somewhere and now didn’t seem like a good time to go search for them. Dax bent over, yanking his pants up from where they had gathered around his ankles.
“Oh god, I’m blind!” The voice from the doorway wailed. “It wasn’t your bare ass I wanted to see.”
I peeked around Dax’s frame to see a red Medical Model standing in the doorway, a horrified expression on his face.
Dax’s head twisted impossibly fast to shoot a death glare at whoever was standing in the doorway. “Get out Rust or you might see it again!” Dax made a move to let go of the waistband of his pants, a threat that he would drop them again without hesitation.
“Fine! I’m going to need to go wash my eyes out anyway. But a word of advice, next time you service your female in the lab, make sure you clear it out first. You are lucky I was the only one here. I made sure to step out, guarding the door to give you both some privacy. Pretty sure you don’t want others to see your female,” he hesitated, his ruby eyes roaming over my disheveled state, “being pleasured on your desk no matter what you claimed.” He spun on his heels, muttering to himself about his poor eyes.
Laughter bubbled up and I couldn’t stop it. “Did you see his face? He wastrulyhorrified.”
“Is seeing my bare ass really that traumatic?”
I reached around, giving his ass a firm squeeze. “Your ass is perfect.Neverdoubt the glory of that gorgeous green ass of yours, okay? But maybe let’s not flash it at anyone else.” I squeezed it a tad harder and he gasped. “Your ass ismineand I don’t really like others seeing what’s mine.”
Dax grinned. “Then we should probably take his advice if you don’t want others to see what’s yours.” He leaned his frame into me, pressing me back against the desk, his forehead resting on mine. “And it isyours, Poe,” he slipped a hand under my dress, cupping my pussy. “And after our near miss, I realized I definitely don’t want others to see what’smine.”
I let out a small moan as his fingers brushed along my entrance. A wicked gleam danced in his green eyes. Damn Science Model. He knew exactly how he affected me.
He withdrew his hand, smoothing the wrinkles from his once perfectly pressed dress shirt then he reached for my hand. “Let’s get out of here.”
I glanced around the lab. “Don’t you want to clean up the mess we made first?”
He tugged me towards the door. “Normally I don’t like mess.”
Those words hit home. He had said them to the first day we met. I held my breath waiting for him to finish.
His eyes scanned the out of place desk and all of its contents strewn across the floor then he looked at me, love shining in his eyes. “But now, I couldn’t imagine my life without it.”